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Aio Skill Trainer



Hi Guys,


I want to create a AIO Skill Trainer. Is there a way to have one NPC to link and display the content of another NPC?


I know that I can create link between HTML to display whatever I want. However, what I need is an ability to open NPC A and through it open NPC B without the server thinking that I'm still taking to NPC A.



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A Skill Trainer NPC needs to be listed in the SkillLearn.java file. I'm using L2J Server files H5. In that file you list NPCs ID and skill groups they can teach. For Example my Enchanter Skills NPC ID 400100 teaches skills from all Enchanter classes (Prophet, Elder etc...).


I want to create a AIO NPC to teach all class groups. But the problem is, without proper method I'm unable to format its HTML and function correctly. I cant just add my AIO into the SkillLearn.java and list all skill groups under its ID. If i do that I will have a NPC with a looong list of classes which would be difficult to navigate. I want to create a HTML which will open upon talking with my AIO and than be able to make a selection from which class group I want to learn skills from. For example:


Talk to AIO Skill Trainer ID 500500 -> displays 500500.htm -> make a selection to learn Enchanter skills -> Bypass to Enchanter class Skill Trainer ID 400100 -> only enchanter group skills are visible -> Happy Days


If I want AIO Skill trainer to teach other groups like Warriors or Rogue I also have to add those groups under its ID in SkillLearn.java. And this is causing problems because I get this:


Talk to AIO skill trainer -> displays 500500.htm -> Enchanter Skills -> Bypass to NPC 400100 -> all classes are visible not only the Enchanter ones


So I presume I need a way to interact with NPC 1 and use its htm to navigate to NPC 2 and make server think that I'm no longer speaking with NPC 1. Otherwise the server will read NPC 1 settings and not that of NPC 2.


Sorry for a lenghty and confusing post.

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Check the npc xml, you can define which class is able to use that npc, teachTo if im not wrong, you only have to put ids of classes. That way to can make all in one skill enchanter.

At least on aCis, I dont remember l2j structure, but I guess is the same.


No matter the htm, it's about the bypass itself. There is no X bypasses for each class, there is only one global.


And yes, you can link one npc to another, example bypass to manor htm.

<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Link manormanager/manager.htm">Return</a>
Edited by SweeTs
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