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How to make your car more powerfull for PVP - for beginers


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This is wat it take to make your car more powerfull.... if i skip something PLZ post it here !!!


0. LEVEL UP (first of all in HR PVP)

1. Enchant Weapon

2. Enchant Armor

3. Enchant Jewls

4. Enchant Skills

5. Put on dyes

6. Try to equip everithing u can ( dont live emphty slots)

7. Brake seal on weapon

8. Agument weapon ( try to cach pasive or active skills )

9. Make nobless.

10. Register in Olympiad (Hero skills are very usefull)

11. Try to make your own clan . (lvl it up and, put skills, clan hall , castle)


12. Try to have as mouch buffs as u can during PVP ( Nobless can help u keep them after u die )


Please post here if u have more suggestions ti make a better car

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Well im driving Ford Focus 2007..and i think i cant put any wep's on it..coz,my goverment would take it away and sue my ass :D




-put armor,weapon,augment wep,enchant...ALL of those have some -- ...if you just started you have no idea how to do anything. so that doesnt help that much. maybe a description of each step could be quite usefull to newpies :)

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It doesn't help for newbie char... btw its general rules and everybody knows that u need noble and become hero... pff its like post about eating and u are sugesting to use fork when u are eating steak or the best is to use spoon whit soup... lol man im now confused about ur post and mine too :D  ???

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is an post for the new players of l2 .... u remember those days? ... no one teeched me l2. i learned my sel and it took 1 mounth, wit this post i wanna help the beginers to get the handle of the game faster. :D

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1)Play alone,learn alone=the basic information.I remember me walking around talking island with 80 lv char on high rates servers and killing elpys...i didnt knew..




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wen i learned l2(alone) it took 1 mount to make lvl 80 on a hr, i had no grade equipment on me. and i was 40 or more. and did not upgrade class. and ...so on. after 1 mounth i descovered a GMshop :D

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when i start i saw a player in the aden town and i was dreaming that if i get in the highest lvl i will go there too.......


Have a bishop with u it helps a lot for PVPING :D

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is an post for the new players of l2 .... u remember those days? ... no one teeched me l2. i learned my sel and it took 1 mounth, wit this post i wanna help the beginers to get the handle of the game faster


So u learned l2 in one month? Are u so pro...?


And btw...u need "skill" not items.Skill cannot be aquired in only 1-2-9 months...

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So u learned l2 in one month? Are u so pro...?


And btw...u need "skill" not items.Skill cannot be aquired in only 1-2-9 months...




not every gamer has skills to play certain game...some are born with them some arent...

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stupid post


+121312412512515251252151261266122361362112 =D


btw if u log in this site is beacuse u alredy know a lot about the game and u want to cheat in it, (or learn about development)  if u want to learn about the game go to any of the billion forums of l2 that have 102412 guides about evrything and not 12 steps like anonymous alcoholic (hah xD)



ALSO edit your topic title , it says how to make your CAR more bla bla its  CHHHHHAR if i wanna make my car more powerfull i would buy a bigger engine for it ;)



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So u learned l2 in one month? Are u so pro...?


And btw...u need "skill" not items.Skill cannot be aquired in only 1-2-9 months...


i play in a HR PVP server wit auto skilll... i play l2 for 1 year no, ind i think i know very mouc( but not all the twists :( )

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i didnt kneww the use of soulshots/spiritshots in my firsts days of lineage.and used mixed armors part (bw helmet,doom pants,full plate boots,didnt knew the meaning of "sets" xD)

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Guess PvPing with a car will get you charged with murder...


And oh! Enchanting my stuff makes it better? :O

Before I was just pvping with my naked lvl 20 elven wizard...



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