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Posted (edited)

Hey guys i would like to share with you a website that noone used untill now.

It is in full PSD and with all source fonts and stuff.

Basicly its everything you need to get it tweaked / moded and transformed into PHP.

Here is a screenshot of the website :



Download link : https://mega.co.nz/#!C58CSQDL!y3D2yVCJnk9Ra2i-B5WPsbDAOqrJUxuyNiQMVx0zbAA

Made by AudioFeels.

If someone will get it and eventually like it or use it even, drop some reputation for the share.
This website i bought from a dutch guy, never used it, shaing it now.
Cheers guys.

Edited by Outlaw™
Posted (edited)

This is mine project made for Munich (L2 Fantastic owner), he paid for it so you sharing it is just not honorable mate ^^ 

From what I know, Dani aka Outlaw have STOLEN this from Munich. 

But I guess MaxCheaters community knows what kind of person you are already.


Anyways, if anybody needs a layout for his server feel free to contact me via e-mail on bottom right ( lukasz.piatekd@gmail.com )

I'll be more than happy to help you out guys with the server.


Thanks Dani for amazing share ^^ It's flaweless!


Also, if anybody is intrested I'm able to create a facebook covers and graphics.






Edited by Audiofeels
Posted (edited)

You bought MY work without me even knowing it? xD ofc 

Sadly for you, I have tons of evidences that I made it from scratch (different versions of that psd file) and a bill for it :D


Besides a scammer and fail dev you became also a thief. Notting more to add Dani, I'm dissapointed.


Proof from L2 Sublimity forums that he posted 1 min ago:



Edited by Audiofeels
Posted (edited)

You are sharing my work that somebody else bought for a lot of money. I do have rights to speak about it. 

MaxCheaters is against any forms of stealing somebody else work and all rights for this layout are owned by Munich (Fantastic owner). 

So no, I'm not spamming, I'm just pointing out you are a thief :)




point number 5

  • Sharing things that are not yours is allowed providing that the creator allows you to share them.You ARE OBLIGATED TO GIVE THE PROPER CREDITS.

I gave you no rights to share it, nor did Munich. You didn't credit me or ask me in any way if you can share it.

Edited by Audiofeels

It is not your right to claim shit after you sold it.

I bought it from your buyer.
Simple as that.

Please post more and draw attention here, download count reached 41 for now.

Posted (edited)

It's your word against mine, but I got a bill and you do not ^^

41 people now know what amazing stuff I can do. 41 people who might one day ask me for a layout. The more people sees this topic the more attention I AM getting as a creator.

Why would I care about sold template? xD


41x thank you 

Edited by Audiofeels

haha that's not for this psd file hahaha it even says "l2 fantastic" as a purpose xD 


so you are sharing for free something you "bought" hahaha fuck ur logic xD

I'm rofling only coz this suppose to make me mad XD I rofled even more now xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Im glad i made you laugh AudioTears.

I sent it as donation for security issues, plus i mentioned L2Fantastic because of self reason.

You still know nothing.

Back to your cave.

Download count increasing.


Outlaw when you stop scamming people? I know the owner of l2 fantastic very well since long and can confirm .


You keep repeating "download count increasing", tell me why you treat it as something that should bother me? I got money for it, looks like Munich also got money for it so in the end, you paid for something (not even that good design) and now spread it for free xD 

Like it should bother me rofl xD I made it like 10 months ago :D

  On 4/28/2015 at 2:00 PM, xeL said:

Outlaw when you stop scamming people? I know the owner of l2 fantastic very well since long and can confirm .


i also just got pmed by swen that he didnt share it, you are a fuckin thief 

  On 4/28/2015 at 2:00 PM, xeL said:

Outlaw when you stop scamming people? I know the owner of l2 fantastic very well since long and can confirm .

Noone was scammed, back to your C--something OFF developer.

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