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well guys, in some way im leaving from mxc, i still love the comunity and i still come here, but if you noticed i barley dont come here much more, cuz, it was what i sayd on the other topic, maxcheaters is getting a little boring so i lost my intresst, oh and i stop to play L2 for some time, well i know that you guys wont feel my ausency but, i just want to say that the time i stoped and the now on i will "leave" a bit the mxc!


PS: mean while i wasnt here some1 taked me karma, can i ask why? (well thats not much important but, i just under why, cuz i wasnt here, and i never desrespected the rules :S but ok anyway)


PS2: well if im not here i will not see the pm's so i cant do sigs


Remember to always follow the rules! and keep hacking ;)


I will be back!!  ;D


Oh And you know...


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Too Bad...


MaxCheaters Members , Are Leaving Day After Day...


Anyway. I Hope You Will Come Back! :)



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I wont say "bye" since you do not plan to leave mxc community..

So C U and take care ^^



The only reason that you are not logging in that often, is that you get bored ??

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yeah stefoulis your right, guys are leaving cuz maxtor didnt hear, i started and everybody agreeded, maxcheaters needs a transformation, or will be always the same :S


well and Tugo, thanks, and yeah i dont pretend to leave MaxCheaters i just geted bored and without time, and was i stoped to play L2 i barely dont have motives to come here, and yeah maxcheaters is getting bored (for me at least).


and yeah! CU you all (i learn greek ^^) ps:i just know what is cu! x'D

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Well buddy im sorry that you're leaving you are still my friend. but anyway if everyone made a topic about his leaving it would be full of shitty threads and yes everything that comes in much , is getting boring a lot faster. Well this is a pointless thread cuz by making it yes you do show how much you care about the forum and in the same way you show how much you like it and how hard it will be for you to leave. In my opinion you should just leave without saying anything. Its just a forum, not a life.


EDIT: Oh and just so you'll know your karma have been decreased for replying in 1y.o topic, anyway you shouldn't care about it , as if you are truly leaving.


Bbz , i can't say i will miss you cuz you aren't going out of the life just out of this forum and tbh, i can aways contact you via Skype so cya there.

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guys are leaving cuz maxtor didnt hear


He is in da faking army what did u expect? lmao


if everyone made a topic about his leaving it would be full of shitty threads.

In my opinion you should just leave without saying anything. Its just a forum, not a life.

when i read this i remember i had this photo AHhAhaha





See ya homie

PATIENCE is the only thing i can say =)

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