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L2Jfrozen C6 Autovoterewardhandler Βοηθεια



Δεν μπορω να βρω το Reward ουτε στο java code ουτε στα config δεν  βρηκα κατι σχετικο με Vote μπορει καποιος να μου προτεiνει κατι?


code com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler;

package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserVersion;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage;
import com.l2jfrozen.Config;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2World;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.entity.Announcements;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.powerpak.PowerPakConfig;
import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.thread.ThreadPoolManager;

 * @author L2jFrozen <br>
 * <br>
 *         Network working with L2jFrozen AutoVoteReward: <br>
 *         Hopzone -> http://l2.hopzone.net/ <br>
 *         Topzone -> http://l2topzone.com/ <br>
 *         L2network -> http://l2network.eu/ <br>

public class AutoVoteRewardHandler
	protected static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(AutoVoteRewardHandler.class);
	protected List<String> already_rewarded;
	private int _l2networkVotesCount = 0;
	private int _hopzoneVotesCount = 0;
	private int _topzoneVotesCount = 0;
	protected List<String> _already_rewarded;
	protected static boolean _l2network = false;
	protected static boolean _topzone = false;
	protected static boolean _hopzone = false;
	private AutoVoteRewardHandler()
		LOGGER.info("Vote Reward System Initiated.");
		if (_hopzone)
			int hopzone_votes = getHopZoneVotes();
			if (hopzone_votes == -1)
				hopzone_votes = 0;
		if (_l2network)
			int l2network_votes = getL2NetworkVotes();
			if (l2network_votes == -1)
				l2network_votes = 0;
		if (_topzone)
			int topzone_votes = getTopZoneVotes();
			if (topzone_votes == -1)
				topzone_votes = 0;
		ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new AutoReward(), PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SYSYEM_INITIAL_DELAY, PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SYSYEM_STEP_DELAY);
	protected class AutoReward implements Runnable
		public void run()
			final int minutes = (PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SYSYEM_STEP_DELAY / 1000) / 60;
			if (_hopzone)
				final int hopzone_votes = getHopZoneVotes();
				if (hopzone_votes != -1)
					LOGGER.info("[AutoVoteReward] Server HOPZONE Votes: " + hopzone_votes);
					Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("[AutoVoteReward] Actual HOPZONE Votes are " + hopzone_votes + "...");
					if (hopzone_votes != 0 && hopzone_votes >= getHopZoneVoteCount() + PowerPakConfig.VOTES_FOR_REWARD)
						_already_rewarded = new ArrayList<>();
						final Collection<L2PcInstance> pls = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers();
						Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("[AutoVoteReward] Great Work! Check your inventory for Reward!!");
						// L2ItemInstance item;
						for (final L2PcInstance player : pls)
							if (player != null && !player.isInOfflineMode() && player.isOnline() == 1)
								if (player._active_boxes <= 1 || (player._active_boxes > 1 && checkSingleBox(player)))
									final Set<Integer> items = PowerPakConfig.VOTES_REWARDS_LIST.keySet();
									for (final Integer i : items)
										// item = player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(i);
										// TODO: check on maxstack for item
										player.addItem("reward", i, PowerPakConfig.VOTES_REWARDS_LIST.get(i), player, true);
					Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("[AutoVoteReward] Next HOPZONE Reward in " + minutes + " minutes at " + (getHopZoneVoteCount() + PowerPakConfig.VOTES_FOR_REWARD) + " Votes!!");
					// site web
					Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("[SiteWeb] " + PowerPakConfig.SERVER_WEB_SITE);
			if (_topzone && _hopzone && PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SYSYEM_STEP_DELAY > 0)
					Thread.sleep(PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SYSYEM_STEP_DELAY / 2);
				catch (final InterruptedException e)
			if (_topzone)
				final int topzone_votes = getTopZoneVotes();
				if (topzone_votes != -1)
					LOGGER.info("[AutoVoteReward] Server TOPZONE Votes: " + topzone_votes);
					Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("[AutoVoteReward] Actual TOPZONE Votes are " + topzone_votes + "...");
					if (topzone_votes != 0 && topzone_votes >= getTopZoneVoteCount() + PowerPakConfig.VOTES_FOR_REWARD)
						_already_rewarded = new ArrayList<>();
						final Collection<L2PcInstance> pls = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers();
						Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("[AutoVoteReward] Great Work! Check your inventory for Reward!!");
						// L2ItemInstance item;
						for (final L2PcInstance player : pls)
							if (player != null && !player.isInOfflineMode() && player.isOnline() == 1)
								if (player._active_boxes <= 1 || (player._active_boxes > 1 && checkSingleBox(player)))
									final Set<Integer> items = PowerPakConfig.VOTES_REWARDS_LIST.keySet();
									for (final Integer i : items)
										// item = player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(i);
										// TODO: check on maxstack for item
										player.addItem("reward", i, PowerPakConfig.VOTES_REWARDS_LIST.get(i), player, true);
					Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("[AutoVoteReward] Next TOPZONE Reward in " + minutes + " minutes at " + (getTopZoneVoteCount() + PowerPakConfig.VOTES_FOR_REWARD) + " Votes!!");
					// site web
					Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("[SiteWeb] " + PowerPakConfig.SERVER_WEB_SITE);
			if (_topzone && _hopzone && _l2network && PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SYSYEM_STEP_DELAY > 0)
					Thread.sleep(PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SYSYEM_STEP_DELAY / 2);
				catch (final InterruptedException e)
			if (_l2network)
				final int l2network_votes = getL2NetworkVotes();
				if (l2network_votes != -1)
					LOGGER.info("[AutoVoteReward] Server L2NETWORK Votes: " + l2network_votes);
					Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("[AutoVoteReward] Actual L2Network Votes are " + l2network_votes + "...");
					if (l2network_votes != 0 && l2network_votes >= getL2NetworkVoteCount() + PowerPakConfig.VOTES_FOR_REWARD)
						already_rewarded = new ArrayList<>();
						final Collection<L2PcInstance> pls = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers();
						Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("[AutoVoteReward] Great Work! Check your inventory for Reward!!");
						// L2ItemInstance item;
						for (final L2PcInstance player : pls)
							if (player != null && !player.isInOfflineMode() && player.isOnline() == 1)
								if (player._active_boxes <= 1 || (player._active_boxes > 1 && checkSingleBox(player)))
									final Set<Integer> items = PowerPakConfig.VOTES_REWARDS_LIST.keySet();
									for (final Integer i : items)
										// item = player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(i);
										// TODO: check on maxstack for item
										player.addItem("reward", i, PowerPakConfig.VOTES_REWARDS_LIST.get(i), player, true);
					Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("[AutoVoteReward] Next L2Network Reward in " + minutes + " minutes at " + (getL2NetworkVoteCount() + PowerPakConfig.VOTES_FOR_REWARD) + " Votes!!");
					// site web
					Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("[SiteWeb] " + PowerPakConfig.SERVER_WEB_SITE);
	// Check boxes
	protected boolean checkSingleBox(final L2PcInstance player)
		if (player == null)
			return false;
		if (player.getClient() != null && player.getClient().getConnection() != null && !player.getClient().getConnection().isClosed() && player.isOnline() == 1 && !player.isInOfflineMode())
			final String playerip = player.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
			if (_already_rewarded.contains(playerip))
				return false;
			return true;
		// if no connection (maybe offline shop) dnt reward
		return false;
	protected int getHopZoneVotes()
		int votes = -1;
			final WebClient webClient = new WebClient(BrowserVersion.CHROME);
			final HtmlPage page = webClient.getPage(PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SITE_HOPZONE_URL);
			final String fullPage = page.asXml();
			final int constrainA = fullPage.indexOf("rank anonymous tooltip") + 24;
			String voteSection = fullPage.substring(constrainA);
			final int constrainB = voteSection.indexOf("span") - 2;
			voteSection = voteSection.substring(0, constrainB).trim();
			votes = Integer.parseInt(voteSection);
			// Try to free all the freaking resources
		catch (final Exception e)
			LOGGER.warn("[AutoVoteReward] Server HOPZONE is offline or something is wrong in link", e);
			Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("[AutoVoteReward] HOPZONE is offline. We will check reward as it will be online again");
		return votes;
	protected int getTopZoneVotes()
		int votes = -1;
		URL url = null;
		URLConnection con = null;
		InputStream is = null;
		InputStreamReader isr = null;
		BufferedReader in = null;
			url = new URL(PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SITE_TOPZONE_URL);
			con = url.openConnection();
			con.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "L2TopZone");
			is = con.getInputStream();
			isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
			in = new BufferedReader(isr);
			String inputLine;
			while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
				if (inputLine.contains("Votes"))
					votes = Integer.valueOf(inputLine.split(">")[3].replace("</div", ""));
		catch (final Exception e)
			LOGGER.warn("[AutoVoteReward] Server TOPZONE is offline or something is wrong in link");
			Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("[AutoVoteReward] TOPZONE is offline. We will check reward as it will be online again");
			// e.printStackTrace();
			if (in != null)
				catch (final IOException e1)
			if (isr != null)
				catch (final IOException e1)
			if (is != null)
				catch (final IOException e1)
		return votes;
	protected int getL2NetworkVotes()
		int votes = -1;
		URL url = null;
		URLConnection con = null;
		InputStream is = null;
		InputStreamReader isr = null;
		BufferedReader in = null;
			url = new URL(PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SITE_L2NETWORK_URL);
			con = url.openConnection();
			con.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "L2Network");
			is = con.getInputStream();
			isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
			in = new BufferedReader(isr);
			String inputLine;
			while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
				if (inputLine.contains("color:#e7ebf2"))
					votes = Integer.valueOf(inputLine.split(">")[2].replace("</b", ""));
		catch (final Exception e)
			LOGGER.warn("[AutoVoteReward] Server L2NETWORK is offline or something is wrong in link");
			Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll("[AutoVoteReward] L2Network is offline. We will check reward as it will be online again");
			// e.printStackTrace();
			if (in != null)
				catch (final IOException e1)
			if (isr != null)
				catch (final IOException e1)
			if (is != null)
				catch (final IOException e1)
		return votes;
	protected void setHopZoneVoteCount(final int voteCount)
		_hopzoneVotesCount = voteCount;
	protected int getHopZoneVoteCount()
		return _hopzoneVotesCount;
	protected void setTopZoneVoteCount(final int voteCount)
		_topzoneVotesCount = voteCount;
	protected int getTopZoneVoteCount()
		return _topzoneVotesCount;
	protected void setL2NetworkVoteCount(final int voteCount)
		_l2networkVotesCount = voteCount;
	protected int getL2NetworkVoteCount()
		return _l2networkVotesCount;
	public static AutoVoteRewardHandler getInstance()
		if (PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SITE_HOPZONE_URL != null && !PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SITE_HOPZONE_URL.equals(""))
			_hopzone = true;
		if (PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SITE_TOPZONE_URL != null && !PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SITE_TOPZONE_URL.equals(""))
			_topzone = true;
		if (PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SITE_L2NETWORK_URL != null && !PowerPakConfig.VOTES_SITE_L2NETWORK_URL.equals(""))
			_l2network = true;
		if (_topzone || _hopzone || _l2network)
			return SingletonHolder._instance;
		return null;
	private static class SingletonHolder
		protected static final AutoVoteRewardHandler _instance = new AutoVoteRewardHandler();
Edited by ThugLord92
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                        final Set<Integer> items = PowerPakConfig.VOTES_REWARDS_LIST.keySet();
                                    for (final Integer i : items)
                                        // item = player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(i);
                                        // TODO: check on maxstack for item
                                        player.addItem("reward", i, PowerPakConfig.VOTES_REWARDS_LIST.get(i), player, true);

Εδώ είναι, αλλά ψάξε στο gameserver/config/powerpak/powerpak.properties και θα δεις το Voterewards.

# Automatic Vote Reward System
VoteRewardSystem= False
VotesRequiredForReward = 50
VotesSystemInitialDelay= 60000
VotesSystemStepDelay= 1800000
VotesRewards= 6392,20;

# Leave empty to disable one site
# Hopzone: http://l2.hopzone.net
VotesSiteHopZoneUrl =
# Topzone: http://l2topzone.com
VotesSiteTopZoneUrl =
# L2Network: http://l2network.eu
VotesSiteL2NetworkUrl =
# Put your website url
ServerWebSite = http://www.l2jfrozen.com
Edited by 'Baggos'
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Ευχαριστω Baggo


Ότι άλλο χρειαστείς ήμαστε εδώ..

(Ασχέτως τις "έξυπνες" απαντήσεις). :)

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