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Npc Collision Values


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This post is ment to be used for server development,

but due to it's content I think it is more suitable to be posted at the client section.


I want to update collision radius and height value for all the NPC templates.

Currently I can get the values by enter the client in dev mode, see what they are and write then down manually.


I work on Ertheia and it seems that height values are now calculated only on client side.

But as I am doing a big npc rework, I would like to have those retail values, even if not used (in case they are used again on a future game update).


So! To all you guys that are familiar on how the client works.

Is there an easier way to get NPC collision radius and height values from the client?

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thats no have sense why? well because in l2 we have to many npcs, monsters, so in this way for clarify it much better no all monsters use same collision radius and height, so you can't put one value for all, because when you see ingame, titles of monsters sure are underground,etc, about radius same, so I recommend leave it.

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Thats what I'm saying.

But is there an easier way to get collision values from client?

yes with a tool called umode, you copy ukx file LineageMonsters.ukx into umodel folder and there open a command prompt, write umodel LineageMonsters.ukx, you load it and press D, there you got in console dumped information, like that.





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