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Hello guys...i need some help with my ports..i have open the ports for my l2 server on my router [technicolor TD5130] but when i check them on canyouseeme they are closed...i have a greek line named WIND..its router problem or line? :-[


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pinakas elenxou->teixos prostasias twn windows->rithmiseis gia proxorimenous->kanones eiserxomenon->dimiourgia kanona->thura->epomeno->sigkekrimenes topikes thires(vazeis prwta to 80 p.x meta ksana kaneis afthn thn diadikasia kai vazeis kai ta upoloipa ports) kathos kaneis thn diadikasia pros to telos tis 9a sou valei "onoma thuras:" esy vale to idio onoma pou evales kai sta ports tou modem sou .. elpizo afto na htan to provlima 

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To ekana molis twra alla tipota kai pali :( ta vimata ta ekana akrivws...eixa aniksei vevea k paliotera ta ports opote kserw ti m ginete apla twra ta kanw akrivws ta idia vimata alla den anigoun :/

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Ta exw kanei auta ta vimata alla tipota akoma klista einai :/
ta exw aniksei kai apo to router kai apo to toixos prostasias alla tipota :/ lete na fteei i grami pou exw wind?

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