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Prelude (C0) L2Off Serverpack

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Hi guys,


I have already looked through google search results, but it seems all I can come up with is long dead links.


I am looking for an either prelude live (377 client) or prelude pts (336 client) l2off pack. Perhaps someone has one stockpiled and could upload it somewhere for me? Not interested in extenders that make a C1 (or later) server compatible with prelude clients. Also not interested in C1 (or later) servers, regardless if clean or with extenders.


Thanks in advance.

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I have 2 prelude packs which both has files last modified 2002 and works on protocol revision 337. I don't know if they are downgraded from C1 but file modification dates makes me think they are legit (compared to modification dates of my C1 PTS). So if you are interested I can upload them :)

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I have 2 prelude packs which both has files last modified 2002 and works on protocol revision 337. I don't know if they are downgraded from C1 but file modification dates makes me think they are legit (compared to modification dates of my C1 PTS). So if you are interested I can upload them :)

Definitely interested :)

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Sorry for the delay - I just saw you reply.


Here are the files:
Prelude Server Pack 1

Prelude Server Pack 2

Prelude Client System


Please tell me if it's what you need :)

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thanks for the contribution, I will make sure to check it out.


Some of my findings:

According to Engine.dll, the attached client system is for prelude live (377).

According to DBScript (rebelstrik), this is definitely prelude LIVE. (Alliances, pet nickname, etc is only supported by the 377 client)

Geodata contains three files modified on 2010-12-24 and all three are damaged (cannot be loaded). It's Gludin, EG and Elmore[Orc]. I guess I can always use C1 PTS's geo, since C0[377] was equivalent, or so I am told.


As far as I see, the main difference between the two packs is that the 2nd one has the original ai.obj and does not have geo/pn.


Anyway, the 377 server plays fine on a 336 client. Thanks again!

Edited by Zeeyo
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thanks for the contribution, I will make sure to check it out.


Some of my findings:

According to Engine.dll, the attached client system is for prelude live (377).

According to DBScript (rebelstrik), this is definitely prelude LIVE. (Alliances, pet nickname, etc is only supported by the 377 client)

Geodata contains three files modified on 2010-12-24 and all three are damaged (cannot be loaded). It's Gludin, EG and Elmore[Orc]. I guess I can always use C1 PTS's geo, since C0[377] was equivalent, or so I am told.


As far as I see, the main difference between the two packs is that the 2nd one has the original ai.obj and does not have geo/pn.


Anyway, the 377 server plays fine on a 336 client. Thanks again!



This pack is based on C1, correct me if I m mistaken.

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This pack is based on C1, correct me if I m mistaken.


You may be right but the files are older than C1 files which float around so my guess is they are legit.

Edited by roko91
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Ai.obj of the second pack was last modified 03.12.2003. That's before both Prelude Live AND C1 according to this topic. L2Server.exe was also last modified before Prelude Live. I don't know what it mean but it has to mean something and to be honest I don't care if it's stripped C1 which I doubt. I tested it with proper Geodata of course and it works wonderful. Nothing else matters for me :)

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Ai.obj of the second pack was last modified 03.12.2003. That's before both Prelude Live AND C1 according to this topic. L2Server.exe was also last modified before Prelude Live. I don't know what it mean but it has to mean something and to be honest I don't care if it's stripped C1 which I doubt. I tested it with proper Geodata of course and it works wonderful. Nothing else matters for me :)



OP wanted prelude, not C1 downgraded. Thats the point.


OP asked for the files for him, not what "matters to you". I dont doubt they are awesome and work perfectly, but this isnt the goal of this thread.


Someone can correct me, but only c1/c4/gf files were leaked (ignoring freya scripts and hf/god+ corruption).

Edited by ericvini
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OP wanted prelude, not C1 downgraded. Thats the point.


OP asked for the files for him, not what "matters to you". I dont doubt they are awesome and work perfectly, but this isnt the goal of this thread.


Someone can correct me, but only c1/c4/gf files were leaked (ignoring freya scripts and hf/god+ corruption).


I offered what I had and he was interested so I gave it. If what you say is true then basically what he ask doesn't exists and the goal of this thread can't be fulfilled. It's better something than nothing... I hope you see my point :)

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