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Donator Coins (L2Aeron) Best Price ! ! !


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i can dupe there donation coin and you selling for euro lul


explain us how you " dupe "  it.

Because if you could " dupe " it


Then you would be able to do such thing to all private servers and sell 2342341243123 coins of all kinds and make profit 


Sounds legit... though

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  • 2 weeks later...

explain us how you " dupe "  it.

Because if you could " dupe " it


Then you would be able to do such thing to all private servers and sell 2342341243123 coins of all kinds and make profit 


Sounds legit... though

)) kid

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  • 4 weeks later...

Man you can easly dupe servers without bypass fully protected. He dupes it with the 2 window methode and a programme that can "freeze" the other window. But this methode requires a warehouse npc to do so. If the adm of the server puts the coin to not be stored into the bank, his sales are over.

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