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high five [L2J] L2Cosmic


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No stone left unturned. I've forced myself to read a lot of topics in these threads. Some are so stupid. But a lot of great information exists in MXC for server admins. It helps cover every aspect of a server.
L2Injustice is a great example of a good thread to read in full. There you will see a plethora of mistakes that you can then build on and improve. I should thank those guys for their contribution in a sense.


Btw Tessa, when are you gonna change your signature to support us? I could make you a personal L2Cosmic SPECIAL TESSA banner. I know you love me ;)




The first step to getting your free donation coins


The first part requires you to reach warrior rank in our forum (20+ posts). This will award you 50 cosmic coins. It really wouldn't take you that long to acquire this reward, perhaps 5 minutes of browsing through our forum threads and posting. The posts must be meaningful and any spam will be deleted by our moderators. So don't try to trick yourself out of an easy ass reward ;)




The second step to getting your free donation coins


The second part involves your support here at MXC and is even easier! Simply change your signature to show your support for our great server. Show others that your an MXC warrior in collaboration with the L2Cosmic way of life. Show others that you no longer want to play on corrupt/broken servers. Make the right choice and give us some love. By changing your signature you'll be awarded 100 cosmic coins.



Use the following code below to change your signature to the above image for your profile for VIP:

Use the following code below to change your signature to the above image for your profile for NON-VIP:
In total, if you complete both events, you will amass a total of 150 cosmic coins, earning yourself a free VIP for the first month. It's really as easy as that. No hidden strings, no funny business. I will personally grant you your reward at launch. You'll just need to give me your nickname on the MXC forum and the L2Cosmic forum. I can verify the signature and forum rank with that information and process your reward.


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Watch us live while I design Tessa a new signature. Afterwards, she may decide to use it or shamefully reject my symbol of love.






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Please I don't want to be mxc warrior.. there are some forum members that deserves this title more than me.  :P


Dearest Tessa,


I have ignored this request. And this is for you, show us some love.


Our own personal warrior princess. Likely a dude, but we'll pretend.





Well, that was a nice little break from the mundane PR server work.


Sorry folks, design stream is now done. But follow our twitch for more fun random-ass events!


Now back to work!




Edited by CosmicGM
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Happy now? ^^

I like this project because it reminds me one good server from the past. :)


I'm very pleased, yes. Happy as a camper. O0


Regarding our project, we're simply the best. Anyone that argues otherwise are welcome to speak to our SPECIAL CRAZY MXC HOLIDAY ENFORCER: Tessa. I opened Cosmic to bring back those memories.


And community, don't forget to participate in our holiday warrior event, as we prepare to launch the sexiest biggest retail EU-BASED (sorry Russians) community in 2015. Follow our twitch live as well; it's crazy.





That is all.




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how many ppl you expect? 200?300?

thousand :D


200-250 max because these settings: Multi-box - VIP: max 0

no really guys, it will be a blast when it will open, you'r invited too btw :P

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thousand :D


no really guys, it will be a blast when it will open, you'r invited too btw :P


LOL you stole Tessa's signature! How dare you!? I made this from love. I only make those for my BESTEST friends here on MXC. You are one though. Mucho love.



200-250 max because these settings: Multi-box - VIP: max 0


We're considering changing this to -VIP 1 box and 3 box +VIP. Lemme know your opinions. Modi how do you feel about this change? I'd like some feedback on this topic. Because I love your sassy opinions ;) Get back to me.


As for numbers, you may be surprised. We'll be streaming some popular EU cps under our banner, some from RPG CLUB, some from other retail private servers I used to play on. Show us some love, brother. ;)


People flock to what's good. This is human nature. I believe in this community to make the right choice. You're free souls to play where your heart desires, however. :-*


Remember, we're the only server that actually gives a shit. And with your help, we'll being the retail scene back to the EU, and not need to play Russian corrupt platforms.


Although not you specifically Modi. You seem a bit salty to support us. But you're certainly welcome. :D


how many ppl you expect? 200?300?


It's difficult to say, we're 30 days from launch. But L2Cosmic is special. People are becoming aware of this fact and supporting us. I believe in our community to support our growth in addition to our PR/AD campaign.


Because you need to believe in your players and your server for any project to flourish into something great.


I'd say 200-300 is a huge underestimation. But I'm in no position to comment. Your guess is really as good as mine.


All in due time. Things will come together. And we will thrive, and grow, and branch, and make this game alive again.


My personal promise to you.






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We're considering changing this to -VIP 1 box and 3 box +VIP. Lemme know your opinions. Modi how do you feel about this change? I'd like some feedback on this topic. Because I love your sassy opinions ;) Get back to me.

It is a very sensible measure


good luck

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It is a very sensible measure


good luck


We will consider this. It is something we've been debating about within our team.


Bored? Follow us on Twitch as we prep the HOPZONE banner today. FUN FUN FUN (not really, but good tunes and chill space).




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