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high five [L2J] L2Cosmic


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I will join your server in 100%. I try to persuade my friend to play here too ;)


Hi Huck,


We appreciate the support my friend. Every time you tell a friend, mention us to a colleague, or whatever the case, we grow in numbers and in strength. ;)


Happy Holidays.


Multi-box - VIP: max 0

Multi-box +VIP: max 3


lol ?


Dearest Modi,


There are 3 business models to sustain a server. Here they are:

  1. We offer you custom items/gear/consumables for donation, distancing the balance between donator and farmer We profit highly and close down in three months because everyone that donates has everything they need after a few months since live. So donations essentially stop ~ at 3 months and we close, open under a new name. Rinse and repeat.
  2. We provide you with impaction perks like ++enchant chance for VIP, 30% xp/sp for VIP, or a monthly fee to sustain our costs and make this a profitable business, etc. Remember, we've invested enough money to buy a car (used of course :D). Not only do we need to make this investment back, but we need to make it in surplus so we can improve our overall service and infrastructure. Also, having a paycheck always helps keep my interest in ensuring that you're 100% happy.
  3. We give you a donation system that has no impact on extended game play, establishing a balance between donator and farmer. We cater the package to be valuable even after 3 months from launch. So donators will want to support us for a long time to consistently remove a restriction. Multi-boxing is very big in L2, but it is in no way mandatory. I can farm my DA to 85 without needing to box at all. For 5 euro / 30 days you can not only multi-box but use a .offline shop. Very small perks for a nominal fee, the price of a high-end espresso. This is basically the package in which we'll make our capital. And yes, we'll make far less capital than option #1, but this is a penalty we're willing to pay to give you quality service. Consider it our gift to you.

Judging from your tone, it seems you think I am doing you some kind of disservice with option #3, which is simply not the case. We are tinkering with the idea to make the minimum non-vip box limit to 1 instead of 0. We'll suffer a heavy hit in donations as a result but it may be worthwhile if the general consensus is in favor. There's an old saying though, "if you listen to the people, they'll rob you blind." I'm sure you're smart enough to figure out its relevancy to the process of setting up a Lineage 2 server.


Hope this clears up any confusion to others as well as Modi.


Happy Holidays.




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DEC 07 - JAN 04

Rules and Regulation below. Read carefully to participate.


PART 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
The first part requires you to reach warrior rank in our forum (20+ posts). This will award you 50 cosmic coins. It really wouldn't take you that long to acquire this reward, perhaps 5 minutes of browsing through our forum threads and posting. The posts must be meaningful and any spam will be deleted by our moderators. So don't try to trick yourself out of an easy ass reward ;)


PART 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
The second part involves your support here at MXC and is even easier! Simply change your signature to show your support for our great server. Show others that your an MXC warrior in collaboration with the L2Cosmic way of life. Show others that you no longer want to play on corrupt/broken servers. Make the right choice and give us some love. By changing your signature you'll be awarded 100 cosmic coins.


Use the following code below to change your signature to the above image for your profile for VIP:

Use the following code below to change your signature to the above image for your profile for NON-VIP:


In total, if you complete both events, you will amass a total of 150 cosmic coins, earning yourself a free VIP for the first month. It's really as easy as that. No hidden strings, no funny business. I will personally grant you your reward at launch. You'll just need to give me your nickname on the MXC forum and the L2Cosmic forum. I can verify the signature and forum rank with that information and process your reward.
Remember, it's really not about the reward. It's about building a good, honest community. So get involved today. :)
Show us some love baby. ;)
Granny Edited by CosmicGM
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And don't forget to check out our new twitch stream. This is a great way to monitor our progress until launch. Great stuff everyday!



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Hi Huck,


We appreciate the support my friend. Every time you tell a friend, mention us to a colleague, or whatever the case, we grow in numbers and in strength. ;)


Happy Holidays.



Dearest Modi,


There are 3 business models to sustain a server. Here they are:

  1. We offer you custom items/gear/consumables for donation, distancing the balance between donator and farmer We profit highly and close down in three months because everyone that donates has everything they need after a few months since live. So donations essentially stop ~ at 3 months and we close, open under a new name. Rinse and repeat.
  2. We provide you with impaction perks like ++enchant chance for VIP, 30% xp/sp for VIP, or a monthly fee to sustain our costs and make this a profitable business, etc. Remember, we've invested enough money to buy a car (used of course :D). Not only do we need to make this investment back, but we need to make it in surplus so we can improve our overall service and infrastructure. Also, having a paycheck always helps keep my interest in ensuring that you're 100% happy.
  3. We give you a donation system that has no impact on extended game play, establishing a balance between donator and farmer. We cater the package to be valuable even after 3 months from launch. So donators will want to support us for a long time to consistently remove a restriction. Multi-boxing is very big in L2, but it is in no way mandatory. I can farm my DA to 85 without needing to box at all. For 5 euro / 30 days you can not only multi-box but use a .offline shop. Very small perks for a nominal fee, the price of a high-end espresso. This is basically the package in which we'll make our capital. And yes, we'll make far less capital than option #1, but this is a penalty we're willing to pay to give you quality service. Consider it our gift to you.

Judging from your tone, it seems you think I am doing you some kind of disservice with option #3, which is simply not the case. We are tinkering with the idea to make the minimum non-vip box limit to 1 instead of 0. We'll suffer a heavy hit in donations as a result but it may be worthwhile if the general consensus is in favor. There's an old saying though, "if you listen to the people, they'll rob you blind." I'm sure you're smart enough to figure out its relevancy to the process of setting up a Lineage 2 server.


Hope this clears up any confusion to others as well as Modi.


Happy Holidays.




I think your model will turn against you. There are 2 types of people that play L2... the first type presents those who prefer the "Pay 2 Win" conception, and the second are those who won't pay anything at all. I don't think there are someone willing to pay monthly fee for dual box and offline shop. No offense, it's my opinion.. Regards!

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Hi Tessa,


To put it bluntly, we're not here to buy a Porsche. This project is special, set to revamp the current state of servers. If you understand this, then keep reading. If not, don't bother.


For the most part, you are right, in the context of how servers behave in 2014. The player is often leaning towards extremes, either heavy donator or farmer. But I think there exists potential in a third kind of player. Perhaps he/she does not have enough to spend on greed-hungry servers, so chooses never to donate because items/perks are typically very pricy on those platforms, geared to maximize profits. Or maybe they find the principle of donating offensive. Whatever the case, one thing stands true: we're not here to rob you of your hard earned money. This I want made clear to the MXC community.


Our business model isn't a model derived on maximizing profits. It's based on maximizing the lifetime of the server WHILE maintaining equality between the donator and the farmer. It is not a safe project like the other mid-rate servers. I could have easily opened a typical mid-rate server and, with my skills, made it profitable. This is simply not that. It is high risk, high reward. In this case, by reward, I mean rewarding to the player/community and not to my pockets ;)


Our aim is to stay alive and pay off the server fees and not renovate my home. So your words were not chosen carefully. What you mean to say is my model will not make as much as the other models and, in this case, you are absolutely correct. But my model will bring substance to the community. Not everything is about money. This thinking is what killed this scene in the first place. No one willing to take a chance on building something with flavor because it may not be as profitable. Really primitive way to think, in earnest.


Server fees with DDOS protection, we've run the numbers many times. We should easily be able to clear all expenses with a decent population. So no, the model won't backfire in theory. It just wont do as well as the others would, which I've outlined previously.


I'm very happy with the system we came up with; it's something I would have loved to play on when I was a full time player. We wanted to give the community an opportunity to fall in love with our server, then when and if they choose to donate, it should feel like they're supporting a good cause and not just lining our pockets. This is a concept I hold dear to me.


So why would I do all this for you?


Because I can. It's that simple. I have the skills, the knowledge, and the means to so.


There's certainly more to it. But you'd need to know me to really get the full picture.


I'm essentially solving what everyone's been whining about for the past four years.


One day at a time, step by step, we will build a good community.


And we'll play this game with heart and substance.


Join us.




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We wanted to give the community an opportunity to fall in love with our server, then when and if they choose to donate, it should feel like they're supporting a good cause and not just lining our pockets.

This part was what i mean by "I think your model will turn against you.". I'm sure that a lot of people will be glad to join a server with lower donate list. What I'm saying is that the number of people willing to donate (if any) will be so small, because of the model created by other servers around (even the official servers has adopted the "Pay 2 Win" model), so people's mind has changed.

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Perhaps it's not people's minds, but corporate greed? Perhaps the case is, people that donate will donate anyway, so why not exploit the donation list? From a corporate perspective...But I do not know enough about large corporations and their expenses to provide a solid argument to convince anyone. So it is what it is, I suppose.


I'm going to believe in my community. That you'll support us and we will grow into something worth playing. ;)






SImply put, I had forgotten that I scaled down my own signature to meet the rules.


I've now also scaled down the image in the url of the MXC warrior signature bar to 700x87. It should now work if you wish to participate in our holiday warrior events, MXC exclusive offer.


Sorry about the problem. It completely slipped my mind. I've updated all posts now. Here's an example of the new code.









Use the following code below to change your signature to the above image for your profile for VIP:

Use the following code below to change your signature to the above image for your profile for NON-VIP:



Join us today.  Support us.




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Am I doing this right


I think you nailed it my friend ;)

Don't forget your 20 posts.


Our forum is updated and every day i have upload at your forum in my clan topic one picture of first page,i am so happy!! :P L2Cosmic FTW!

I received this from a player this morning. It's posts like this that give me the drive to push this project past its limits.


Thank you for the support my friend! Hope you don't mind me using your words. I've omitted your username for privacy.





***Fixed the code for the banners***


Thank you for letting me know :)




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Finally serious server with active organization :) waiting for an open.

Quest reward x1 in my opinion is good idea. More than half servers are easy to exp and farming mats. If there is need to be a better eqiup make more quests. So some lazy troll players dont join the game :D

I hope on grand open there will be 2k+++ ppl, also  hope i find my place there !

I'll keep my fingers crossed for good start ! 

Straight to the win ! :)


Cheers !

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Finally serious server with active organization :) waiting for an open.

Quest reward x1 in my opinion is good idea. More than half servers are easy to exp and farming mats. If there is need to be a better eqiup make more quests. So some lazy troll players dont join the game :D

I hope on grand open there will be 2k+++ ppl, also  hope i find my place there !

I'll keep my fingers crossed for good start ! 

Straight to the win ! :)


Cheers !


yeah m8, I so undersntand you, people nowadays just want the end-game results from the start


i remember the times when I was running form Dion to Gludio because i wanted to save money :P

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My brothers and sisters, for you are now my MXC family, Spread the word. Make us grow. Give us life. Show your support. Unite and stand strong behind the L2Cosmic banner. Help us, help you.


Haha. Someone called me a preacher earlier (Aphrodite I believe). Thought I'd try to play the part. Perhaps I should change my profession to better suit my new title. But I love L2 too much to go all monk-like. A pity.


In all seriousness, we really do appreciate all the support. Support our team, give us purpose, proud and strong. And I will do my best to bring you the best L2 server in history. This is my mission for the upcoming year.


I speak on behalf of the L2Cosmic team.



  • 100 COSMIC COINS for changing your signature here at MXC to our holiday warrior banner (more info in previous posts or opening post).
  • 50 COSMIC COINS for making 20 posts in our forum, earning warrior rank and santa hat accessory for toon. Meaningful posts only count.

This grants you a total of 150 cosmic coins, the price of our VIP for 30 days at launch. All at our expense.


Tell your friends, CP, clan, about this promotion. And be prepared to migrate to our server; it's the last time you'll need to switch servers. And this is our personal guarantee.






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Correct me if I'm wrong but, is there a new opening date? Because MXC's ad says 12/01/2015, and it differs with your signature.

Regards! ^^


Opening date is the 10th. That damn ad I put up before I changed the date. So now it's taunting me above. Lurking around!


Original date was 12th (A Monday). So I pushed it to the 10th (A Saturday). It was something I overlooked a while back.


I should really change that ad. I'll look into it when I have more time.


Hope this helps.


*EDIT: sent in a support ticket, renewed ad space, should be fixed some time soon. This should clear up any confusion.




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