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Server start 2014.11.14


New features, new maps and more!


Server web: http://l2ngu.eu


Three factions: Angels | Demons | Trolls

40 min maps with vote system

Clan reputation for flag capture

Custom hero item (hero status untill restart)

There is a chance to ged custom hero item by pvp.

Custom pvp drop (aden + randomly - cp pot/top LS/SBOG/Enchants)

Custom drop for capturing flag (adena, FA, + clan pts if you have a clan)

Commands: .online .mapinfo .points

Oflline trade system.

Olympiad (start time: 18:00 PM GMT+2, period - 1 week, heroes on sunday, minimum participations - 3)

Clan Level can be raised for adena

Max enchant  weapon +18, armor/jewelry +16, safe +3, safe full armor  +4

Enchant rates: Simple/Blessed scroll - 70%, Crystall scroll - 100%

Auguement skill chance - 10%

Buff slot - 28

Goddart town Raid Boss - Benom (drops adena and  CL pts)

Casino manager - you can doube you FA

New maps

Posted (edited)

Fail server GM make char and for some friends. Go and try kill him. Im MM and hit him crt 3.5k and few times for 900 and he don't die :D He use battle heal with 6k heal power how it's possible with necro xD nice server go bro play alone. Btw balance =0 archer and daggers can wear heavy armor. Archer hit u for ~5k dagger sometimes for one hit with "facestab"

Edited by rizzle

Fail server GM make char and for some friends. Go and try kill him. Im MM and hit him crt 3.5k and few times for 900 and he don't die :D He use battle heal with 6k heal power how it's possible with necro xD nice server go bro play alone. Btw balance =0 archer and daggers can wear heavy armor. Archer hit u for ~5k dagger sometimes for one hit with "facestab"


All is fixed now, lol my friends don't play L2, donate shop is not hidden, it's for everyone, all I gave it's 10 donation coins for 1 man who said me bug...


horrid balance, no delay on mana pots they act as herbs, too many buffs, last hit takes all the rewards for kills no real point to play an aoe dps based like glads/tyrants forget about healers, low player base, no auto balance for teams, shitty events are all the same only the location changes, bad bad bad, would not recommend.


horrid balance, no delay on mana pots they act as herbs, too many buffs, last hit takes all the rewards for kills no real point to play an aoe dps based like glads/tyrants forget about healers, low player base, no auto balance for teams, shitty events are all the same only the location changes, bad bad bad, would not recommend.

You don't understand what you saying...or you see GvE server for the 1st time... Only 1 thing I can agree it's  about- balance, but now it's fixed


I've played enough GvE yet the only event u have is a "take bases here and there and protect them", theres no TvT where kills counts to see who wins, no domination, no CTF, no deathmatch, no respawn system everytime u die u gotta get back to the city and port in, that makes the events boring as fuck because you're never grouped u come as u die theres no downtimes where a team is weaker because theres a respawn timer and random respawns, u choose the base where u want to respawn and just port there after u ress. Also, "only 1 thing I can agree its about balance but now its fixed", also u have said that balance is fixed 3 times in this post already, but its not, the last hit takes all the rewards for a kill is dumb as fuck, why would you play a healer? why would u play a tank? why would you play a duelist for the AoE dmg? only classes worth playing are ST nukers rest is just not worth it, fix the obvious stuff then open the server, not the other way around

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