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Change Announcement Color


13 answers to this question

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Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("BlaBLA: "+activeChar.getName()+" has BlaBla.");


with this announce with blue letters. i want change the color from announcements or i want make the critical announcement with yellow letters


so what pack has critical announces for search something 


It's easy to take it from h5.

If this feature is missing, you can use other options from Say2, for instance:

Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers(new CreatureSay(0, Say2.PARTYROOM_COMMANDER, player.getName(), "is lame!"));
  • 0


I don't remember if freya has critical announcements implemented.

Announcements.announceToAll("", true);

Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("BlaBLA: "+activeChar.getName()+" has BlaBla.");


with this announce with blue letters. i want change the color from announcements or i want make the critical announcement with yellow letters


so what pack has critical announces for search something 

  • 0


It's easy to take it from h5.

If this feature is missing, you can use other options from Say2, for instance:

Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers(new CreatureSay(0, Say2.PARTYROOM_COMMANDER, player.getName(), "is lame!"));

ty for info i will try it

  • 0


It's easy to take it from h5.

If this feature is missing, you can use other options from Say2, for instance:

Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers(new CreatureSay(0, Say2.PARTYROOM_COMMANDER, player.getName(), "is lame!"));

new CreatureSay(0

what is the 0??? i ask cuz with this code : Broadcast.toAllOnlinePlayers(new CreatureSay(0, Say2.PARTYROOM_COMMANDER, player.getName(), "is lame!")); announce correct but announce in red. and in say2.java have this :


public final static int ALL = 0;
public final static int SHOUT = 1; //!
public final static int TELL = 2;
public final static int PARTY = 3; //#
public final static int CLAN = 4;  //@
public final static int GM = 5;
public final static int PETITION_PLAYER = 6; // used for petition
public final static int PETITION_GM = 7; //* used for petition
public final static int TRADE = 8; //+
public final static int ALLIANCE = 9; //$
public final static int ANNOUNCEMENT = 10;
public final static int BOAT = 11;
public final static int L2FRIEND = 12;
public final static int MSNCHAT = 13;
public final static int PARTYMATCH_ROOM = 14;
public final static int PARTYROOM_COMMANDER = 15; //(Yellow)
public final static int PARTYROOM_ALL = 16; //(Red)
public final static int HERO_VOICE = 17;
public final static int CRITICAL_ANNOUNCE = 18;
public final static int SCREEN_ANNOUNCE = 19;
public final static int BATTLEFIELD = 20;
public final static int MPCC_ROOM = 21;
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Posted (edited)

It's red cuz you use Say2.PARTYROOM_COMMANDER


Move your cursor over the CreatureSay -> int objectId

Edited by SweeTs
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i cant understund what you mean..can you write the fully code for announce something with yellow letters?


Try Say2.GM or Say2.ALLIANCE instead.

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