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[Suggestion]Fun/DoTa Tournament 1.0!

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WEll i was thinking why don't we play DOta all together in battlenet at the evenings....We could arrange some hour to play...


All we need is:

1st.A Guy That Can host a map

2nd.10 Players to join the map...



I thought even better thing!how about a Dota Tournament?1vs1?2vs2??3vs3??With Ar mode and prizes here at MxC!

Whoever likes the idea plz reply here!I must see first if we have players that want to play!

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WEll i was thinking why don't we play DOta all together in battlenet at the evenings....We could arrange some hour to play...


All we need is:

1st.A Guy That Can host a map

2nd.10 Players to join the map...



I thought even better thing!how about a Dota Tournament?1vs1?2vs2??3vs3??With Ar mode and prizes here at MxC!

Whoever likes the idea plz reply here!I must see first if we have players that want to play!


it is gonna be very difficult to join in evening cause of school now but i think every weekend is gonna be a great idea :D


and also it would be a good idea to make a ventrillo to server to speak and also play at the same time xD



<--- this is what me and Noble have talked about :P



ok if Maxtor agrees then i guess we shouldn't lose time and BEGIN!

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And WHy should we wait for maxtor?We should begin right away!

We need to discuss about the game mode!

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And WHy should we wait for maxtor?We should begin right away!

We need to discuss about the game mode!


game mode??




or -ap is that what you mean???



a lot of ppl (friends and me) have problem with the new patch of b-net :-\


maybe a guide should be good :D


P.S: what you think of a Ventrillo server so we can play and talk at the same time :D??



chat is boring :P

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im up for sd or ap  this way no one can say he didnt like his hero or he didnt know how to play that hero etc


btw the patch is easy to input only need to watch carefully ...i ll make a post how to connect :D :P



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im up for sd or ap  this way no one can say he didnt like his hero or he didnt know how to play that hero etc


btw the patch is easy to input only need to watch carefully ...i ll make a post how to connect :D :P




hmm... sometimes when i play -sd all my chars are noobs :P



also when -ap i dunno what to get xD it is like you are in naked women heaven and you dunno who to pick :P


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i vote for -Sd and i would gladly open a Tournament of Mxc Dota Player title:D Sounds like a good idea to me!

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You must own a legal copy to join battle-net legally....the original copy of the game isn't that expensive....WC3 and FT together cost 23 euros at eshop(for greece)....I suggest buying one! ;D

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You must own a legal copy to join battle-net legally....the original copy of the game isn't that expensive....WC3 and FT together cost 23 euros at eshop(for greece)....I suggest buying one! ;D


23 euros?? only??



are you sure??


i think it is 40 euros when i checked (both)





ok i found it




thx a lot for the info :)

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i vote ap and i can join in games with some players from my net (in our age we must be the best dota players in larissa)(i am not sure 100% but never lost)......I vote for ap cause u can play a teamgame not each player allone.....i will be glad to play dota with u guys :)

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Hi guys my bro is interested about this tournament we do the reply together but he is not sure if he can join all the evening.We can also host and we have ok connection :) and he has no problen with the mode.But care he is really good :D but i want ask if we will have a channel to gather?

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