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interlude [L2J] L2 Roar


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Hahahaha , i log on l2Roar and is full of afk bots (offline shop) . I have char in town that is banned since day 1 and it's still there . lol



nice donate :)  7 Passive skills :o and chances


In .menu>Donations He wrote fake donations.















Edited by dontworky
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Hahahaha , i log on l2Roar and is full of afk bots (offline shop) . I have char in town that is banned since day 1 and it's still there . lol



nice donate :)  7 Passive skills :o and chances


In .menu>Donations He wrote fake donations.















[gr] to na se koroideua den paizei e? mphke enas randomas apo to pouthena na zitisi donate. to maximun passive einai oso sou eipa. mporeis na rwthseis kai donate mesa pou plhrwnan arketa lefta gia kati parapanw alla den edwsa kati gia na einai normal ola.


Kalh sunexeia

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THIS SERVER SUX i PLAY THERE 1 WEEK...server down 1 day admin said that he rollback only 1 day but my char and my items gone...!!! and many gm friends have many auguments active and passive on chars.. :|

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it is...and if i will put his server down they will say haters...nvm.. :))) its A CRAPY SERVER MADE ONLY FOR GM AND HIS FRIENDS....

Stay at your homemade server

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