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high five [L2J] L2Tales


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De todos os servidores que já joguei esse foi um dos que mais gostei, pela grande interação que o server tem com os players, dando mais motivação a jogar... sem duvida é um server que vale a pena jogar e se divertir.


Google translate: english 


Of all the servers I've ever played that was one of the most liked by the great interaction that the server has with the players, giving more motivation to play ... no doubt that is a server worth playing and have fun.


Thanks for fun

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I just love to play on this server! There has been much work done here! Very unique features will blow your mind such us the events and the user interface! Very balanced server I will definately play on the new one to see the new features!!

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this server is a very very good... balance class.. ans good skills... buff selecction is perfect..

realy is the best server that i playing 
all lucky from chile for the creators =) cya

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L2 Tales has been the best experience I've ever had on a Lineage 2 Server. It's even better than RETAIL!!

The Admins and staff are wonderful and work very deligently. There are THOUSANDS of players online ALL THE TIME. 

There are no bugs that I've noticed and so far I've been able to find a great group of people to play with.

10/10 would recommend to anyone who playsLineage II!


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I love to see my char taking shape. I managed to get my Vorpal set to +6 with lvl 7 attributes. I never got to do this on ANY OTHER SERVER.

What i love most is the fact that all players have a chance to make/buy good items, so they can make lots of pvp points and kills in the events.

The competition is high because the server is always populated.






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The server is the best!! The comunity and the admins are always at forum to help you and guild you to averything you need. The balance is decent, compared to all the other servers I've ever played. (And I'm playing since C4 till now). In the Olympiad there is balance 'cause of the max enchant +6, and i looooove the data search for items and mobs!!! This data search help you for not open other sites to find what you want!!!
Best server available for pvp and else!!!   :dat:

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