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[How to Guide] Playing DotA

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Defense of the Ancients, or DotA, is a map in the game Warcraft 3. It was created by players and is arguably the most popular custom map ever made. It combines strategy, skill, teamwork, and a little luck.(that is why the games pwnz) DotA is relatively fast-paced for a role playing game; as a result, it can be a little difficult for beginners to get the hang of it. With a little practice and some helpful tips, however, even a noob can start succeeding in DotA in no time



   1. Install Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne on your computer.

   2. Connect to Battle.net and create an account. Try to make your account name distinctive and memorable.

   3. Download the DotA map. The original DotA map has spawned a number of other custom maps, but the most popular (most widely-used) of these is DotA Allstars. The official map archive is at getdota.com. Go there and download the “latest map,” not the stable map and paste it in your maps folder located in your game's directory.

   4. Boot up Warcraft III and log in to Battle.net. The latest patch will automatically be downloaded when you log in.

   5. Join a game. Choose a game from the “Custom Game” list. It should say DotA, then the version, and the various game modes.

          * The most common game modes include -ap, which lets you choose any hero, -em, which makes the game easier, and -ar, which gives each player a random hero. If you’re just beginning, you may want to try the random hero choice for a few games so you can familiarize yourself with several of the characters. If you already have a good knowledge of one hero, you’re probably better off choosing that hero. HOWEVER, if it is your first game, choose an easy hero to play, such as Skeleton King, who has the "Reincarnation" ability which will bring him back to life when killed.

          * To choose a hero, click on one of the buildings you see, or one of the ones in the opposite corner of the map, and you will see a list of all the heroes you can choose from. Select one of these or type –random to get a random hero.

   6. Buy a few basic items for your hero. Start by finding what type of hero you have: Strength, Intelligence, or Agility. Generally, you can tell by which stat is the highest. You can view the stats by clicking your hero and looking to the right of the unit portrait. Based on this, look through the shops, and buy items that will boost these skills. In the beginning, you should stick to the Female Human's shop or the shop nearest to the fountain, which contains the "Boots of Speed" item. The Boots item is absolutely essential to success, as it allows your character to move around more quickly, and when in trouble this is exactly what you need. If you’re not very good, you may especially want to stock up on defensive items like Bracers.

          * Some items combined together make more powerful items. These combinations are called recipes. Later in the game you will start buying recipes, which are found at the other shops. To get these items, you must buy all the items listed in the description. If the recipe does not cost gold, it means that you just need to accumulate the items in the description, and you don't need to buy the recipe itself. A recipe's power is dictated by the shop it is found in. Going from weakest to strongest, these shops are: the Human Peasant shop, Orc Peon shop, Night Elf Wisp shop, and Undead Acolyte shop.

          * As you progress you will also need to buy items that are more designed for your hero. The best way to find what these items are is to ask other players in the game. However, most players may prove to be of very little help, and harass you until you get fed up and leave the game. The best idea is to simply ignore such people and persevere until you do not require the help of other players.

   7. Upgrade your primary skill. Click the symbol of the Red Cross in your character's menu, look at your skills, and choose the one you think is most useful.

   8. Choose your lane. A lane is the path where the computer controlled monsters, or creeps, will run down and attack all enemies in their path. Try to get into a lane with an ally and follow their example. You will get gold for each creep you kill, and you will automatically get gold over time (You will get a lot more gold over time in Easy Mode than non-easy mode). To maximize your gold, don't attack creeps constantly, watch their health gauges carefully and time the last hit to get gold.

          * When fighting in a lane, the goal is to stay and get experience as much as possible without having to go back to your base and heal. You gain experience points by being in the vicinity of a kill, so you can stand back behind your friendly creeps and then attack the enemy creeps, while yours are taking all of the damage.

          * If you end up alone in a lane, don't be afraid to ask for help. If you are inexperienced and the opponents in your lane are just too good for you, explain to your teammates that you are new, and they will probably help you. You may be able to get somebody to switch lanes with you if your lane is being pushed, or somebody may team up with you in your lane.

   9. Avoid wasting your abilities on creeps.Although i do believe that our main purpose is to focus on xping... So it depends on your hero and your skills, sometimes you have to waste your mana for a skill to kill some creeps to gain xp/gold :D Use your skills on heroes to weaken them, and then call for a gank, or gang kill, where your teammate(s) will come from behind them and you will both attack, and hopefully kill the enemy. When an enemy is killed, they lose gold, and you can gain it.

  10. Use the towers to your advantage. The towers in the lanes are super powerful, don't mess with your opponent’s towers. Instead, let your creeps damage them little by little. On the other hand, if your hero is weakened, you may be able to stay alive by staying very close to your tower. Move around a little bit so that you can always stay behind the tower. As enemies approach, they’ll have to deal with the tower instead of you. If, however, 3 or more heros or creeps are ganging your tower, move away. You may just need to go back to home base.

  11. Get advice on what to buy. Once you have a good amount of money from killing creeps/heroes, ask your teammates what they recommend you buy. Then go back to your base and buy that item/recipe. The right choice of items for your hero can make the difference between life and death, so don’t just buy things randomly.

  12. Focus on killing opposing heroes as the end of the game nears. Toward the end of the game, you’ll want to earn as much experience (from kills) as possible, so you should try to kill heroes. Of course, you should still kill creeps if you are behind everyone in levels, and if you need money. Remember, DotA is a team game—help your team in any way you can.

  13. Remember the object of the game. The ultimate goal of the game is to destroy the enemy’s base and their main building (The Frozen Throne or the Tree of Life). As you destroy the enemy’s barracks, your creeps get stronger, so this should also be a priority.




    * As noted, there are three different attributes: Strength, Intelligence, and Agility. Strength controls hit points and hit point regeneration, agility controls armor and attack speed, and intelligence controls mana (and mana regeneration); damage is controlled by your primary attribute.

    * Though you want to be killing creeps as much as possible early on, if you have low health, go back to your base, and stand next to the fountain to heal. Losing that time is better than losing the time it takes to respawn and giving the other team money by dying.

    * Potions can be a great idea. They heal you in the field, but they do it over time, and stop if you are attacked. Keep some on you for emergencies.

    * You may want to do some research before you start to play. You can get information on specific heroes and on recipes, for example, as well as guides online. Search the internet or see the External Links section below.

    * It’s a good idea to get some observer wards. While a lot of players tend to avoid buying these, they’re pretty cheap, and since they allow you to “see” what’s happening in an area without you having truesight, they can provide valuable intelligence for your team. They can also help you see enemies coming so you can escape—as such they’re especially valuable if your hero is weak at the moment.

    * You will hear certain phrases during the game in a deep booming voice. These just mean a hero achieved a certain number of kills without dying. Players can receive bonus gold for achieving kill streaks, as well as ending an enemy's kill streak.




    * Because you are a newer player, many people will be hostile towards you for not being 'good'. Don't let this discourage you, they were beginners once, too. Just ask for help nicely, and cooperate to be a team player.

    * Do not leave a game once it has started. This will certainly anger your teammates.

    * Look out at the mini map. It shows whether an enemy is in sight. Once you don't see an enemy that means probably backstabbing you or some other people. In that case, shout "MS" otherwise known as missing. You should do that too when a opposing hero from your lane left the lane for no specific reasons which = back stab most likely. If you don't and your team members get killed like that, then you will be considered a noob and your members will say that you suck.

    * If the game says banlist in the title, or you see an apple join and leave alot when you are waiting for the game to start, do not quit, or feed the enemy, you will be banned, and you will be unable to join a host's game if he has banned you. However, this will not be a problem unless you are banned from a large number of players or by an Approved Host.


Things You'll Need


    * Computer(duh!)

    * Fast Internet Connection

    * A Copy of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Expansion)

    * The DotA Map (Downloaded from www.getdota.com)



Credits: wikihow





P.S: coloured phrases edited by me for the improvement and so it can help you out more :D

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Oh That's Why I Love Ya..!


U Made / Shared / Copy / Pasted A Guide For Me.. How Cute! xD




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In the beginning, you should stick to the Female Human's shop or the shop nearest to the fountain, which contains the "Boots of Speed" item. The Boots item is absolutely essential to success, as it allows your character to move around more quickly, and when in trouble this is exactly what you need.


avoid buying Boots of Speed as your first item :) pros will consider you as newbie and you dont want to give that impression :P


* consider buying a ring of regeneration and some tangos or healing potions along with the ring of regeneration if you are agility or strenght hero

*or buy 2 circlets of nobility with potions of healing

* if you have an intelligence hero(mage) consider buying a sobimask,  a ring of protection(those 2 will automatically make a ring of basilius giving you more stats a mage need for start in early games ) and a healing potion


reason why: whatever u make is a right choice but certainly dont get boots of speed first :S +50 movement speed doesnt help you at all as you need to survive more and farm in early game :)


example:circlets will give you stats you may need early game(hp,dmg,stats and survival ) and you can make bracers,nuls or wratih bands which are cheap and give you stat bonus


ring of basilius gives extra armor,mana regen and other

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avoid buying Boots of Speed as your first item :) pros will consider you as newbie and you dont want to give that impression :P


* consider buying a ring of regeneration and some tangos or healing potions along with the ring of regeneration if you are agility or strenght hero

*or buy 2 circlets of nobility with potions of healing

* if you have an intelligence hero(mage) consider buying a sobimask,  a ring of protection(those 2 will automatically make a ring of basilius giving you more stats a mage need for start in early games ) and a healing potion


reason why: whatever u make is a right choice but certainly dont get boots of speed first :S +50 movement speed doesnt help you at all as you need to survive more and farm in early game :)


example:circlets will give you stats you may need early game(hp,dmg,stats and survival ) and you can make bracers,nuls or wratih bands which are cheap and give you stat bonus


ring of basilius gives extra armor,mana regen and other


hmm... i partly agree with you, but i am of the opinion that it depends on your char :D


i mean if you start with tinker all you need at the beggining (if 2v2,3v3...) is treads, or boots of speed (with smth else) cause he does "good dmg" if they gang your team cause of his skills :P and always take the last hit on the creeps :D

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as well as avoid buying treads as your first recipe :P get some other items with you ex  2 wraith bands to get some more stats and then buy treads


tinky has many ways to be played without threads first ^^


glad to hear all those opinions

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as well as avoid buying treads as your first recipe :P get some other items with you ex  2 wraith bands to get some more stats and then buy treads


tinky has many ways to be played without threads first ^^


glad to hear all those opinions


glad to hear ideas and perspectives of how ppl play :D

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there are many ways on how to play a hero!!! the way u play him depends on how familiar u r with a dota hero...builds vary from player to player so does playstyle each user has :P

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hmm... then Noble i know i am off topic, but do you think about this:http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=17304.0




dunno what do you think? :P

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