I've tried to create many servers - freya, gracia, high five. all the same.
For the strange part i CAN connect to the server with the client (even my friend did, which is hilarious because usually i had more problems making him join than setting the server up), however admincommands - do not work. gracia and freya - can't target mobs/npc, use inventory items (except gear, you can equip it), you can run around (atleast icon_lol.gif). on high five though i could target and attack mobs, also use items, but the gm commands were utterly broken. Unfortunately me and my friend are fans of Gracia final..
When I tried to use the admin commands it usually said that the command doesn't exist, and in console : "no handler registered for admin command 'admin_admin'.
Here's an image from the console :
Could someone please give me some insight on the problem? Since the problem occured on different buids it could possibly be something related to java.. i'm not sure though.
Don't you realize that every time you attack me, the only ones who lose are you? hahaha
I guess someday you're going to educate yourself and know who's in charge.
gg ultra.
DB :
The log "java0.log.0" :
The logs of java scripts : (all of them the same)
Here's an image from the console :
Could someone please give me some insight on the problem? Since the problem occured on different buids it could possibly be something related to java.. i'm not sure though.
Edited by wakawaka23456 answers to this question
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