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high five [L2Off] L2Story


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Hello friends. After a months of preparation we are here to present you "our" server. At first, I would like to say that we are bunch of skilled players and developers. Our project is based on the roots of L2Servers, one of the biggest czech fansites about L2 with more than 6 years history. (http://l2servers.webnode.cz/)

Also, we have a sponsor (http://portal.a-byte.eu/), it means for us very low taxes for server run.


We made a survey for more than 1 months, players decided about our settings !


L2Story !


Rates : 

RateXp = 12x
RateSp = 12x
RateAdena = 5x
RatePartyXp = 1x
RatePartySp = 1x
RateConsumableCost = 2x
RateDropItems = 6x
RateRaidDropItems = 2x
RateDropSpoil = 6x
RateDropManor = 5x
RateKarmaExpLost = 1x
RateSiegeGuardsPrice = 1x
RateQuestDrop = 5x
RateQuestRewardXP = 5x
RateQuestRewardSP = 5x
RateQuestRewardAdena = 5x


Also : 

NPC buffer

GM shop to A gr

Global GK

Automatic events

and much more !


Now, we have public beta test open, so we want you to go find all bugs and mistakes in game.

In one or two weeks you can expect WIPE and we will go live!

We promise you NO WIPE POLITICS. I know that you hear this very often, but more than 6 years of L2servers and a-byte should make you sure, that we are not bunch of kids who yesterday decided to prepare a server and in two months they will close it :-)


Our goals : 300 online satisfied players, stable game-play, working economy and active GM team.


Link : http://l2story.a-byte.eu 


PS : Web is not completed now and sorry for my grammar, as you can see, I am not native speaker :-)

Edited by Warendo
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bitch nice server name go find 1 your self asshole

Man, do you really think that I know all names of homemade servers around? I didnt mean to copy someone, but when it happen, I dont care.

We still have open beta, so testers are really welcome :-)


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More than 100 testers already helped with fixing bugs. Open Beta still ON, in few days we will announce oficial date of server start, so stay in touch :-)

If you want to test server on your own or help us with fixng bugs, join our Open Beta and report all bugs on forum. Your L2Story team :-)



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(CZ) Je to L2J, ale já téma zakládal a já nepsal že je to L2OFF, to mi tam musel doplnit některý z chychtrých MxC moderátorů, za to se omlouvám :-)

EN : Man bugs has been fixed, more than 100 players has tested our server in Beta test and we are about to run in live. Join our beta and help us to fix some more bugs, beta will be closed in few days :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

this server is last shit......and its l2OFF ? :D ROTFL ..... anyway 30ppl on and lagg is crazy :D now is off and admins dont give a shit at all.....im telling u, dont waste ur time in here.....

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    • DISCORD : utchiha_market telegram : https://t.me/utchiha_market SELLIX STORE : https://utchihamkt.mysellix.io/ Join our server for more products : https://discord.gg/hoodservices https://campsite.bio/utchihaamkt  
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    • Guys, if you'd let me be the bearer of bad news, No amount of "break from server development" can justify your complete lack of idea how things work. If it was this easy, you should've been seeing 90% of the servers of the popular old versions, such as IL and HF, running on the newest client. For this task, you would need a lot of time - think at least 2 months, if you can code, have access to all the necessary tools for client development, and you have a relatively good idea of how server<->client communication works. f you don't, then you either find yourself a well-paying job and find someone who would do it for you or you put the idea aside (for no less than 1-2 years) and start reading and learning asap. Let me give you a little preview/breakdown of what some of the work includes. The work can be split into two parts - SERVER side and CLIENT side.  The server and the client communicate through packets. Each of these packets has a defined structure. Both, the server and the client MUST know this structure and MUST use the same structure, otherwise they won't be able to "understand" each other. - The server side predominantly includes the alteration of existing packet structure and the creation (from zero) of missing packets that the client requires. Then you also have to take these changes into account and alter the existing features of your server to match the changes. A good example for this is SKILL ENCHANTING. On older chronicles, the enchant level is determined by the LEVEL value of the skill and on the new clients, it has been taken out into a separate value. What this means is that you would have to figure out a way to adapt the old system to the new requirements. - Now that we mentioned the client, you would also need to edit a bunch of files, such as Interface, UTX, UNR, as well as DAT files, including those related to ITEMS, SKILLS, QUESTS, NPCS, and AUGMENTATION STATS and DESCRIPTIONS, etc. For some of those, you would also have to figure out how to check for missing entries and how to parse data from the older client to the new. The best example, again, would be the SKILLS. On the latest clients, the skill enchanting was limited to only +20. As such, even if there were some matching skills between the two different client versions, you would still need to add the missing 10 levels to +30. And once you complete all of that, you start testing and fixing bugs and sh1t. And once you have fixed all of that, you can start adding new features from the new client, because otherwise it would be one big mess and a waste of time and/or money.
    • As far as I know, these are not linked to the server. What I mean by this is - there is no server <-> client communication for these two features. If that is indeed the case, you would need the Interface sources in order to create a custom function which you can trigger with a SERVER_TO_CLIENT packet.
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