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interlude [L2J] L2Gambit


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It is really not. Glad is all about crit. Just like dagger. If you take that away there won't be a difference between a dagger standing still and a dagger that actually moves and choose the right position to attack, correct? No skill just spam till someone dies? That is braindead and stupid! It's all about crit. when it comes to dps class in L2. Duelist depends on combos combined with critical hits, and some good observation on the damage. Knowing when to use the right skill. That is how you rank Duelist players. IMO your set up doesn't provide what OFF pack does. Skill.

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It is really not. Glad is all about crit. Just like dagger. If you take that away there won't be a difference between a dagger standing still and a dagger that actually moves and choose the right position to attack, correct? No skill just spam till someone dies? That is braindead and stupid! It's all about crit. when it comes to dps class in L2. Duelist depends on combos combined with critical hits, and some good observation on the damage. Knowing when to use the right skill. That is how you rank Duelist players. IMO your set up doesn't provide what OFF pack does. Skill.


So you think that player's "skill" potential will be shown when the one glady will randomly crit a tcs for 5k rather than a glady with stable nuke damage. You compare dagger and glady like they are close or something but your plain wrong, glady is a meele heavy armor type aiming for CON/STR while daggers are light classes aiming for DEX and sneaky playstyle. You are just wrong here

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Ouh thanks for the infos buddy I didn't know all that stuff, cheers! 

I took an example with dagger. But you clearly missed the point, as you many times do. Dagger standing still and a dagger positioning while attacking does the same damage if you take away crit. chance and put the source damage as flat. And that is very wrong and braindead, don't you agree? Now tell me, what makes you think things are not likewise when it comes to duelist class? The trick may not be in the positioning but it's where I told you before. Critical hit and skill used at the right time. If you don't see that, im sorry to say but then you never understood this class.

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Why da hell are u arguing about changes in a class in a CUSTOMIZED srv? U are just invalid in everything u say. xdem's srv is full of changes. U want ur "off gladi",go to off or smth.


ONTOPIC: Srv is pretty good actually,only problem is GM staff seems out of reach. Never on gmlist so u cant make a petition and report smth. Dunno if they support da theory dat pro GMs never go on list and never talk to players.

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Why da hell are u arguing about changes in a class in a CUSTOMIZED srv? U are just invalid in everything u say. xdem's srv is full of changes. U want ur "off gladi",go to off or smth.


ONTOPIC: Srv is pretty good actually,only problem is GM staff seems out of reach. Never on gmlist so u cant make a petition and report smth. Dunno if they support da theory dat pro GMs never go on list and never talk to players.

You can reach us at forum or by pm'ing (we're rarely on silence mode), also if you use Services Manager -> Bug Report we're always looking at this.

We'll be opening petitions as well when we're fully available.

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Why da hell are u arguing about changes in a class in a CUSTOMIZED srv? U are just invalid in everything u say. xdem's srv is full of changes. U want ur "off gladi",go to off or smth.


Customized? Fuck yeah customized they you have completely changed the game. Doesn't deserve to call it Lineage no more. I expect classes to be what NCSoft ORIGINAL developers designed and create. Because that is what I played and that is what I return too.


Have fun playing custom servers tho, I'm sure that they are fun in some way, just not the old school way..


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Customized? Fuck yeah customized they you have completely changed the game. Doesn't deserve to call it Lineage no more. I expect classes to be what NCSoft ORIGINAL developers designed and create. Because that is what I played and that is what I return too.


Have fun playing custom servers tho, I'm sure that they are fun in some way, just not the old school way..


even ur lovely NCSoft didnt manage to reach an 100% balance in this game. and even if u dont mean this, why are u searching for what NCSoft has created on a retail x1 server before so many years in a HIGH rate PvP server ? u wanna play on what NCSoft has created? go on official or try to find a retail x1 server w/o any custom shit inside.. every private server can be as the owner wants and u cannot make him change HIS private server.

Edited by JizzDaBillaps
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