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= Custom Mob AI =

Diamond has developed a new form of AI that will allow mobs to behave more intelligently to make farming much more interesting. This also applies to APC's and Raid Bosses, which have some nasty skill combos.


= APC's =

These mobs that have the appearance of real players adds a nice contrast to the usual humdrum of L2's mobs' appearances. Much of these APCs you will encounter appear and act almost exactly like a normal player, with skill sets of the corresponding classes they represent. They will kite you if you have lower run speed than them, they will root/slow you if you run away, and they will UD/UE/Heal if they get low, they WILL assist each other, there are APC healers that will assist, buff, and heal their APC group. 


= Random Spawn =
Many mobs found in L2Nexus have a large radius or grid, in which they spawn in a random location set around a predetermined point. Mobs such as Grave Keepers, Xelathouls, and many rare mobs, and a few APCs share this mechanic.
= Buffs =
All of the buffs you could ever want are in our Cat Prophet, which can be found in every town, the Cat Prophet also heals, dispells buffs and saves buff schemes. But that doesn't mean all buffs can be found in the Cat Prophet, buffs like Victories of Paggrio, and the combo buffs are still only obtainable from players. The combo buffs have been turned into short duration party buffs that increase the stats they represent, on top of the buffs already on your list. Also these combo buffs along with other self buffs do not count as buffslots. Mages and Dagger classes have 26 buff slots and fighters have 28. You can increase these by 2 buff slots via the divine inspiration manuals, which can be bought for a fair price in the Mysterious Merchant. 
= Automated Events =
  • Team vs Team vs Team
    Team with the most kills wins. People are in 2 different teams fighting each other. Blue team,Red team.
  • Domination
    1 zone,2 teams. People should stay under a tower,the more and the longer you stay under the tower the better.
  • Deathmatch
    Players are spawned in the Coliseum and must kill as many other players as they can, the top 8 players with the highest kills wins the event, but try not to die, you will have to wait 10 seconds to be respawned!
  • Capture the Flag
    Classic Red Team vs Blue Team, each team must abscond with their opponents flag and return it to their own flag, but if its not there they won't be able to score!


= Community Board Features =

Our Community Board has the usual Top 20 PvP/PK/Clan.



= In Game Password Changer =

One unique feature which allows the player to change his password whenever he wants use .menu to change your password.



= Custom Skills =

L2Nexus has an obcene amount of custom skills. Forbidden Skills are a step up from Forgotten Skills, and are currently obtainable, they are in game and work 100%, but we are unsure of how to introduce them.On L2nEXUS our Heroes get their Heroic Valor and Miracle, but they also get a few special skills based on their Race. There are a few highly customized skills.


Forbidden Skills

BVM9urY.pngOverpower - Teaches you how to overpower your opponents in a melee fight. When attacking a target that is attacking yourself in melee range, your swings and attack skills have a high chance of overpowering (blocking) your target's attacks, including magic, Usable only by Titans.

WZyzmL0.pngWan Jian Jue - Teaches you the Wan Jian Jue technique, which greatly increases attack range and AOE capabilities temporarily when not using a shield. Also increases casting range of Sonic Blaster, Sonic Storm, and Crosscut. Usable only by Sword Muses.

piHOzO4.pngAir Rave - Rapidly slash your blades in the air with vehement energy to manifest energy blades at your target's location in the distance. Also damages auto-attackable targets within a 40 AOE radius of your target. Damage is mostly based on P.Atk and not skill power. Hits 4 Times. Dual Sword is required. This skill can be used 3 consecutive times before reuse delay starts. Skill consumes 6% of current HP each use, but will not kill you, subsequently this skill is recommended for when you're HP is not high. Minimum distance to target 100 range. Dose not cause you to auto-attack your target unless you already were. Usable by Spectral Dancers only.

AgCuTfD.pngPoint Blank Shot - Forcefully aim your arrow at your enemy's head in point blank range to fire a lethal shot that has critical damage (Blow Type) properties and can knock your enemy back. Ignores enemy P.Def over 2500. Ignores enemy skill dodge.

O7u9SC1.pngMana Barrier - Using your mana pool as a force field, redirect 20% of incoming damage to damage your mana instead of HP/CP. Toggle, continuously consumes MP while activated. MP regen is minimal when skill is active, unless you are using a two-handed staff. Usable by Archmage, Storm Screamer, Mystic Muse, Shilien Saint, Hierophant. 

YzKGgKd.pngStone Skin - Makes your skin hard as stone, absorbing damage that would have otherwise when to your HP/CP. Skill effect ends when 5000 damage has been absorbed or time runs out. During effect P.Def is set to 4000, if wearing robes. Cast speed -100 if not using a two-handed staff. Run speed -10. Stun and Paralyze resistance +15%. Usable by Cardinal, Eva's Saint, Shilien Saint, Doomcryer, Dominator. 

pFjnBuX.pngShoryuken - Rush forward to your target and launch a fist uppercut knocking your enemy airborne and back a distance. Minimum distance 50 range. Requires 2 Forces, Fists required. Usable by Grand Khavatari. 

Hv4z5yF.pngOverdrive - Temporarily surpass the physical limits of you and your weapon. Each attack deals 200 more True Damage and damages yourself for 100 True Damage, even when you miss. True Damage bypasses skill-granted invulnerability. Critical damage +40%. MP regen, HP regen and healed amount diminishes while skill is active. Toggle Skill, Usable by all classes except Mages and Tanks. 

gafhFTv.pngDimensional Portal - Opens a portal to traverse to a parallel dimension that is identical to the real one with the exception of spawns. Can be casted in combat mode. Click skill buff off to be returned to the original dimension. Any flagged, auto-attackable player, including clan members, random people and yourself, within 55 radius will be affected and sent to the other dimension as well, so use it wisely. Usable by all Mages.

fx464Z6.pngInescapable Clutch - Pulls a target within 750 range to your location. Slows target for 7 seconds. Force target switch is possible. Increases aggression if target is a monster. Rooted target, Raid Bosses, and invulnerable targets will cause you to be pulled towards them. Usable by Tank Classes. 

9Ga4yH8.pngLegendary Evasion - The messages contained within this scroll explain how the most minute movemnts of the body in the most oppertune moments can render an impending hit usless as it glances off your light armor at weird angles. It also teach how to predict where the enemy is intending to strike. Evasion -5. Removes the default "25.5% chance to hit you no matter how high your evasion is" mechanic. This means at sufficiently high evasions (30 more evasion than your attacker's accuracy) the attack will always miss. Without Legendary Evasion, even you have 25 or more evasion that attacker's accuracy, he can still hit you at 25.5% chance. 

izWx150.pngPoint Crash - Hold your ground and rapidly attack auto-attackable target within attack range. Like Vengence, when used you will be immobile for the duration of the skill. During the skill, you will be unable to control your character, and your character is immune to all status ailments. Your character will randomly pick an auto-attackable character within his/her melee range and attack it automatically. Attack speed, Max Attack Speed Cap +1000 and +1 AOE Target during this skill's effect. The down side of the skill is that you cannot change the direction in which you're facing during the duration, and thus can only attack those in front of you in a cone radius of 200 degrees. Skill cannot be alt clicked off. Usable by Titan and Doombringer. 

rcFV5qy.pngPoint Flash - Hold your ground and rapidly attack auto-attackable target within attack range. Like Vengence, when used you will be immobile for the duration of the skill. During the skill, you will be unable to control your character, and your character is immune to all status ailments. Your character will randomly pick an auto-attackable character within his/her shoot range and attack it automatically. Attack speed, Max Attack Speed Cap +1000 and shoot delay -60% during this skill's effect. The down side of the skill is that you cannot change the direction in which you're facing during the duration, and thus can only attack those in front of you in a cone radius of 120 degrees. Usable by all Archers, including Tricksters.

1jgKpFs.pngMind Snap - When receiving close-range attack hits fromt he front, there is a change to automatically launch a cone-shaped frontal AOE Harlequin Wave in front of you, doing magical damage at 220 Power (320 power if using a two-handed staff) and knocking enemies back, at the same time boosts your M.Atk by 90% (150% if using a two-handed staff) for 5 seconds. Passive effect: Always recieve attacks within 2% chance of triggering Mind Snap. Active Effect: When the skill is cast, increases the chance of triggering Mind Snap by 9% for 10 seconds (15 Seconds if using a two-handed staff) Usable by Mages.

2SeIyxY.pngConjure Haunt Tower - Use your Necromancy skill to create a deathly abominable tower in front of you for 30 seconds. The Haunt Tower has the Soultaker's M.Atk, P.Atk, and magical critical rate (85% of) but all other stats are pre-defined. It has a dark power of 155, resists dark based attacks and is vulnerable to the other elementsin carious defrees. The Haunt Tower will attack your target first, if it is an auto-attackable character and within 600 range, if not, it will randoly pick an auto-attackable character and within 600 range, and then a monster if no players are present and within range. It can cast Death Spike, Curse Fear, Anchor and Curse of Doom. Usable only by Soultakers.

J76hJVt.pngFireball - The classic mage spell is back. Unleash a massive Fireball at your target. Fireball explosion does full damage to the primary target and decreased damage to surrounding targets in a 200 AOE radius, depending on their distance to the primary target (50% damage at the farthest point). Be careful where you aim this spell, because it will hit everyone that is flagged near your target, including party members, clan members, and even yourself if you are caught too close to your target. Damage increases as distance to target increases. Has fire element of 30, power of 220 (300 if using a two-handed staff) Cool down decreases when using a two-handed staff. Usable by Archmages. 

WePA8r7.pngBlade Shine - If an attack against a target is a critical hit, have a chance to automatically hit that target another time. This second hit has 100% chance to hit, to crit and ignore shield Gefence/Overpower. Passive Effect: +6% chance. Active effect: +30% chance. Only works with 1-Handed swords. Usable by Sword Muses' only.

OVhj8Dk.pngFlying Dagger - Throw your dagger at your enemy. Ranged dagger blow. Default blow land rate is not as high as close-ranged blows. Land rate is increased if user is invisible. Minimum distance to target is 200 range. Disarms self upon use. Usable by all dagger classes.

JVbYJwX.pngHemorrhage - Lacerates a target's artery, dealing damage and causing the target to bleed. Bleed DOT is weak but the affected will take 6x distance traveled damage in HP under the duration of this skill. Affected takes more damage if wearing heavy armor, even more is using a shield. Damage ignores invulnerability and ignores CP. Damage is avoided if affected is walking instead of running. When you use rush-type skills, get pulled, or get knocked back, you will also take extra damage from the DOT. Cannot be cured or dispelled. Usable by Hell Knight and Adventurer. 

mOeBDQE.pngPhaze Shift - Temporarily changed your movement mode. When you move you appear to other players as if you shift in and out of existence. Players will auto-lose target on you when you move. 

Hero Skills

SvL8znf.png Thunder Fang - Jumping into the air, utilizing your weapon, you draw all the power from the sky and conduct it onto your enemy and those around him. Ignores shields. Chance to paralyze. Lethal possible. Holy Element. Fighter Skill. Human heroes only.

GCvqXbV.png Striking of Thunderbolts - Use all of your available magical power to conjure fierce thunderbolts from the sky to strike your enemies down. Can paralyze. Holy element. Magic Spell. Human heroes only. Large Radius. 

zVIA6wK.png Electric Tide - Emites a shocking circle of energy that damages surrounding enemies and has a chance to stun them. Damage increases the farther away the target is, up to 75% more damage at the edge of the spell. Power 9745. Fighter Skill. Water Element. Elven Heroes only. 

679wPxW.png Holy Lightburst - Shoot down a beam of concentrated light energy at your target. Decreases attack/casting speed. Small AOE. Holy element. Magic Spell. Elven Heroes only. 

Lv1DHwZ.png Pressure Bomb - Sacrifices HP to detonate a pressure-induced bomb of pure energy at distant enemies that inflicts damage and has a bluff effect. Ignores shield defense. Power 9745. Slight cone AOE. Wind element. Fighter skill. Dark Elven heroes only. 

Wkjnny1.png Abyssal Gate - Marks the area in which your target is standing on to be cursed with hellish negative energy. Decreases speed. Small AOE. Dark element. Magic Spell. Dark Elven Heroes only. 

05jL3Kd.png Megid - When rage builds up to limit breaking levels, heroic Orc warriors can manifest their rage into an exploding force radiating from the self. It's difficult for the Orc warrior to survive this attempt, as the skill damages the caster for 30% of their current HP. Fire element. Large AOE radius. Knocksback. You can hit friendly targets with this skill. Fighter Skill. Orcish Heroes only. 

E8FxOCp.png Volcanic Outbreak - Enlist the power of the magma underground to drive giant spikes of heat-hardened rock, along with scorching molten lava, onto your enemies. AOE. Burning damage over time. Magic Spell. Orcish heroes only. 

MYL6twg.png Crescendo - Summon the force of earth to erupt spikes of rock bursting into your enemies from below. Bleeds and slows target. Earth element. Fighter skill. Dwarven heroes only. 

Wkjnny1.png Annihilation Storm - Targets frontal 85 degree angle. Silences targets and deals HP/MP damage over time. Dark element. Magic spell. Kamaelic heroes only. 
= Custom Farming Zones =

L2Nexus has 3 Main Farming areas, each as a special attribute. Cave of Trials is geared toward new players, Many of these mobs are soloable but there are a few powerful mobs and APCs inside that require a party. Ruins of Despair is a solo zone, while it is possible to party there, many of the mobs were designed to be soloed. Cemetery is a party farming zone. There are few solo mobs around, but many difficult monsters. Some are resistance to all weapons but weak to only one.




= PvP Towns =

What makes L2Nexus, would have to be Gludin. Gludin is a non-peace zone and many would consider the center of PvP. However to curb pvp farming we have an anti-farm system in place. After killing Player A, you must kill 3 other players OR wait 5 minutes from gaining a PvP point from A Player  again. Gludin will reward PvP points up to 1,500 unrestricted, but once your over you will not receive PvP points from players with half of your current PvP count. For example, if you have 5,000 PvP's and kill someone with 2500 PvP's, you will get a PvP point. But if your target has under 2500 PvP's you will not be rewarded a PvP Point, or Fame, but if that player is in a Clan War with your clan then your clan will receive the clan reputation.

= Castle Sieges =

For the time being only two castles are available for attacking is Aden,Rune The number of castles was chosen to promote more mass PvP at each siege. Which of course may change if our population increases.




= Custom Instances =

L2Nexus features a few completely custom instances. Kamaloka, our daily instance has been coded by Diamond, and will allow newer players to gear up quickly, this instance is designed for a 3 man party, if you enter with 3 and someone leaves, the drops from the last boss will be lesser than what it would have been. Kamaloka is geared toward new players looking to level up quickly and get low tier items quickly. Dragon Valley Cave instance is a long group instance, for 8 people. Starting at the entrance and working your way day to the Heart to fight Darion, who is one of the few bosses on Pride with a chance to drop full Dread Weapons. With many minibosses along the way down, you will be hard pressed for time killing Darion, so don't dawdle! DVC Instance has a 3 day lock out. Aden Instance or the Raid Boss instance, which ever you'll call it, teleports your party into an alternate dimension, in this dimension there is a copy for each raid boss in each of its original locations. You may choose to kill 1 Raid Boss, and after you've killed one the instance is over. Aden instance has a lockout of 1 week. There are many other instance in the works, so stick around. 




Website: http://l2-nexus.com/

Edited by Diamond's

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