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[Read]Unban Request Please Read It

Lineage nuvel

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Realtek was an bulgar u newb my best friend named sokras stole his acc and gave it to me then i started to post share and etc did many thing that u cant even understand what can be done i dont fukin care if u are a princess or developer i had many servers and? whats da point hooker y do u still talkin u are free to leave this forum and no one gives a fuk roflmao.

request ban ip for this scammer

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Firist of all Hello ! u are so big idiots im member since 2009 in 2010 a guy with named Romeo scammed my account also after that he told me he will give it back to me i created a java code for his server and he scammed me and blocked me on msn after some Months i did new account and payed new VIP Status after some weeks my account banned i dont remember the reason this piece of shit V4n Perise with called name Vorfin had deal with romeo and my account shared in many hands so listen me kids u dont event know to put a line of java and u saying u are Realtek? feel free to track my ip im Bulgarian also someone told me Vorfin said he know bulgarian but i dont see any bulgarian chat from that guy ill get back soon the account and u will take a shit becauze u scammed so many people with my account and u feel good? ofcourse i back to close your fving mouths next time say something Truth and not a lot of lies idiot retards scamming people with my account and u feel famous with that?





Always Friendly  Realtek is Back!

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i cant even understand who are u i was l2jdeveloper here and i deserve my account


stop lies please u was a piece of shit here man u dont even know to make a line code and u was L2J Developer? let me laught 


u are just a idiot Greek Guy who scamming 15 years old kids that u like to take money from these kids and play the non real Realtek Idiot learn Firist after talk

Edited by l2Urise.net
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There no need to be locked this topic because some kids need to prove the lies to Truth .. keep it Open!

Also Waiting Maxtors Action for sure!
We'll see who laughs last..

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lol dude u trying to troll me i dont even got facebook also nice proxy



Again i see some bullshits,some useless words and nothing truth...

I see that dont have progress,and im so bored.

I wont talk anymore with liers and stealers,i can just wait for Maxtor action... if have progress ...

also as people remember me i talked Bulgarian Right? if u are the Real  Realtek talk me some Bulgarian u cant prove it thats stop the lies please!


Always Friendly Realtek is Back!


Искам да те информирам крадецо  ... писнало ми е от такива деца като теб .. такива  , които не разполагат с работни места и се опитват да крадат и лъжат за да са добре ... но при мен това неможе да се случи .. никой не може да бъде като мен. и аз се надявам да не се повтаря." tell me what it means if you really the "Realtek" .. i can laught at you stupid lier 

"Петър Джамбазов




Edited by l2Urise.net
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