so guys i managed to learn how announcements class works with showing the announcements.txt on enterwolrld and i had an idea to create autoannouncer in 5 lines of code but i got stack xD so here is my idea
in the announcements class i created the method
public void showAnnouncement(L2PcInstance activeChar)
CreatureSay csay = new CreatureSay(0, Say2.ANNOUNCEMENT, activeChar.getName(), "Dont Forget To Vote For The Server");
and then in the enterworld runImpl method i added this
ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new Runnable()
public void run()
}, 5000, 5000); //5000 is for testing
and then the compiler made me realize that run() runs in the new runnable class so i cant access the activechar temporary instance of the runImpl
Always remember, when you buy files, just compare with my files that I publish for free. and you will know that you are being ripped off.
Greetings to all community!!! 🙂
he kept his promise! i think it's a good idea to unban his old account. he shares files with the community and could help both new and veteran l2off users!
good job, Guytis!
so guys i managed to learn how announcements class works with showing the announcements.txt on enterwolrld and i had an idea to create autoannouncer in 5 lines of code but i got stack xD so here is my idea
in the announcements class i created the method
and then in the enterworld runImpl method i added this
and then the compiler made me realize that run() runs in the new runnable class so i cant access the activechar temporary instance of the runImpl
and now im upset :( so any ideas? ??????
using l2j interlude latest revision
Edited by Nitzamc2 answers to this question
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