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Well hi all.I will talk u about fantasy world the MOST excising MMPORG that ll be released.

Well lets see what it makes so diferent and special from the others.


1st 10 Races:Human.elf,dark elf,Demon,orc,angel,darkangel And Fairy.

2nd:When u start u have u personal house with your own key.In it u can have a wardrobe as a warehouse.

3rd:U cant cary as L2 2000 thinks like 20 blades 50 armors etc.U can have Short but usefull thinks.

4th:Mobs can level up like players.

5th:There isnt karma or etc.I mean if someone hit the other without he hit him and dont kill it He must pay or if he hasnt money he must go to Prison.If he kill someone then his title turned to ->WANTED<-

And the Busters of city(like police) are runing to find it.

6th:There are 7 lengendary Weapons 1 for each Class.But are only 7 thats mean if someone find 1 the other ppls CANT FIND THE SAME.

7th:5 Lengendary Beasts:O(Lava wyvern (u can find it at a volcano in a egg(all lengendary beats u find are in egg)).Sea Serpent Very Very down to the ocean at botom botom of see like Abyss.(U Have oxegen)So if its finish u (lipothimas) and go to hospital.3rd Stone Lengendary Golem 4th An golden eagle 5th The Ownator the creator of The other 4 lengendaries beasts Dark&Light why his name is dark and light ?Well to take that u must be max lvl and full Power.Then u open a Gate at an Other dimension Thats is only dark&Light (Black&White) And the egg is same so its VERY DIFFICULT TO FIND IT.When......U find it u break it and u fight Dark&light when its a bit dead u do a powerfull Spell SIEGIEL is name and u captured it.

At this game u have 1 planet to explore.U can go where u want u can do what u want  u are <<Free>>

Angels Dark Angels Fairys Can fly :W000t so there is Air Combat PvP System.


Thats For now be waiting fo more infos.













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