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Innova Core Scammer Alert, Guy Paypal Make_Cipan@yahoo.com


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Okey guys, basicly some Romanian trash trying to scam with my nickname

Paypal of the guy :make_cipan@yahoo.com
Name of the guy :Misaca Iancu Stelian

[17:27:04] Giga: hey
[1/26/2014 1:28:36 PM] Make1992: hello
[1/26/2014 1:28:41 PM] Make1992: i have 5kkk on core
[1/26/2014 1:28:45 PM] Make1992: price is 25euro/1kkk
[1/26/2014 1:28:54 PM] Make1992: all for 110 eur
[1/26/2014 1:28:56 PM] Make1992: interested?
[1/26/2014 1:29:20 PM] Giga: uh i bought already
[1/26/2014 1:29:23 PM] Make1992: damn
[1/26/2014 1:29:32 PM] Giga: where were u 20 mins ago
[1/26/2014 1:29:36 PM] Make1992: pfff
[1/26/2014 1:29:47 PM] Make1992: drinking cofee in kitchen
[1/26/2014 1:29:48 PM] Make1992: xD
[1/26/2014 1:29:54 PM] Giga: damn it
[1/26/2014 1:29:58 PM] Giga: if i just knew
[1/26/2014 1:30:06 PM] Giga: i might need some more later
[1/26/2014 1:30:09 PM] Make1992: well if you want more on a resonable price
[1/26/2014 1:30:10 PM] Giga: i ll let u know
[1/26/2014 1:30:11 PM] Make1992: let me know
[1/26/2014 1:30:15 PM] Make1992: or tell a friend
[1/26/2014 1:30:19 PM] *** Giga has shared contact details with Make1992. ***
[1/26/2014 1:30:22 PM] Make1992: i moved on dexBR so i dont need anything kind of
[1/26/2014 1:30:35 PM] Make1992: i have a yul 99 with eternal set if interested
[1/26/2014 1:30:36 PM] Make1992: :D
[1/26/2014 1:30:45 PM] Giga: and the price for that?
[1/26/2014 1:30:50 PM] Make1992: 75 euro
[1/26/2014 1:30:53 PM] Make1992: no enchanted skills
[1/26/2014 1:31:00 PM] Make1992: no attribute
[1/26/2014 1:31:13 PM] Make1992: i can sell the character clean or with set
[1/26/2014 1:31:23 PM] Make1992: im a resonable man :P
[1/26/2014 1:31:28 PM] Giga: u sound so
[1/26/2014 1:31:35 PM] Giga: 75 with set?
[1/26/2014 1:31:41 PM] Make1992: yes
[1/26/2014 1:31:46 PM] Make1992: +200kk adena
[1/26/2014 1:31:54 PM] Make1992: for other things you will need
[1/26/2014 1:32:01 PM] Make1992: teleport.. etc consumables
[1/26/2014 1:32:37 PM] Giga: u got wep as well?
[1/26/2014 1:33:40 PM] Make1992: yes
[1/26/2014 1:33:43 PM] Make1992: bound amaranthine
[1/26/2014 1:34:04 PM] Make1992: thrower
[1/26/2014 1:34:10 PM] Giga: :D
[1/26/2014 1:34:23 PM] Giga: u wont have duals i know
[1/26/2014 1:34:30 PM] *** Make1992 sent yul992.jpg ***
[1/26/2014 1:34:33 PM] Make1992: here is a photo
[1/26/2014 1:34:34 PM] Make1992: of the character
[1/26/2014 1:34:45 PM] Make1992: so you see i am not talking bullshit
[1/26/2014 1:36:01 PM] Giga: r u in game now?
[1/26/2014 1:36:11 PM] Make1992: no
[1/26/2014 1:37:18 PM] Giga: well i never bout a char befoe
[1/26/2014 1:37:22 PM] Giga: before*
[1/26/2014 1:37:33 PM] Giga: so im not aure how secure t is to buy one
[1/26/2014 1:37:44 PM] Make1992: let me tell you
[1/26/2014 1:37:58 PM] Make1992: after i get 30-40% of the ammount i will send you account and password
[1/26/2014 1:38:07 PM] Make1992: you will check items , etc skills ,etc
[1/26/2014 1:38:12 PM] Make1992: after the rest of the payment
[1/26/2014 1:38:20 PM] Make1992: i will give you the email +password
[1/26/2014 1:38:22 PM] Make1992: then you can change it
[1/26/2014 1:38:24 PM] Make1992: on website
[1/26/2014 1:38:34 PM] Make1992: i think its free (no charge) to change password
[1/26/2014 1:41:05 PM] Giga: but
[1/26/2014 1:41:13 PM] Giga: the email u have on the account
[1/26/2014 1:41:25 PM] Giga: it belongs to u
[1/26/2014 1:41:39 PM] Giga: how will i gain access to email itself?
[1/26/2014 1:41:49 PM] Make1992: its a email made by me
[1/26/2014 1:41:52 PM] Giga: what if i forget pswd or smth
[1/26/2014 1:41:55 PM] Make1992: at Yahoo.com
[1/26/2014 1:42:06 PM] Make1992: i will send you
[1/26/2014 1:42:09 PM] Make1992: account / password
[1/26/2014 1:42:12 PM] Make1992: you check character
[1/26/2014 1:42:20 PM] Make1992: after i will send you the email+passowrd
[1/26/2014 1:42:23 PM] Make1992: go on website
[1/26/2014 1:42:26 PM] Make1992: change pass
[1/26/2014 1:42:30 PM] Make1992: go on yahoo.com
[1/26/2014 1:42:35 PM] Make1992: confirm change pass
[1/26/2014 1:42:36 PM] Giga: that i know
[1/26/2014 1:42:40 PM] Make1992: then you can change email
[1/26/2014 1:42:47 PM] Giga: my question ws will u give me the email it self
[1/26/2014 1:43:04 PM] Giga: r u gonnabe there?
[1/26/2014 1:43:08 PM] Giga: give me a second pls
[1/26/2014 1:43:50 PM] Make1992: yes
[1/26/2014 1:43:50 PM] Make1992: ofc
[1/26/2014 1:43:51 PM] Make1992:
[1/26/2014 1:43:53 PM] Make1992: lol
[1/26/2014 1:44:00 PM] Make1992: you can ask your friends
[1/26/2014 1:44:07 PM] Make1992: maybe someone both a character before
[1/26/2014 1:44:08 PM] Giga: i dont have friends
[1/26/2014 1:44:11 PM] Giga: :
[1/26/2014 1:44:46 PM] Giga: ok but
[1/26/2014 1:45:09 PM] Giga: hey whats sub btw ?
[1/26/2014 1:45:37 PM] Make1992: only have 1 iss sub
[1/26/2014 1:45:38 PM] Make1992: :(
[1/26/2014 1:45:43 PM] Make1992: didnt really spend much time
[1/26/2014 1:45:45 PM] Giga: lvl?
[1/26/2014 1:45:48 PM] Make1992: 86
[1/26/2014 1:46:00 PM] Make1992: 85 *
[1/26/2014 1:46:03 PM] Make1992: damn keyboarr
[1/26/2014 1:46:05 PM] Make1992: keyboard *
[1/26/2014 1:46:24 PM] Giga: is the toon botted toon?
[1/26/2014 1:46:28 PM] Giga: need to ask this too
[1/26/2014 1:46:35 PM] Make1992: no
[1/26/2014 1:46:39 PM] Make1992: never used bot
[1/26/2014 1:46:42 PM] Make1992: only farmed with cp
[1/26/2014 1:46:50 PM] Giga: ok
[1/26/2014 1:54:57 PM] Giga: do u have personal data setup on an account?
[1/26/2014 1:55:41 PM] Make1992: Personal data blank
[1/26/2014 1:55:49 PM] Make1992: and the email is free to use
[1/26/2014 1:56:34 PM] Giga: i c u have +15 str
[1/26/2014 1:56:40 PM] Giga: are they from dyes?
[1/26/2014 1:56:44 PM] Make1992: yes
[1/26/2014 1:56:46 PM] Make1992: you can remove them
[1/26/2014 1:56:55 PM] Giga: no dont touch pls
[1/26/2014 1:57:02 PM] Make1992: :)
[1/26/2014 1:57:10 PM] Make1992: i made the char ready for farm
[1/26/2014 1:57:13 PM] Make1992: not really for pvp
[1/26/2014 1:57:29 PM] Giga: u sy its bound?
[1/26/2014 1:57:36 PM] Giga: only one SA or its naked
[1/26/2014 1:57:37 PM] Giga: ?
[1/26/2014 1:57:45 PM] Giga: i c its +4 i think
[1/26/2014 1:58:24 PM] Make1992: give me 1 min
[1/26/2014 1:58:28 PM] Make1992: to make a picture of it
[1/26/2014 1:58:28 PM] Giga: sure
[1/26/2014 1:58:32 PM] Make1992: its +4 bound damage up
[1/26/2014 1:59:15 PM] Giga: go in game pls
[1/26/2014 2:00:14 PM] *** Make1992 sent yul993.jpg ***
[1/26/2014 2:02:45 PM] Make1992: blah i have to reinstall the game
[1/26/2014 2:03:47 PM] Giga: ok give me some time i need to think about it
[1/26/2014 2:03:53 PM] Giga: do u have any other toon?
[1/26/2014 2:04:34 PM] Make1992: iss 86 48% //wynn 86 74%
[1/26/2014 2:04:38 PM] Make1992: mentor gear immortal
[1/26/2014 2:04:50 PM] Giga: ok
[1/26/2014 2:05:02 PM] Make1992: think  about it and let me know
[1/26/2014 2:05:10 PM] Make1992: ill be here
[1/26/2014 2:05:14 PM] Giga: for sure i wil
[1/26/2014 2:05:30 PM] Make1992: if i dont respond wait ~5 min
[1/26/2014 2:05:37 PM] Make1992: i go other room to eat something
[1/26/2014 2:05:42 PM] Giga: np
[1/26/2014 2:05:51 PM] Make1992: how long time you need?
[1/26/2014 2:05:56 PM] Make1992: 1 day+ ? or few minutes
[1/26/2014 2:06:15 PM] Giga: give me 2-3 hrs or so
[1/26/2014 2:06:20 PM] Make1992: oke
[1/26/2014 2:06:22 PM] Giga: oki
[1/26/2014 2:06:59 PM] Giga: cdvm what kind of name is that dude :)
[1/26/2014 2:07:10 PM] Make1992:
[1/26/2014 2:07:15 PM] Make1992: i forgot to erase it
[1/26/2014 2:07:16 PM] Make1992:
[1/26/2014 2:07:28 PM] Make1992: kind of my name i play with for like 2-3 years
[1/26/2014 2:07:39 PM] Giga:  just kiddin
[1/26/2014 2:07:55 PM] Make1992: better than other russian nicknames
[1/26/2014 2:07:56 PM] Make1992:
[1/26/2014 3:13:23 PM] Giga: so
[1/26/2014 3:13:35 PM] Giga: what classs is it trickster or gs?
[1/26/2014 3:14:57 PM] Make1992: gs
[1/26/2014 3:15:11 PM] Giga: the second pic u sent me
[1/26/2014 3:15:15 PM] Giga: is it the latest?
[1/26/2014 3:17:20 PM] Make1992: yes
[1/26/2014 3:17:48 ...
account : RammusOPMXC
[1/26/2014 3:28:57 PM] Make1992: Password: YoMommaTits69
[1/26/2014 3:29:48 PM] Giga: damn password
[1/26/2014 3:29:50 PM] Giga: lol
[1/26/2014 3:29:52 PM] Giga: dude
[1/26/2014 3:29:54 PM] Make1992: 96 *
[1/26/2014 3:30:01 PM] Giga: u r the same guy from this morning?
[1/26/2014 3:30:10 PM] Make1992: what guy?
[1/26/2014 3:30:25 PM] Giga: hold on asec
[1/26/2014 3:31:50 PM] Giga: invalid login
[1/26/2014 3:31:57 PM] Make1992: impossible
[1/26/2014 3:32:08 PM] Giga: let me try again
[1/26/2014 3:32:11 PM] Make1992: RammusOPMXC
[1/26/2014 3:32:12 PM] Giga: its 96 right?
[1/26/2014 3:32:15 PM] Make1992: yes
[1/26/2014 3:32:29 PM] Make1992: its YoMommaTits69 or 96
[1/26/2014 3:33:10 PM] Giga: not working
[1/26/2014 3:33:33 PM] Make1992: i dont even have it... sry for waste your time bye bye
[1/26/2014 3:33:52 PM] Make1992: dont bother refunding
[1/26/2014 3:33:55 PM] Make1992: you wont get them back
[1/26/2014 3:34:01 PM] Make1992: as gift is impossible ;)
[1/26/2014 3:34:48 PM] Giga: thanks dude
[1/26/2014 3:35:10 PM] Giga: 25 euros is nothing for me but u r a garbage as a person
[1/26/2014 3:35:12 PM] Make1992: because i feel bad for this
[1/26/2014 3:35:13 PM] Make1992: i know
[1/26/2014 3:35:21 PM] Make1992: if you want to buy a character in the future
[1/26/2014 3:35:28 PM] Make1992: always see character in-game
[1/26/2014 3:35:34 PM] Make1992: and always check the history of the guys who sells you
[1/26/2014 3:35:50 PM] Giga: i will
[1/26/2014 3:35:53 PM] Make1992: sry for this again
[1/26/2014 3:35:56 PM] Giga: and what did u gain now?
[1/26/2014 3:36:06 PM] Make1992: im kind of in the shit with money now
[1/26/2014 3:36:07 PM] Make1992: :(
[1/26/2014 3:36:09 PM] Giga: 25 euros
[1/26/2014 3:36:33 PM] Giga: u r just cheap
[1/26/2014 3:36:36 PM] Make1992: i know
[1/26/2014 3:36:40 PM] Make1992: good luck dude... sry
[1/26/2014 3:36:53 PM] Giga: all right gl in ur life

So as you see, ppl doing anything for 25 euros
even the account he was ""selling"" was with name account : RammusOPMXC
Password: YoMommaTits69
I just made trade with the guy who got scammed with 25 euros from that gypsy, and sold him few billions =)


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mb they used ur nick aswell, I don't give a shit, im giving you what the guy sended me, with who I already made a trade, so if its you, I will find you pretty easy, if its ur paypal write ur paypal in private so I can check

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I hope you bought something to eat with that money, braindead gypsy
Or if you are from Romania, give me address I will find you pretty quick

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he did it and he dare even to reply and cry about topic is not in right place, O my goodness how does ppl getting scammed from so low IQ monkeys?
there is no moderators or smt in this forum so they can bann such people?

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so much people got scammed even if its 5 or 1 eur or half euro, everyone who get scammed by paypal have to simply report him, even  if its sended as gift 5-6 reports and he will burn, or just some moderator to perma bann him at forum IP

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If you could trace the ip of the guy with skype I would be grateful.

I cannot ban scammers according to their name in skype.
And next time use the scammers topic in report section.

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