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[Guide]How to be a n00b PART 2

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This is part 2 of the guide for being a noob.


List of the things you WON'T need to be a n00b:

  • Self Respect
    A Monkey
    Two Monkeys
    A Life
    Functional brain
    decent English skills
    Fast internet connection


Things you will need:

  • l33t typing skills


Random Facts about n00bs

  • n00b - opposite of l33t/pro
    n00bs tend to be in larger groups when pvping pveing but even so they are worthless.
    n00bs tend to gather in clans and form alliances
    n00bs ignore all the critics
    n00bs reverse your critics and start callings you a n00b because that's probably the only word they can insult you with.
    n00bs try to "take over" the forum by typing a lot of useless posts
    n00bs tend to try "own" people on forums by saying "you have less posts n00b"
    n00bs do not respond to the fact that 99.9% of their posts consist of "hell yah!!","how do make this thing work?","Do you use shortcuts or do u clickur skillz? lolzzzz","my mom called me","i am back","shut up fatty","i am not a n00b!! rofl","ur a n00b,u n00b!!!","why so seriuozz?","i was afk","THIS THING IS NOT WORKING FOR MEEE@!@!!@#!#@R!!!","u hacker!,"hackzor","yes"."nice","gf","FTW!!!" and many more 1 word sentences.
    n00bs are classified into two groups: In-game n00bs and Life n00bs aka dropouts,emoz and total FAILURES.
    n00bs (life) try to own in-game n00bs(like myself) by saying "ur a n00b!!don't even know what that and that does!!n00b!!!"
    n00bs tend to make photos of them self in women undergarments and post them on various forums .
    n00bs tend to have spelling problems
    n00bs tend to be under the age 13
    n00bs tend to cry a LOT
    n00bs tend to use yahoo/ask jeeves as a search engine
    n00b's homepage ussualy is cliphunter/redtube/yuoporn/hentaimedia or any other free porn site
    n00bs tend to hide their porn
    n00bs can't get l2 working 50%of the time
    n00bs try to solve every computers problem by restarting it
    n00bs pay for someone to install windows
    n00bs tend to be racist
    n00bs tend to report 50% more bugs than neatrals/l33ts
    90% of them are not server related
    n00bs think that Rhianna owns!!
    n00bs can't believe it's not butter! http://www.nowyouknowbetter.com/Home.aspx
    n00bs are viewing this page using Internet Explorer 6
    n00bs use AVG anitivirus
    n00bs tend to try to buy stuff from you even if u write WTB
    "No NOOBS ALLOWED" does not apply to noobs
    n00bs have never read http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=27169.0
    Whenever a n00b owns someone a puppy dies


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omfg all are the thing of me when i started l2 in 2004  xDD but 2 months later i learned all the game :P and now im pro (?)  jaja ;)


nice guide for how to be a noob PART 2 ;) !!

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It took only 5 minutes. And yes, its all by myself. It's not as good as this guy :D :


WTF Icetalker you made this kind of posts for people talk and you reply, like that you get more posts! This is Spam and dont is the first time you do it, other one about Prophet you made 11 replys in same Post! and what you teach or learn with this? nothing! and with this posts people make spam like you and in General Disscussion who make a good post no1 cant see, cuz this kind of shit always come up with noob Spaming!


Lets talk about a Ban!




LOL. well that's what i call a noob!!!

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It took only 5 minutes. And yes, its all by myself. It's not as good as this guy :D :


WTF Icetalker you made this kind of posts for people talk and you reply, like that you get more posts! This is Spam and dont is the first time you do it, other one about Prophet you made 11 replys in same Post! and what you teach or learn with this? nothing! and with this posts people make spam like you and in General Disscussion who make a good post no1 cant see, cuz this kind of shit always come up with noob Spaming!


Lets talk about a Ban!




LOL. well that's what i call a noob!!!


seriously? IceTalker your A -beep-ing Spamer and you know it... call me noob, but, you are a post hunter, and i will do all for some mod clean your crapy posts!

so explayn me one thing, in post Nekro, i asked for tactis and how to use it, and after a while you replyed that you know verry well about necros and how they are, SO FOR WHAT THE FUK WAS THE POST? simple, for you get more posts!

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told u he's a perfect example! Dude i am going to make noob guide part 3 and all it's gonna say will be: just do whatever this guys(MadUser) does and u won't bee needing any guides ever again :D  maduser stop self-owning ur self. don't u have anything better to do?

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