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[Share] Counter-Strike: Source Console Commands


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cl_autowepswitch //Automatically switch to picked up weapons (if more powerful) - * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’

chooseteam //Choose a new team

drop //Drops current weapon

force_centerview //Action forces the player’s view to look straight ahead

impulse 100 //enables flashlight

impulse 201 //sprays logo decal

hud_fastswitch 0 //toggles fast weapon switching - * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’

jointeam //0=Autojoin, 1=Spectator, 2=Terrorist, 3=CT

kill //player suicides to respawn again

use //Use a particular weapon Arguments:

autobuy //Buys a predetermined set of weapons and equipment, setup in autobuy.txt

rebuy //Buys all the equipment that you had when the last snapshot of your equipm buy

buyammo1 //This buys one primary magazine or clip

buyammo2 //This buys one pistol clip

buyequip //Show equipment buy menu

buymenu //Show main buy menu

alias //Alias a command

bind //Bind a key to a command or set of commands (bind )

BindToggle //Creates a “bind toggle” for specific commands (Ex. BindToggle “key” “command”)

con_enable 1 //Allows the console to be activated

con_notifytime 8 //How long to display recent console text to the upper part of the game window

contimes //Number of console lines to overlay for debugging.

clear //clears the console screen

cvarlist //Show the list of convars/concommands.

developer 0 //toggles on/off developer debug console messages - * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’

differences //Show all convars which are not at their default values.

echo //echos text to the console

exec //executes a script of .cfg file

exit //exit game engine without confirmation

find //Find concommands with the specified string in their name/help text.

help //Find help about a convar/concommand.

hideconsole //Hide the console.

incrementvar //Increment specified convar value.

key_findbinding //Find key bound to specified command string.

key_listboundkeys //List bound keys with bindings.

key_updatelayout //Updates game keyboard layout to current windows keyboard setting.

mem_dump //dump memory stats.

quit //Exit the engine.

status //Display map and connection status.

stuffcmds // Parses and stuffs command line + commands to command buffer. In your valve.rc file

toggleconsole //Show/hide the console.

unbind //Unbind a key

unbindall //Unbind all keys

wait //Stop command parsing until next frame

cl_autohelp //Enable/Disable Autohelp

cl_c4progressbar //Draw progress bar when defusing the C4

cl_righthand //Use right-handed view models.

cl_showfps //Draw fps meter at top of screen (1 = fps, 2 = smooth fps)

cl_showtextmsg //Enable/disable text messages printing on the screen

gameui_hide //Hides/closes GUI menu

hud_centerid 0 //Toggles player ID display - * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’

hud_deathnotice_time //Sets how long death messages remain onscreen

hud_drawhistory_time //Sets how long messages remain onscreen

hud_saytext_time 5 //Sets how long chat messages remain onscreen

hud_showtargetid //Shows target ID at cursor

messagemode //Display player message globally (to all)

messagemode2 //Display player message to team

name //View or change a player’s name

radio1 //This opens up Radio1 Menu

radio2 //This opens up Radio2 Menu

radio3 //This opens up Radio3 Menu

revert //Revert convars to their default values

scr_centertime 2 //Sets how long server messages remain on the screen

say //Display player message globally (to all)

say_team //Display player message to team

timeleft //Displays the amount ouf time remaining in the round

cl_crosshairalpha //Use to change crosshair alpha, must have cl_crosshairusealpha set to “1″

cl_crosshaircolor //0=Green, 1=Red, 2=Blue, 3=Yellow, 4=Light Blue

cl_crosshairscale //Use to change crosshair scale, must have cl_scalecrosshair set to “1″

cl_crosshairusealpha //Enable or disable the use of crosshair alpha

cl_dynamiccrosshair //Enable or disable the use of dynamic crosshair, on will make crosshair shrink when you duck for better accuracy

cl_observercrosshair //Enable or disable the use of the Observer crosshair (1= On, 0=Off)

cl_scalecrosshair //Enable or disable the use of crosshair scale

crosshair //Enable or disable the use of crosshair (1= On, 0=Off)

cl_radaralpha //Use to change radar alpha, must have cl_radartype set to “1″

cl_radartype //0=Transparent Radar, 1=Solid radar with options to change alpha using cl_radaralpha

drawradar //Draws HUD radar

hideradar //Hides HUD radar

cancelselect //Cancels current selection

escape //Escape key pressed

invnext //selects next item in inventory

invprev //selects previous item in inventory

lastinv //selects previous item in inventory

menuselect //Selects item in that slot (0-9)

slot0 //select weapon group 0 (or menu item 0) see ‘use’ or cancels selection

slot1 // select weapon group 1 (or menu item 1) see ‘use’

slot2 // select weapon group 2 (or menu item 2) see ‘use’

slot3 //select weapon group 3 (or menu item 3) see ‘use’

slot4 //select weapon group 4 (or menu item 4) see ‘use’

slot5 // select weapon group 5 (or menu item 5) see ‘use’

slot6 //select weapon group 6 (or menu item 6) see ‘use’

slot7 // select weapon group 7 (or menu item 7) see ‘use’

slot8 // select weapon group 8 (or menu item see ‘use’

slot9 // select weapon group 9 (or menu item 9) see ‘use’

slot10 // select weapon group 10 (or menu item 10) see ‘use’ or cancels selection

m_filter //Mouse filtering (set this to 1 to average the mouse over 2 frames)

m_forward //sets the mouse forward speed sensitivity multiplier

m_pitch //sets the mouse pitch (up and down motion) speed sensitivity multiplier - * negative numbers result in an inverted mouselook

m_side //sets the mouse strafing speed sensitivity multiplier

m_yaw //sets the yaw speed sensitivity multiplier

sensitivity //Adjusts the Mouse sensitivity

zoom_sensitivity_ratio //Additional mouse sensitivity scale factor applied when FOV is zoomed in

+graph //Draw the network usage graph

cl_allowdownload //toggles download of maps, models and decals when joining a server - * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’

cl_allowupload //toggles upload of maps, models and decals when joining a server - * 1 is ‘on’, 0 is ‘off’

cl_cmdbackup //For each command packet, how many additional history commands are sent (helps in case of packet loss)

cl_cmdrate //Max number of command packets sent to server per second

cl_interp //Turns on or off whether you will interpolate object positions starting this many seconds in past

cl_interpolate //Interpolate entities on the client

cl_lagcomp_errorcheck //Player index of other player to check for position errors

cl_rate //Sets the max bytes/sec the host can send data (Upload)

cl_updaterate //Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server

connect //Connects to server (connect )

disconnect //Disconnect game from server

net_channels //Shows net channel info, a great way to determine your optimal cmdrate and updaterate settings

net_graph //Draw the network usage graph

net_graphheight //Sets the net_graph height

net_graphpos //Sets the net_graph position onscreen (1=right, 2=center, 0 or 3=left)

net_maxfragments //Max fragment bytes per packet (Ex. 1280)

net_scale //Sets the net_graph scale, larger number creates larger visual graph

rate //Sets the max bytes/sec the host can receive data (download)

ping //Display ping to server

retry //Retry connection to last server

+score //Toggles score panel

+showscores //Toggles score panel

togglescores //Toggles score panel

jpeg //Takes a jpeg screenshot: jpeg

jpeg_quality //Sets jpeg screenshot quality (1 is lowest quality, 100 is highest quality) Default = 90

screenshot //Take a screenshot

+voicerecord //Records input from voice input device (microphone)

bgmvolume //CD sound playback volume

cd //Play or stop a cd track

cl_customsounds //Enable customized player sound playback

play //Play a sound

soundscape_fadetime //Time to crossfade sound effects between soundscapes

soundscape_flush //Flushes the server & client side soundscapes

stopsoundscape //Stops all soundscape processing and fades current looping sounds

voice_enable //Turns Voice on /

off voice_overdrive // Voice Chat to Game volume ratio

voice_scale //Voice Chat volume

volume //Sound volume

cl_smooth //Turns Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors on and off (0 and 1)

cl_smoothtime //Smooth client’s view after prediction error over this many seconds (0.01 - 2.0)

fog_enable //Can turn fog on or off.

fps_max //Frame rate limiter (Best to use the max Hz of your monitor)

mat_antialias //Antialias setting

mat_bumpmap //Bumpmap Setting

mp_decals //Sets the maximum number of decals

mat_dxlevel //The DirectX Level. Default is optimal, but you can adjust manually here

mat_fastspecular //Enable/Disable specularity for visual testing. Will not reload materials and will not affect perf.

mat_forceansio //Ansio Setting

mat_monitorgamma //Video Adjusts monitor gamma (typically 2.2 for CRT and 1.7 for LCD). Try 2.0 for a CRT

mat_specular //Enable/Disable specularity for perf testing. Will cause a material reload upon change.

mat_vsync //Force sync to vertical retrace / V-sync

r_decals //Sets the maximum number of decals

r_propsmaxdist //Maximum visible distance of props (boxes, etc)

r_rainalpha //Changes rain alpha values (0=Off, higher number makes darker rain) r_RainSimulate //Enable/disable rain simulation (0=Off, 1=On) r_shadows //Enable shadows r_WaterDrawReflection //Enable water reflection

r_WaterDrawRefraction //Enable water refraction

benchframe //Takes a snapshot of a particular frame in a time demo

cl_demoviewoverride //Override view during demo playback

demo_debug //Demo debug info

demo_fastforwardfinalspeed //Go this fast when starting to hold FF button

demo_fastforwardramptime //How many seconds it takes to get to full FF speed

demo_fastforwardstartspeed //Go this fast when starting to hold FF button.

demo_interpolateview //Do view interpolation during dem playback

demo_pauseatservertick //Pauses demo playback at server tick

demo_quitafterplayback //Quits game after demo playback

demo_recordcommands //Record commands typed at console into .dem files

demogototick //Skips to a tick in demo

demolist //Print demo sequence list

demopause //Pauses demo playback

demoresume //Resumes demo playback

demos // demo demo file sequence

demotimescale //Sets demo replay speed

demotogglepause //Toggles demo playback

demoui //Show/hide the demo player UI

listdemo //List demo file contents

nextdemo //Play next demo in sequence

playdemo //Play a recorded demo file (.dem )

record //begins to record a demo and saves it as a .dem file

startdemos //Play demos in demo sequence

stop //Finish recording demo

stopdemo //Stop playing back a demo

timedemo //Play a demo at max fps and report performance info and average fps

timedemoquit //Play a demo, report performance info, and then exit

endmovie //Stop recording movie frames

startmovie //Start recording movie frames


enjoy :D


Credits to: CSSource.gr

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These commands are working with the game Counter-Strike: Source.


Be more specific if you have more questions.




P.S. : Title edited.Do not use caps lock with no reason.It's frightening :P

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