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Nerf Titan With Bow



Hello,  im trying to make a server but i cant fix something.


so some friends loged in and started testing farm zones, boss zones and pvp then we noticed that Human Archer has 7.8 p atak and 890 atk speed and Titan has 8.9 p atak and 850 atak speed without Frenzy,rage,zealot (titan has normal stats with 2h sword) so is there any way to nerf the Bow on titan?                       


removing the bow from characters which have not  "bow mastery" isnt an option

also how can i make the titan not be able to use frenzy when he a wears bow?

Thanks for reading my post and i hope some1 can help me !


(server has no custom items)
i use L2j Frozen.

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9 answers to this question

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Well, you could add the 'decrease' stat effect to (any) passive skill (with same effect check, but this time decrease effect - div as I remember) which ONLY titan has. Or create new skill (passive) and add it to the skilltree.


Take a look here, it may come handy.



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You could add a passive skill which will decrease p atk / atk speed when wear bow.


Random example. Just check skills xml, you will find much examples.

                <add order="0x40" stat="pAtkSpd" val="50">
                    <using kind="Sword,Big Sword,Pole"/>
                <mul order="0x30" stat="cAtkAdd" val="2.0">
                    <using kind="Blunt,Big Blunt,Fist,Dual Fist"/>

So, the skill will take effect just with those weapons 'kind=blabla'. Or restrict the use like

<set name="weaponsAllowed" val="Bow" />

You got the point.

Edited by SweeTs
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is there any guide for this kind of stuff? im still newbie and i dont understand much from what you said

so i got to >>  Gamesarver/data/stats/skill and then? what do i do ?

can you explain it with more details ? i really need help with this problem :(

Thanks for the reply ;)
and sorry for being annoying and asking all these questions

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wow... use search and look for examples.. try to solve this by ur self first

well thats what i've been doing all day today i searched at google,maxcheaters,RageZ***everywhere i could  i did found 1 thread at RageZ*** which could not load. thats why i decided to ask for help :S 


(believe me i prefer doing stuff by my own but at the moment i dont know what to do anymore and thats why im asking for help) so if you can help me pls do it,

it would be a pleasure to read your post.

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Just find the Frenzy skill and add in effect <using kind="Sword, Pole" />


So, the frenzy effect (p atk or so) will have effect ONLY with those kind of weapons.


Well, easy way to learn on your own is: check armor passives (read the description of the armor), track the ID of the item, see what skill (id) it's using, go to this skill and see how it's builded.

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so one last question and im done

how can i  add a passive skill which will decrease p atk / atk speed when wear bow???


btw i fixed the bow/frenzy thing thanks to you guys ;)


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