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god [L2Off] L2Mid Interlude X75 (13 December 2013)


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Fail Rates x50 spoil rate,drop rate and raid bosses x20.Enchant rate 66% all players with +16 weps. Nice pvp server 

some people like myself do not like to spend several hours playing a videogame, its not healthy. If you wanna spend alot of time on a l2server why arent you playing l2evoke x5 or something like that, instead of dicking around.

on topic: i think youre just copying l2blaze, u got greedy and want more money otherwsie you'd be wiping the x30 one, which is empty. Also l2epic.eu is coming on 6th i dont think youll be able to brag about online player when most of the clans you had playing on your x30 are going to play on l2epic.eu. 

Anyways good luck.

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some people like myself do not like to spend several hours playing a videogame, its not healthy. If you wanna spend alot of time on a l2server why arent you playing l2evoke x5 or something like that, instead of dicking around.

on topic: i think youre just copying l2blaze, u got greedy and want more money otherwsie you'd be wiping the x30 one, which is empty. Also l2epic.eu is coming on 6th i dont think youll be able to brag about online player when most of the clans you had playing on your x30 are going to play on l2epic.eu. 

Anyways good luck.

I don't want to spend many times to l2 i have and real life but if you play something you must enjoy it and you must play true x75 server with x50 spoil rate etc isn't true

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I don't want to spend many times to l2 i have and real life but if you play something you must enjoy it and you must play true x75 server with x50 spoil rate etc isn't true


Spoil rate was changed to x30 :) read

Raid boss will changed too


Let me make server better.

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Well it's quite simple, I've had good experience with Mid overall and hence I'm interested in upcoming project as well. That's the reason I'm "defending" it against some new accounter who calles its admin gay... And "19 years old", how is that even insult, isn't that actually accomplishment?

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Well it's quite simple, I've had good experience with Mid overall and hence I'm interested in upcoming project as well. That's the reason I'm "defending" it against some new accounter who calles its admin gay... And "19 years old", how is that even insult, isn't that actually accomplishment?

'new accounter'... seriously do you think any "new aka fresh" accounter would post such things? as i see youre here since 2010. So guess what, in march 2009 i've been making guides for l2off begginers . problem is i got ban because maxtor couldnt handle truth about him, and i lost my previously accounts :)))

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Well my point was rather that you're clearly just trashtalking, that's the problem... Next time you could point out dev's actual mistakes instead of calling him gay, that doesn't bring any new light to the discussion, and is generally considered as above mentioned "trash talk".

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