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Text Enter Game L2Jserver



L2jServer Rev 6255



I need help, I have done everything, changed several times in the file EnterWord.Java and not left to the fraze l2jChef and l2jServer, someone could help me, since I removed several times fraze the code is always more in this game. thank you.




(This Server uses L2J, a Project founded by L2Chef and developed by the L2J Dev Team at www.l2jserver.com Copyright 2004-2012)


I want to remove this sentence


Edited by Sarah.Walker
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Remove this from EnterWorld.java



activeChar.sendMessage(getText("VGhpcyBTZXJ2ZXIgdXNlcyBMMkosIGEgUHJvamVjdCBmb3VuZGVkIGJ5IEwyQ2hlZg==" + Config.EOL));
activeChar.sendMessage(getText("YW5kIGRldmVsb3BlZCBieSB0aGUgTDJKIERldiBUZWFtIGF0IHd3dy5sMmpzZXJ2ZXIuY29t" + Config.EOL));
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Is what Sweets said.

Stop creating the same topic again and again, I think that is the 3rd topic about the same, from you, so stop it now.

If it doesn't work is coz u are not compiling it right or u don't replace the files after compiling it.


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