cirene Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 SERVER FEATURES - Extender L2OFF Private Revision Interlude- Rates: Exp: 30x - Adena: 100x - Drop: 15x - Spoil: 15x - Quest: 1x. - GrandBoss 5x affects only item chance, not amount.- Quest Reward 10x amount, only quest available here: - Ketra and Varka Ally. - The zero hour. - Exploration of the Giant's Cave Part 1 - Exploration of the Giant's Cave Part 2- Seductive Whispers - Adena, Armor/Weapon Scrolls, 60% B Weapon Recipes.- Gather he Flames - S grade weapon recipe.- Relics of the Old Empire - Random S grade Weapon Recipe.- Supplier of Reagents - A grade crafting components / Full B-grade items / Requirement to items noblesse.- The Finest Food - Adena / Experience / and SP or S Grade jewelry recipe.- Slots de Buffs: 24 + 4 (Divine Inspiration's).- GM Shop C/B.- Npc Buffer 1 hours without Blessing Cat and Blessing of Seraphim. - Character skills time retail like.- Global Gatekeeper- Geodata Premium.- Blacksmith and Merchant Giran Center.- Craft Server.- Anti Bots.- Set Armor Penalty.- Drop sweeping every 10 Minutes.- Auto Learn SKills.- Skill Retail.- Only 3 Client by Computer.- Offline Shop.- Auto Pick-Up.- Spawn Protection.- Raid Boss – Epics: Retail Like ReSpawn.- Barakiel 11+1 Hours- Raid Boss Retail Like time. - Olympiad system every 2 Weeks. Retail Olympiad.- Olympiad start 14:00 and end 20:00 GTM -4 / UTC -4 - .menu – Exp ON/OFF - Remote ClassMaster - Shop Offline. - Cursed Weapons: Retail- Clan system: Retail.- Seven Signs: Retail.- Hero skills: Retail.- Enchant System: Safe: +3 - Max: +16.- Enchante Rate: 50% Normal (weapons/armors). WWW.L2CIRENE.COM
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