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Wts Iss99 Core Eu


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wts iss enchanter (dominator) 99 / sublass othel (spoiler) 99
on char:

all skills on iss +3-5

r95 bless hvy set+6 (armor +4) missing some atributes

r95 bless dual sword+9+sa+300
Istina earing+4
Octavis Ring+3
QA ring +4
Tezza neck +7
r95 dual dagers +4+300+sa (bounded)
tw belt+5+pvp damage

talisman of infinity (1st one rolf)

active reflect

active vampiric rage (specialy usefull for dager)


on same acc 3 more chars for zaken farming (85 lvl sumoner, feoh, iss, all with "free" gear that is given after awakening)


pm only with offer here or skype: ccmecc
sell all in 1 (no partial sells, and lf decent offer, dont ask how much cause answer: u dont have that much)

Edited by cmec
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