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[Guide] 1-40 Spoil+LvL guide. Spoil for fun , be rich cuz you need it.

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Notice : All mobs shown above or etc, can be found on l2wh.com or other database sites so don't ask stupid questions.

Credits goes to :Tault_Tault


AllLLLL righty then, here we go.


Let me start off with this, anyone who has gone through the hell of getting to level 20 once does not EVER want to do it again. So why would anyone try it with a dwarf... a character that has absolutely NO fighting skill until lvl 20? Simple answer to that one folks, the MONEY *ka-ching ka-ching*


Dwarves are the BEST money makers in the ENTIRE game, no argument there, but the thing most people think is," Then why isn't everybody a dwarf?" Antoher simple answer there, because most Americans are idiots (obviously not you, since you chose to make a dwarf). Secrets to money-making you ask? Read on.




IMPORTANT TO GET SKILLS: spoil and sweep


another note: Save all your recipes that you may get while hunting


Levels 1-5


Do the dwarven tutorial, get the map, and keep killing elder keltirs until lvl 5. You can find elder keltirs down the path towards town. As soon as you hit lvl 4 you can also go into town and talk to Marife Redbonnet for a quest. She's at the north end of town right next to the exit. The quest is to collect 40 black wolf pelts for a reward that ranges in value from 100a to 5000a. You can find the black wolves by taking the north exit and following the path until it slopes down to the ground. from there you see a river to your right, and another path leading back up into the mountain on your left. Right next to the path is a small path, just large enough for a dwarf, that is between the path up the mountain and the river. Take this path to the wolves.


Levels 6-10


Keep repeating the Black Wolves quest until you hit lvl 6. Hopefully you've gotten the 5k item from doing the quest, but if not, don't despair. I actually never did get lucky, but you should have enough saved up for a short bow anyway. Buy a short bow, and a club if you got the extra adena. Now the fun begins.


Go into the room full of elders, near the middle of town, and talk to the elders in there. Two of them will give you quests, one for killing goblins, and one for orcs. As soon as you get these quests leave town and exit through the north exit. At the end of the path where it slopes down to the ground again look towards the river and you'll see a bridge. Cross the bridge and continue in that direction. You'll see goblin snoopers and utuku orcs abound. I suggest finding a goblin snooper who is all by his lonesome and kiting his sorry !@#$%^&*(goblins work together if they're close by, so watch out) . When his hp bar is down to about 1/4 its safe to wade in with ur club. That way you save some arrows (hey arrows for 2a are steep man).


When you reach lvl 7 it's time to move on to the orcs. These bad boys hit a lot harder than snoopers, so i tend to kite them to death. However if you have a good melee weapon, like a mace, then you can probably take them 1:1 after kiting them to halfway. I tend to run n shoot till they're down to about 1/4, and then start clubbing em. If you're lucky you'll get map fragments every couple of kills. 4 of these pieces can be turned into a map, which is worth 1000a. Those pieces are what we're realy hunting for. After you're out of arrows head back towards town. On my way back I like to kill black wolves(i reccomend picking up the marife redbonnet quest everytime you leave town) and turn them in to Marife for the reward.


From level 8-10 you just repeat these three quests, turning in the quest items to the elders from time to time for the adena. You get 10a for each orihurolkon ore(drops from orcs) and 12a for each goblin necklace (drops from *duh* goblins).


Last but not least, once you hit lvl 10 go and do the dwarven weapon quest. You can find the instructions for it on L2orphus.com or lin.warcry.com. It's a pretty tedious quest but you end up with a 12k weapon, so go for it.


Level 11-15


Now you can do the covert operations quest (lvl 10 quest) by talking to elder keef in that room full of old dwarfs we visited earlier. He'll tell you to kill blade bats to collect 100 of their fangs. You can find thse bats on the dwarf coastline(accessable via Gatekeeper). Your reward is a nice pay-off of a ring of raccoon *2400a value* and 60 sp. You can repeat the quest to get 2400a and 60sp instead, however you MUST be wearing the ring to reciever the adena reward instead of the ring reward.


Keep repeating the covert op quest from lvl 10 to 11 and when you hit lvl 12 go back into town. Theres another quest you can pick up, as well as some shopping you should do. Talk to Elder Arinn this time, for a quest that requires more tedious farming, but which also has a nice payoff. You have to kill floating stones(found at same place as blade bats) and collect 50 floating stones. The reward is the same as the quest listed just above. Just substitute ring of racoon for ring of firefly.


Finally it's time to upgrade your equipment. You should have somehwere around 15k-20k saved up so far, more if you were lucky on the black wolf quest. Now use the shout or trade channel to tell others you want to buy a wooden set. The wooden set is composed of 3 parts, wooden BP, wooden helmet, and wooden gaiters. The prices are as follows:


wooden BP--- 7k

wooden gaiters--- 5.5k

wooden helmet--- 3.5k


After buying the set you hsould have a considerably higher p.def, as well as added hp from the set bonus. If you still have some money left to spend I would upgrade your short bow to a normal bow, which can be bought from players at prices ranging from 9k-11k. If not we move on.

Continue doing the two quests listed above, and make sure to get both quests and to finish both before going back to town. It saves time and money to turn in the items and getting the quests at the same time. Repeat quests until you get bored of em.


At lvl 13 or 14 you should have saved up enough SP to get spoil and sweep. These skills will be your bread and butter through the rest of your dwarven career. Each skill is 1000 SP so now you know why you've been saving your SP. Using spoil on a monster before it dies allows you to use sweep on it for additional items(usually crafting items, sometimes a piece of armor or weapon too). These skills will be an immeasurable help to your crafting career. Now that you've got the two skills every dwarf needs, check to see if you have any SP left. If you do I reccomend getting craft item lvl 1 skill, as it is an asset to all dwarves.


Now before you start fighting a monster try to spoil it first. It doesn't make the monster attack you so this is safe. From now until lvl 15 just keep doing the money quests and watch your coffers grow with gold.


Level 16-20


As soon as you hit lvl 15 and finish both the quests you've taken, you should return to town. Thers now antoher quest available to you. Talk to Trader Mion in the magic shop, and he'll assign you a quest to kill spiders for their silk. You can find the spiders one valley east of where you tele to the beach. The spiders drop silk and spinnerettes. The spinnerettes can be changed into silk by talking to defender nathan. Whenever you return to town be sure to turn in your silk as each silk= 20a. This is a great money quest to do until lvl 20.


Now that you have bought your wooden armor be on the lookout for dwarven mace and hunters bow. Both these weapons are priced around 40k. I've personally seen dwarven mace as low as 35k, and the hunters bow hovers round 45k. After you get these two weapons you should focus on getting bronze armor set, for 80-90k. However, armor is not as important as weapons are, so if you like using bows you should skip the bronze set and aim for a Bow of Forest, a 130k bow tahts quite strong. This weaopn will be great for kiting if you werent so DAMN SLOW.


Now theres also another quest at lvl 15 that can get you a free teleport but it's a waste of time seeing as how the 3000adena teleport out of dwarf town is much easier to hunt for than do the quest, so ill skip it here.


Once you've learned all the weapon and armor masteries that we've been skipping so far you'll be almost ready to leave dwarf town. As soon as you hit lvl 19 take the quest to become a scavenger/artisan (I prefer scavenger, better moneymaker). Both these quests take awhile and are pretty boring, but the end result is worth it. Whichever you choose, as soon as you complete it you have to level up to 20 and then return to the NPC taht gave it to you. Now you are your respective class, and new skills open up to you. I suggest you learn the three stun attack skills, and to learn either blunt mastery or polearm mastery (depending on what weapon you choose, if you choose spears, also learn the wild sweep skill), and to learn boost hp, and your armor mastery(whatever you chose). For Scavenger you would learn your spoil skill, for crafters your Craft item lvl 2, and crystallize skills.


Now is also the time to buy new weapons, and upgrade your armor to bronze if you havent already done so. As always weapons first then armor.


Now you can leave dwarf town once and for all(unless ur a crafter, then you gotta come back... damnit that place just sucks you back in doesnt it xD ) and go to gludin. From there I would suggest you go to gludio and hunt in the ruins around there.


Remember to have fun, and make some MOOLAH!! w00t w00t


edit: lol i forgot to say why dwarves were such good moneymakers. Heres why:



-spoil/sweep gets a lot of items needed to craft good items like sabre(440k items)

-lots of materials equals lots of quick cash if need be

-thats really all, but it's a lot



-can craft items such as sabre (440k items)

-in high demand to the outside world and guilds(some will pay you to join o_O)

-Makes great money teamed with a scavenger!!






Spoil Guide (THIS ONE FOUND AT L2orphus.com)


pretty useful since I didn't mention what mobs to spoil for waht




lvl12+ werewolf (animal skin)

lvl 13~14 gemstone beast varnish

lvl 17~20 goblin brigand leader= varnish,iron,

lvl 17+ twink puma = charcoal, bone, escape scroll, varnish

lvl20 skele(grim quest) (ok spoil...)

lvl20~20++ de down ivory beast = bone

lvl23+ goblin (near dion town) coal 70%~80%(i think) ^.^

lvl25+ ghost guardian (orc town) = steel,varnish,iron ^.^

lvl27~28+ truek orc bone powder ,coal,high grade suedue

lvl29+ water observer (forgotten temple) stone of purity ^.^

lvl31~32 amber basilisk (this place next to dion-->giran) = leather

lvl30~38 frog(near kruma tower) D grade armor enchant scroll

lvl36+ kruma tower porta high grade leather ^.^

lvl38+ windsus(near dv) stone of purity ^.^

(u leave...this hunting spots..when they gets light blue or dark blue..)

Have fun i hope you get rich and you have lots of fun spoiling.


i just have to say *ka-ching ka-ching*


well in my own experience i have play 1 server x4 ( NeutralZone ) here i learn how usefull a scavenger can be

(beacuse whit this u get the items whit the artisian u just creat them ... what i recomend is 1 make a scavy and after do another char Or Sub of artisian) and after u get the money , play whit any thing (u alredy have the adena)


i can tell u the quests of lvl 40 are the F*cking long , just by the fact that a dwarf lvl 50 alredy have money for A grade a dwarf lvl 65 alredy have money for S grade xD


good guide ..


Scavy Lord OF :






2 mobs in same room

the BEST place trust me

ori ore+ sop is alot of adena

in 39/40 without 2nd class  but with c grades u can spoil  porta in cruma (crafted leather)


pretty nice indeed.

As a dwarf (spoiler) you dont focus on lvling, you focus on moneymaking. If you have found a really nice spot you even delvl a few lvls to be able to stay there a few lvls more :P

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