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[Report] Matthew(Invis™) NO OFFTOPICS!


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English Official Spam Topic


    Flaming with highly insulting or racist comments are forbidden.



MaxCheaters® Staff.


Said wanker with keylogger.

Bulgarian trash were mad.

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So it's flaming right ?


Yep, Jakaha is trying to do smth but i don't understand what.

Locked every single topic with good reasons.


Jaka are u helping Matthew?




You report something and then you start uploding photo with a naked girl.


2:If you want to report someone do it properly with the proper information and don't go offtopic while you report him.



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Since it was his first flame with that account i will give him a warning and if he do it again i will dekarma him.




Edid:Stewie will receive a warning too cause Matthew made a reply and it wasn't referring to Stewie cause he was talking in generally.After that Stewie started the fight and he said that.

And yours IQ is OP.

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