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[L2J] L2Elcardia


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Last News on VAC 1 ( DDOS PROTECTION )


Hi There,

Yesterday we had a bug on the Arbor on the VAC1.

We restarted a software inside of the gear. But

it seems that the setup of the mitigations that

the gear has to do was lost. I've just made

STOP and START on all profiles and it seems to

work again.



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Every time I'm abit active in L2 community I come to the same conclusion. Nowadays interlude players just don't appreciate a well prepared game pack. They need OP classes to enjoy, obviously only kids play this game. I'm very disappointed to see such low online on such a good server. But I'd never blame the leading crew but the community. Time to permanently quit this game.

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Every time I'm abit active in L2 community I come to the same conclusion. Nowadays interlude players just don't appreciate a well prepared game pack. They need OP classes to enjoy, obviously only kids play this game. I'm very disappointed to see such low online on such a good server. But I'd never blame the leading crew but the community. Time to permanently quit this game.

I don't know how many online players that server has (I never joined) but it all comes to advertising dude.


Of course if the advertised server is a fail, players will leave but if it's good they will stay.

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I don't know how many online players that server has (I never joined) but it all comes to advertising dude.


Of course if the advertised server is a fail, players will leave but if it's good they will stay.

I have only 20 players every day. These players are the same. I have the same community, no new blood.


That means that is not server's problem because I still have the same players every single day.


Anyway, we will see.

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