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He's soo funny, isn't he?



I misunderstood the image ...

And what that prooves?

A customer of mine that have Reunion engine i used to sell before months with my files ( also luffy is my second customer )



I stated 100 times that this engine is removed even if it wasnt nexus!




Proofs that you deleted engine? It still exists on your topic http://www.l2reunion.eu/forum/index.php/topic,35.0.html which is the major topic for infos of your pack and not the infos on a random forum.

As you were saying 50-51-52-53-61 times tried to foolish us,keep up ;D .


From first place if you would accept it that it was nexusEventEngine,you might had your topic.

Now you don't deserve it.


The guy who made that topic is a customer of Nevermore.


What if he bought the NEE and adapted it to the pack?

By your thinking that it wasn't NexusEngine the one on l2jreunion's pack:

Yes,he bought a pack with a ready engine but he decide to delete it and add nexus one which it's similar.





Proofs that you deleted engine? It still exists on your topic http://www.l2reunion.eu/forum/index.php/topic,35.0.html which is the major topic for infos of your pack and not the infos on a random forum.

As you were saying 50-51-52-53-61 times tried to foolish us,keep up ;D .


From first place if you would accept it that it was nexusEventEngine,you might had your topic.

Now you don't deserve it.

By your thinking that it wasn't NexusEngine the one on l2jreunion's pack:

Yes,he bought a pack with a ready engine but he decide to delete it and add nexus one which it's similar.



I dont see there any preview or a proof that it is nexus engines.

Its just simple texts

Also dude you misunderstood something i don't try to fool any1 , facts are facts

I deleted the whole topic on my forum who was related to Reunion Engine



At least i get some free traffic :D

27 Guests, 8 Users (0 Buddies)

Whatever dude ... I need to go to sleep for now ...

I will say it one last time. Even if it wasnt Nexus Engine but Reunion's Engine we already removed it!

Our previous customers still have it (Reunion Engine) and we cant do anything about that!


If my previous topic dont come back i will create a new one selling the pack without "reunion engine" ( to be honest on my current i dont sell it neither i deleted them)





Also i dont really care about this but since rules are rules

due to new rules maxcheaters staff are not resposible to copyrights people who don't have verified status and copyrights bough, correct?

You see, that's the problem with this forum.


In any other forum, you would have been banned already for spamming about this all day and not accepting what the moderators did.



I need to understand something.

Since it wasn't nexus and you are right why the heck did you delete it?

Just to avoid all this shit.


You see, that's the problem with this forum.


In any other forum, you would have been banned already for spamming about this all day and not accepting what the moderators did.


The problem of this forum is that guys like Trance got e-power and using it against others just to harm them. You dont even know the situation and acording to the new rules theres nothing wrong with my topic! He just want to annoy me as he said


At least it will annoy NeverMore, this is what he gets in such situations.



I am still waiting for a final move/action from someone!

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