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Server Status PHP

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PHP script to display server status, this script wont flood the server each time user visits your website, it checks server status every 30 seconds (this will make your website to work way faster.


ini_set( "display_errors", 0);	//hide fsockopen/fopen warnings if file doesn't exist or couldn't connect
$g_Status = 0;

$g_Ip = "";	//Server ip
$g_Port = "7777";	//Server Port

function IsOnline($ip, $port)
$sock=@fsockopen($ip, $port, $errNo, $errStr, 3);//timeout set to 3 seconds
	return 1;
return 0;

function RefreshStatus()
global $g_Ip, $g_Port;
$status = IsOnline($g_Ip, $g_Port);
//storing info about timestamp and server status
$file = fopen("status.txt", "wb");
$timestamp = time() + 30;	//it will refresh every 30 seconds - won't flood the server
$cont = $timestamp .' '. $status;
fwrite($file, $cont);
return $status;

$file = fopen("status.txt", "r");
//file doesn't exist
$g_Status = RefreshStatus();
$cont = fread($file, filesize("status.txt"));
$data = explode(" ", $cont);	//$data[0] is our timestamp and $data[1] is our server status
if($data[0] < time())
	//refresh status
	$g_Status = RefreshStatus();
	$g_Status = $data[1];

//Display server status
echo "Online";
echo "Offline";



Credits:Vanganth and some edits made by me.

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//Display server status
echo "Online";
echo "Offline";



you can edit better by displaying an image

//Display server status
echo "<img src=\"folder/status_on.png\"/>\n";
echo "<img src=\"folder/status_off.png\"/>\n";


(create a folder with status_on.png and status_off.png in it.

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