oniKa Posted September 4, 2013 Posted September 4, 2013 l0l3 you still attack ppl that quitted your sh1tty server and now flame/blame J0k3 for what?And still you pull that "low gear" and you have no idea....j0k3 crew and most of us quitted l2woa coz found so many bug/exploits (most of them r on grand rb's)and Geodata is so FTW wont even start there...so pls stop trolling some1 leave coz some1 gearedup etc..... Quote
xgilgamesh Posted September 4, 2013 Posted September 4, 2013 150 real online dead server :troll: Quote
Medisept Posted September 5, 2013 Posted September 5, 2013 l0l3 you still attack ppl that quitted your sh1tty server and now flame/blame J0k3 for what?And still you pull that "low gear" and you have no idea....j0k3 crew and most of us quitted l2woa coz found so many bug/exploits (most of them r on grand rb's)and Geodata is so FTW wont even start there...so pls stop trolling some1 leave coz some1 gearedup etc..... We love Strikeback! :) Quote
kameran Posted September 5, 2013 Posted September 5, 2013 1. U dont want to get compared with tales aka vadc but from a good decent server witch was world some years ago went all way down . Its not just my opinion if u think about it . Maybe u dont have hidden donations but ur files just suck . ill just give u one example cuz dont have time to waste on a crap server that i dont care : a char lvl 50 gets 100% debuff on leeches when some chars with skills +20+ on chance have around 10% chance debuff to land . 2. about teaching you that i cant do. ur trying to be ironic but u failed . all people try to " teach " you how server works like a guy said before me ... u have posts in general discussion like in bug tracker . i think that just says all about ur knowledge about the files .... btw is this the 2nd wipe ? maybe on the 18 time of wipe u will actually fix some skills/bugs and dont just respond to people its retail like when all people know ur just full of lies . if u cant fix something just say so and dont consider people idiots and lie them to their face telling " its retail like " . 3. u were saying about telling what custom i mean . well i dont know from where to start . like many people said on ur forum and on mxc u change chars every week boosting and nerfing them dramatically . i remember stun here is 100% no matter what set or jewels u got . boosting chars like archers warlords dwarfs making them powerfull dd . i remember in ur previous server crafter full vesper vs sk full vesper +6 found set and cutter focus +6 + oly jewels . the dwarf won after 3 mins of fight in 1 vs 1 after tank all ud's where down and SOS finished .its that the server its retail when full buffed chars crafter kills SK tanking him for 3 mins in sos and uds . Also warlord dealing 2k dmg + on all aoe's in pvp in a char with 3600 p def . Archer hiting 8-9k on death shot in 3600 pdef . This is ur "retail like" server . 4.no im not banned on ur server . didnt played there this time or last time . when u got this crap phoenix files and i saw u wont fix nothing and let them bugged and not solved i decided not even to give it a try but i have friends who played there and told me all about it . in there words and i quote " the smartest thing u did was not to play on this LOL " . Btw u think i rage ? is a deference between rage and telling the facts as they are . Im not raging but i will vomit soon if i read more of ur lies here cuz they just make me sick trying to convince "who" that ur server is the best when in fact all know what crap it really is . Just to keep it clear for ur info im not playing l2 now and im waiting for something at least decent server . I dont care about ur money making crap servers atm im playing hellgate london till a serious l2 project starts . Btw i donno why u are so butthurted so much when we say something about ur server u always start to offend people . But what can i expect from someone who nick is l0l3d . no comment . I see we are on the same page . Dont mind l0l3d he is just simply a moron . 1. Oh yeah our files are "crap", thats why dont know why it show 10% for some skills and for some not. (just a litle hint: there is formula that caluclate what type of enchant and what type of skills is ex: 2nd 3rd class, enchant can be etc... ) and from there you have min and max chance that can be added or modified in the final formula for chance on skill. Pro developer, that blame our pack :) You have no clue about our pack or for l2 how its working to "Say" what we are and what we have. 2. I never said im "THE" best or pretendig to be, im ironic to ppl that are clueless, and just blq blq whole day w/o any point, logic, evidence. When you have a buffer on mid-pvp server theres never gonna have a balance, thats why every l2 chronicle have "changelog" on class balance ... OFFI the "balanced server"... guess what balance is a constant and never gonna exsist, we speak for equal of almsot equal chance 1 class to kill another class due MANY MANY variables. huh.. who im to teach you for "balance" ... 3. Every week boosting/nerfing ? You can see our changelog on main page, and there is writed everything. If i do some change as boost or nerf it have reason for it. There is nothing bad for it. And 90 % of the time ppl dont even feel the boost/balance coz its with small values. For you everything is pdef ? :P hello c4 player 4. I can name atleast 10 ppl here that are banned, before that they was begging and was so "good" players. Supporting the server but after a chance from us, the blow it and now you can read " OMG SHIT SERVER" .. OK... brain dmg. When you are not banned and not playing or played ... how you collected all that info, for our server ? :P Phoenix engine and phoenix files have big ... ops HUGE difference :) Everyone who knew me and worked with me know that i give ALWAYS a chance to someone, and do the things by the correct way not coz SOMEONE said so.. You can check our forums, i discuss everything with the players and working so they can feel good at the server. Blame me more for that, i think i become to good with them and now they jump on my head. p.s. yep thats rage, coz normaly you should argue or a start a topic what are the "problems", "mistakes" but you just PROOVED WITH WORDS whats "wrong". Objective guy... Best Regards l0l3d. Quote
kameran Posted September 5, 2013 Posted September 5, 2013 150 real online dead server :troll: Hello best EU player aka pto :) Should i ask you hows orfanos ? :P or he is near you. send him hi from me :) Everyweek "real" online going down with 50 ppl so in 4 weeks we will have -50 "real" players ? :P Quote
EvilD3ViL Posted September 5, 2013 Posted September 5, 2013 hey l0l3d , remmember when u had a nice server? No? sux to be you then :gtfo: Quote
Myura Posted September 5, 2013 Posted September 5, 2013 trash server , trash staff (my personal opinion) played on old l2world for 8 months , then i left ... now i was playing for few weeks in this lol server i remembered why i left 1 st time ...nerf , ddos , bugs , bots , moneky admins who speak only 2 words in english "retail like" , u can ask anything u want or complain in forum u will get the same answer everytime. i played for 6 years in off with some breaks ... funny but i newver saw this "retail like" in off ... maybe in BG u play diff l2 o.O Quote
Myura Posted September 5, 2013 Posted September 5, 2013 server have max 1.2-1.3 k ppl or less , rest are shops , boxes .. usually server shows 2.3 k ppl online and is not fake cuz i made a test and it count boxes too , didnt check the offline shops , but i play with around 10-12 chars my self , ppl make zaken inst for example and u need 3 small pts , we use to log this in 2-3 ppl max server is ok ... but not for me , idk on how they recruit theyr GM but some are totaly idiots , based on my game play on this server and theyr l2world old server . but there are no better servers atm so many ppl still hang out in world of monkeys ... about corruption and op donation ... there is no server w/o this retail feature :D if the GM are offended by my post go check warlord OP class , go check mamon npc(retail-like) u need char lvl 85 to exchange aa not 61 , go check daggers blows , go check atributes , go check all classes cuz they are totaly unbalanced ... i stop playing there so gl to whoever want to try it Quote
Medisept Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 till now every item in game has a logic. I mean i dont think there is corruption till now or i have not understand there is. Also about donations, there is not alive server w/o donations Quote
jakk Posted September 9, 2013 Posted September 9, 2013 i lold at arbor Networks when you just using the new ddos protection form ovh thats cost 10$. and This gm vegitto aka DDoS protection think hes smart lol,like you will ever understand smth about DDoS. Quote
snshd Posted September 11, 2013 Posted September 11, 2013 1,2k online? maybe in your dream you want to say 0,1k online! Quote
oniKa Posted September 12, 2013 Posted September 12, 2013 1,2k online? maybe in your dream you want to say 0,1k online! ofc 1.2k online when counter is x6-8,if there was 1k or more ppl,then you could see on epics 300 ppl not 1-2 PT's from each clan(by each clan 2 clans max) Quote
kozmodiks Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 guys i dont know why you flame this nice server ;/ there are so many offline shops with nice offerTs Quote
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