Medisept Posted August 29, 2013 Posted August 29, 2013 dont bump dead servers its pointless :troll: you d1ck is dump. Server is fine. it just needs some skills/class modification and will be ok Quote
Quad Posted August 31, 2013 Posted August 31, 2013 A friend of mine showed me this . L2world in 1 minute . i just simply laugh every time when i see it . Quote
immortal005 Posted August 31, 2013 Posted August 31, 2013 fail fucking server 100% go play l2 tales the best Quote
Eagle_Eye Posted September 1, 2013 Posted September 1, 2013 fail -beep-ing server 100% go play l2 tales the best not even science can help with your issue Quote
1tm Posted September 2, 2013 Posted September 2, 2013 A friend of mine showed me this . L2world in 1 minute . i just simply laugh every time when i see it . ROFL made my day.. <3 Quote
kameran Posted September 2, 2013 Posted September 2, 2013 A friend of mine showed me this . L2world in 1 minute . i just simply laugh every time when i see it . dumb ? by TheActivist : "It's mostly a joke video for robe classes. I play gladiator myself and, yes, I was OP first 1.5 week, but when everybody got equipped and enchanted I'm not that strong anymore (if you don't count the times when my skills crit x0x0x0)." immortal005, visit doctor explain him woa sux, tales best so he can give you the correct pills. bump for the mxc legends :) Best Regards l0l3d Quote
Quad Posted September 2, 2013 Posted September 2, 2013 dumb ? by TheActivist : "It's mostly a joke video for robe classes. I play gladiator myself and, yes, I was OP first 1.5 week, but when everybody got equipped and enchanted I'm not that strong anymore (if you don't count the times when my skills crit x0x0x0)." immortal005, visit doctor explain him woa sux, tales best so he can give you the correct pills. bump for the mxc legends :) Best Regards l0l3d As u can see i said someone told me about that . was just sharing cuz its hell fun and true . didnt knowed it was posted on ur forum ... who cares about ur server or even from ur server . world/tales/vadc are all money making craps servers where admin doesnt fix nothing and when they do try to chance something is always some custom . If u dont know what im talking about .... ur server is full of bugs and before it started kam3ran wanted to boost bd/sws dmg in pvp . Make more custom and dont fix ur bugs that shows how dumb world gm's are . Quote
kozmodiks Posted September 3, 2013 Posted September 3, 2013 As u can see i said someone told me about that . was just sharing cuz its hell fun and true . didnt knowed it was posted on ur forum ... who cares about ur server or even from ur server . world/tales/vadc are all money making craps servers where admin doesnt fix nothing and when they do try to chance something is always some custom . If u dont know what im talking about .... ur server is full of bugs and before it started kam3ran wanted to boost bd/sws dmg in pvp . Make more custom and dont fix ur bugs that shows how dumb world gm's are . its all clear for every decent player who stays more than 5 minutes on that server, anyway free bump for that offline shop server Quote
kameran Posted September 3, 2013 Posted September 3, 2013 world/tales/vadc are all money making craps servers where admin doesnt fix nothing and when they do try to chance something is always some custom Dont compare us with vadc aka tales, coz its prerty sad. You dont have a clue about the donation funds, and how much it cost everything. Where is our "hiden" and "corrupted" donation list ? Oh i forget its so hidden that none can see it but exist!? Donation rewards are based on the economc in the server. huh... Yep we cannot fix anything, we barely start the server its too hard, can you teach us :) When you call something custom or wanna say its bad atleast explain for what you talk... or the whole server is CUSTOM :D Full of bugs, can you tell me atleast 2 of them :P p.s. are banned or...? coz your rage is epic... its all clear for every decent player who stays more than 5 minutes on that server, anyway free bump for that offline shop server i belive you will become a legend in mxc, good job keep posting bulshits, maybe even pto will take you in his epic clan :) Keep spam , and i will keep make you a fool, coz when one guy (kid prolly) trying to say something w/o any clue or some evidence, then he is ... what ? a fool :) (lets not be so hard, a clown). Best Regards l0l3d Quote
kozmodiks Posted September 3, 2013 Posted September 3, 2013 the best evidence is here. almost equal posts in bug section than in general discussion, what else should i say? Quote
Quad Posted September 3, 2013 Posted September 3, 2013 Dont compare us with vadc aka tales, coz its prerty sad. You dont have a clue about the donation funds, and how much it cost everything. Where is our "hiden" and "corrupted" donation list ? Oh i forget its so hidden that none can see it but exist!? Donation rewards are based on the economc in the server. huh... Yep we cannot fix anything, we barely start the server its too hard, can you teach us :) When you call something custom or wanna say its bad atleast explain for what you talk... or the whole server is CUSTOM :D Full of bugs, can you tell me atleast 2 of them :P p.s. are banned or...? coz your rage is epic... i belive you will become a legend in mxc, good job keep posting bulshits, maybe even pto will take you in his epic clan :) Keep spam , and i will keep make you a fool, coz when one guy (kid prolly) trying to say something w/o any clue or some evidence, then he is ... what ? a fool :) (lets not be so hard, a clown). Best Regards l0l3d 1. U dont want to get compared with tales aka vadc but from a good decent server witch was world some years ago went all way down . Its not just my opinion if u think about it . Maybe u dont have hidden donations but ur files just suck . ill just give u one example cuz dont have time to waste on a crap server that i dont care : a char lvl 50 gets 100% debuff on leeches when some chars with skills +20+ on chance have around 10% chance debuff to land . 2. about teaching you that i cant do. ur trying to be ironic but u failed . all people try to " teach " you how server works like a guy said before me ... u have posts in general discussion like in bug tracker . i think that just says all about ur knowledge about the files .... btw is this the 2nd wipe ? maybe on the 18 time of wipe u will actually fix some skills/bugs and dont just respond to people its retail like when all people know ur just full of lies . if u cant fix something just say so and dont consider people idiots and lie them to their face telling " its retail like " . 3. u were saying about telling what custom i mean . well i dont know from where to start . like many people said on ur forum and on mxc u change chars every week boosting and nerfing them dramatically . i remember stun here is 100% no matter what set or jewels u got . boosting chars like archers warlords dwarfs making them powerfull dd . i remember in ur previous server crafter full vesper vs sk full vesper +6 found set and cutter focus +6 + oly jewels . the dwarf won after 3 mins of fight in 1 vs 1 after tank all ud's where down and SOS finished .its that the server its retail when full buffed chars crafter kills SK tanking him for 3 mins in sos and uds . Also warlord dealing 2k dmg + on all aoe's in pvp in a char with 3600 p def . Archer hiting 8-9k on death shot in 3600 pdef . This is ur "retail like" server . im not banned on ur server . didnt played there this time or last time . when u got this crap phoenix files and i saw u wont fix nothing and let them bugged and not solved i decided not even to give it a try but i have friends who played there and told me all about it . in there words and i quote " the smartest thing u did was not to play on this LOL " . Btw u think i rage ? is a deference between rage and telling the facts as they are . Im not raging but i will vomit soon if i read more of ur lies here cuz they just make me sick trying to convince "who" that ur server is the best when in fact all know what crap it really is . Just to keep it clear for ur info im not playing l2 now and im waiting for something at least decent server . I dont care about ur money making crap servers atm im playing hellgate london till a serious l2 project starts . Btw i donno why u are so butthurted so much when we say something about ur server u always start to offend people . But what can i expect from someone who nick is l0l3d . no comment . the best evidence is here. almost equal posts in bug section than in general discussion, what else should i say? I see we are on the same page . Dont mind l0l3d he is just simply a moron . Quote
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