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[RO]Ne uitam la 1 film si jucam o tabla




[ENG]Hello,dude i suppose you will use google translate to can speak with us bcs i see you'r not romainian :)


Raule, poti sa-mi dai unlock la server?!, l-am redeschis


hai k ma bag si eu......




sa va arat ceva :))))


Show Recent Messages (F3)


fuN #n1: salut frumoaso

fuN #n1: pf


fuN #n1: n'am apucat sa mai vbesc cu tine de cand cu al 2'lea razboi mondial..

fuN #n1: cum a fost la ledcore ?

Bubu: aseai fratica


fuN #n1: tre sa recuperam

Bubu: ce mai  faci?


Bubu: da

Bubu: )

fuN #n1: hai de sarbatori in bistrita amice

fuN #n1: ce fac?

fuN #n1: invat despre revolutia de la 1848

Bubu: plm si unde stau?

fuN #n1: si trag pe nas ..pff..

fuN #n1: de stat?

fuN #n1: se rezolva

Bubu: da

fuN #n1: de cabana..

fuN #n1: sau.

fuN #n1: am 2 apartamente

fuN #n1:

fuN #n1: 1 cu ai mei

Bubu: pai si cat face?

fuN #n1: si 1 al meu

fuN #n1:

fuN #n1: stai usor amice..ca alea daca e is din [partea casei

fuN #n1: u sa vii cu chef de distractie cu prietna sa ai ce fute daca nu iti dau eu

fuN #n1: si cu bani de ceva mancare

Bubu: pai nush... suna frumos

Bubu: daca e vin cu prietena


fuN #n1: de asta zic

fuN #n1: cand ii nunta ?

Bubu: pai inca nu e nimic sigur


fuN #n1: nu'ti merge web'ul

fuN #n1:

fuN #n1 has started viewing your webcam.


Bubu: merge?

fuN #n1: acuma da

fuN #n1: trebuie

fuN #n1: reglat

fuN #n1: putin

Bubu: se vede naspa

Bubu: plm

fuN #n1: ca se vede zici ca mi'am dat pumni in fatza.

fuN #n1: asa

fuN #n1: da'te drequ de frumos

fuN #n1:

Bubu: )

fuN #n1: asa ba

fuN #n1: arata'mi ca esti credincios

fuN #n1: ai pus'o pe Maica in prim - plan mai inainte

Bubu: sunt la nevasta acasa

fuN #n1: oh da ?

Bubu: da

fuN #n1: pot sa o vad si eu

fuN #n1: ?

Bubu: da

fuN #n1: sa stiu daca'mi permit sa fac vreo miscare cand esti beat

fuN #n1:

Bubu: plm

fuN #n1: se ruga ?

Bubu: se ascunde


Bubu: nu ba

Bubu: isi face sprancenele

fuN #n1: ai pus'o la respect ? ca vad ca purta voal si alte cele

fuN #n1:

fuN #n1: uuuuuhhh

fuN #n1: sexy

fuN #n1: noapte mare ?

Bubu: da

Bubu: )

Bubu: e prosop ma

fuN #n1: sa o faceti in numele nemancatilor din africa si a numelui meu

fuN #n1: pff

fuN #n1: bine ca'o prosop

fuN #n1: ca ma poanicasem..credeam ca'i musulmana..

Bubu: nebun esti ma


fuN #n1: panicasem*

fuN #n1: pe bune..credeam ca'i musulmana...si mai aveai vreo sotzioara pe undeva pe sub pat

fuN #n1: las ca'mi fac rost de web si eo

Bubu: ))

fuN #n1: sa vezi cand ma vezi iti dau 2 min pan ma infiezi

fuN #n1:

Bubu: sa mori tu de nu vi prin arad


fuN #n1: ai cioc bate'tear ciuma neagra sa te bata..ca eu si acuma pun lotiuni si ingrasamant natural pe el sa creasca

fuN #n1: si tot nimic..

Bubu: ))

fuN #n1: nici par pe piept n'am BA!

fuN #n1: apai sa'mi vezi fundu..

Bubu: ba ma pish pe mine

fuN #n1:

Bubu: ))))))))))))))

fuN #n1: BA

fuN #n1: USOR

fuN #n1: ca n'am chef sa te am pe constiinta

fuN #n1: zice sotzia ca'i dai liber

fuN #n1: si te dai la mine

fuN #n1: :

fuN #n1:

Bubu: ))

Bubu: stai flexat am sotie buna


fuN #n1: misto locul

fuN #n1: roz bombon

fuN #n1:

fuN #n1: loc de Master Pimps

Bubu: da e la ea acasa

fuN #n1: p

fuN #n1: i

fuN #n1: m

fuN #n1: p

Bubu: )

Bubu: plm sal vezi pe taicasu

Bubu: vai de capu meu


fuN #n1: camatar?

Bubu: ceva de genu



fuN #n1: inca ai sechele dupa prima intalnire cu el ?


fuN #n1: ahahahahah te meninta cu pulanu ?

fuN #n1: daca ai imaginatie..

fuN #n1: te gandesti la ce m'am gandit eu

Bubu: )))

fuN #n1: daca esti normal te'ai gandit la chestii normale..

Bubu: )))

Bubu: am trait in sf coitza pana acuma

Bubu: ))


fuN #n1:

fuN #n1: AHAHAH

fuN #n1: arad?

Bubu: da

fuN #n1: unde anume

fuN #n1: ?

Bubu: Nadlac

fuN #n1: hmm

Bubu: chiar la vama

fuN #n1: suna

fuN #n1: departe

Bubu: pwla ta

fuN #n1: BA

fuN #n1: stiu ce facem

Bubu: 50 km pana la nadlac

Bubu: de la arad

fuN #n1: stai

fuN #n1: asculta

fuN #n1: deci

fuN #n1: faci rost de 1 mugure

fuN #n1: fac si eu rost

fuN #n1: tragem un cui aman2

fuN #n1: ne sunam dupaia

fuN #n1: si sa vezi de nu o sa ne imaginam ca suntem

Bubu: sa facut

fuN #n1: unul langa altul

Bubu: )))

Bubu: ))))))))))))))))))))))))))

fuN #n1:

Bubu: pula mea

Bubu: nu ma las

Bubu: [ana nu beau o bere

Bubu: si un joint langa tine

Bubu: )

fuN #n1: stii cum sa farmeci o fata

fuN #n1:

Bubu: cum?

fuN #n1: baia *

fuN #n1: baiat*

fuN #n1:

Bubu: ))

fuN #n1: mi s'au aprins calcaiele pentru tine ba frumosule 

Bubu: ))))))))))))))))))))))

fuN #n1: las'o pe musulmanca si hai sa fugim in lume

fuN #n1: ca 2 nebuni

fuN #n1:

Bubu: ))))))))))

Bubu: vai de pwla meaaa

Bubu: )

fuN #n1: asa ca in filme...aman2 pe o campie

fuN #n1: in slow motion

fuN #n1: fugind unul spre celalalt

fuN #n1: plina de flori

fuN #n1:

Bubu: ))))))))))))))

Bubu: ba tu ai fumat ceva??)

fuN #n1: ba....mai ai putin si iti pusca o vena drequ in cap

fuN #n1: si te vad la stirile de la ora 5

fuN #n1:

fuN #n1: neah ...dimineata am tras pana m'am dat cu coaele de tavan..

fuN #n1: acuma's ok

fuN #n1: saream intr'un picior pe strada de ziceai ca's scufita rosie

fuN #n1: acuma ii spunea'i propunerea mea ?

Bubu: da

Bubu: )

fuN #n1: ca i'a uite ce propunere mi'a dat whiterose....vezi ? daca nu te porti frumos si nu'mi faci pe plac

Bubu: a zis ca afara e poarta

fuN #n1: fug cu el

Bubu: )))

fuN #n1: si o sa avem copii sclerozati si retardati facuti pe cale anala

fuN #n1:

fuN #n1:

Bubu: vai de plm

Bubu: hai fratica

Bubu: ca eu ma duc

Bubu: sa fumez o tigare

fuN #n1: ?

Bubu: in bucatarie


fuN #n1: ah ok  amice

Bubu: vb in 10 min


fuN #n1: eu citesc despre stenan cel mare

fuN #n1: ne distram aman2 nu?

Bubu: da

Bubu: )))))))

fuN #n1: ...

fuN #n1 is typing a message.

fuN #n1: !!




bubu= skanners  si celalant un prieten :))))





ok, te astept :D


Rauleee, astept unloc, te rog ! :D

nu merge serverul... am downnloandat pachu de la 4shared si imi pun id si psw si cand dau long in numi apare nimic....:|  app e cont automat??? ca nu am gasit pe site unde sami fac cont!!!
This topic is now closed to further replies.

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    • Web: https://cheatcenter.net/ Apex Legends Phoenix Macro We are excited to introduce our new development, Phoenix private macros for Apex Legends. Recently, it has become harder to develop stable and undetectable cheats for Apex, so we decided to add a safer option to our range. Our macros offer a revolutionary solution in the world of Apex scripts and macros. Everything is launched and configured through a convenient menu and works with all weapons and computer mouse models. So, our program is very user-friendly. Phoenix Macros provide you with an advantage in the game while minimizing the risk of your account being banned. In addition, we offer our program at a very affordable price. If you don't want to risk using cheats, then Phoenix Macro is perfect for you! Product Description Weapon recoil control (Apex Macros) Enable - You can enable/disable the macro during the game Weapon - the choice of weapons with which the macro will work Works with all weapons in the game Scopes - works with all scopes in the game Attachments - works with all weapon mods in the game Control X / Y - adjustment of vertical and horizontal recoil Auto-detection of weapons in your arms Auto-detection of weapon modules Hipfire - macro works when you shoot from the hip (not aiming) Legit Mode - is a safer way to control recoil List of supported weapons (Script / Macros for All Weapons) R99 R301 Alternator RE45 Flatline Spitfire C.A.R. Hemlock Rampage Devotion Volt P2020 SCOUT G7 Havoc PDW L-Star w30-30 Nemesis List of supported modules for guns Double Tap Trigger Turbocharger 2x HCOG "Bruiser" 1x-2x Variable Holo 3x HCOG "Ranger" 2x-4x Variable AOG Barrel Stabilizer Laser Sight Add. Script Features (Phoenix Macro) Binds - bind keys to select the desired weapon Autodetection - automatic detection of weapons in hands when holding a key Selector Circle - a convenient window for selecting weapons (in the form of a circle / wheel) Anti OBS - hide the script window and menu on screenshots and when recording via OBS Languages - English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish and Turkish Use Controller - phoenix macro for apex works with gamepads
    • Web: https://cheatcenter.net/ Apex Legends Dullwave Hack The private cheat Dullwave for Apex Legends. What sets this product apart is its balance and high quality, with a Loot ESP feature offering a wide range of settings. The primary function of the software is the AIM, specifically a vector-based system, perfect for both Legit and Semi-Rage playstyles. The next menu option is Loot. The item ESP is highly effective, with a variety of settings and categories, making it both visually appealing and user-friendly. Player ESP also matches the quality of AIM and Loot, providing a full-featured player display with smooth performance and multiple customization options. Notably, the Dullwave cheat stands out for its excellent performance and minimal risk of getting banned. If you're looking to try something new and reliable in the realm of Apex Legends cheats, Dullwave is an outstanding choice. Product Description AIM Enabled - enable aimbot, aiming assistance when shooting Bind - select a key to activate the aimbot (hold) Bone - body parts that the aimbot will target FOV - the size of the aimbot's working area Draw FOV - show the aimbot's working area as a circle around the sight Smooth - the smoothness of the aimbot, the smoother the aimbot is Prediction - predicting the enemy's trajectory Visible Check - only target enemies not behind walls Draw Snapline - draw a line to the current aimbot target Dynamic Smooth - dynamic smoothness, depending on the situation Ignore Knocked - ignore knocked enemies Max Distance - limit the range of the aim ESP (Wallhack) Max Distance - limit the range of the aim Box ESP - wh in the form of boxes Box Style - box style, corners or full 2D boxes Health Bar - show the amount of HP using a bar Armor Bar - Show the amount of armor players have using a bar Skeleton - wh in the form of skeletons Distance - distance to targets Name ESP - players' nicknames Snaplines - wh in the form of lines Weapon - weapons in the hands of players Glow - outline of character models Spectators - show the number of players who are watching you after death Loot ESP (Items) Loot ESP - wh showing items (loot) Rarity Filter - filter items based on their rarity Glow - outline of items Ammo - show ammunition Heal - first aid kits, items for treatment Scopes - sights for weapons Weapons - various weapons Deathbox - boxes of dead players with loot inside Grenades - grenade, explosive Equipment - helmets, armor, backpacks Attachments - various modules for weapons Distance - distance to loot
    • Web: https://cheatcenter.net/ Albion Online Radar Hack We are excited to introduce a new product in our store: a private radar for Albion Online. Creating software with powerful features for this game is quite challenging, which is why radar software remains one of the most useful and safest options available. With this radar, you can easily detect resources, mobs, players, and other in-game objects. The software comes with numerous customizable settings, allowing you to tailor it to your preferences. In short, if you want to significantly boost your farming and leveling speed in Albion Online, this radar is an invaluable tool you shouldn’t overlook. Product Description Players Radar for Albion Online Enable On Mount Name Health Distance Players in Your Party (Team Check) Mobs Radar for Albion Online Hostile (Enemies) Boss Miniboss Mists Wisps (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary) World (Items, Loot) Wood Rock Fiber Ore Hide Filter by Tier & Enchantment Hiden Cheast Avalone Drone Player Lootbag Mob Lootbag Dungeons Solo Group Corrupt Hellgate Mist Portal Distance Misc (Other Settings) Zoom Transparency Point Scale Text Scale Disable Radar Key Disable Player Key Custom Colors CFG System      
    • Web: https://cheatcenter.net AIMBOT Bone Select bind Prediction Draw FOV Fov Smooth Enable team check Limit dist VISUAL Skeleton Corner Box Health Bar Distance Nickname Enable team check Limit dist LOOT Armor plate Armor heavy Ammo Gasmask Weapon Money Kill streak Crates Stimulator Limit distance Colors Color visible Color Unvisible Color Visible team Color UnVisible team  
    • nice share, now if you add some details per file, i will unban your main account  😄
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