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Faction Server

Should I start to dev a Faction PVP Server like InfiniteL2?  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I start to dev a Faction PVP Server like InfiniteL2?

    • Yes
    • No

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Hello Everybody,


First of all, i'll present myself. My name is Baptiste "Bleadd" and i'm 19. I ended my IT studies specialization in Java


I was in the L2 community since C3 and i started to dev my own server (with precompiled pack, what a naab i was.. xD) @ C6.. After that, i started to dev and compiled my own pack at CT1.5..


Nevermind, I stopped to play L2 one year ago and i'm wondering if the community is still alive?

And, a this point, if the community is still alive, should i start to make a InfiniteL2-Like server? (that was the best server i played..!)


I've made this poll to know if it's a waste of time to start a dev or not..


Thanks for reading me.


P.S : If you can give your opinion, it could be awesome ! :D

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Im looking for faction server all the time, if someone made one it will be awesome.I remember clearly all the good times on Infinitel.Just for me C6 is past, so should be nice have H5 faction server bring smth new on almost dead Lineage scene.


+1 for faction server

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H5 it's shit, make client: Gracia 2 best client ever and for faction or epilogue :))

and +1 for make faction like infinitel2 best server.


What's the difference for you, between H5 and gracia2/epilogue?


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Faction server would be a good base. But if it's like a first person shooter with rooms where you drop-in drop-out of matches/fights on demand it will be boring.

Twats who say faction server has no challenge are clueless folk who play some dead shitt AngelVSDemons clone for 3 hours where people whine as soon as you duo with a healer.


You knowing java is cool but its not enough. The game needs incentive - there is no REASON to play. There is no competition. Competition is why this game is played. Competition can be in many forms.

On low rates competition is getting high level first, getting best gear, castles, doing raidbosses. Once this is done only few other forms of competition exist - getting high enchanted gear, artificially extended because of chance of failure, zone control, for whatever that's worth (helping clan mates become better). After that low rates die.

On high rates it is reduced to heroes. Cos lvling is pointless. Castles mean nothing cos everything comes cheap and the economy is -beep-ed.


To be blunt - there is so much detail that saying yes or no is hard.

Yes Faction server is a good IDEA and good BEGINNING.

No I am not convinced you can pull it off.


There are details regarding - accumulation of currency (method, amount) VS spending to maintain a stable and controlled economy; existence of ingame property that players can own, benefit from and feel the need to acquire and compete over; to follow the previous point - reason for conflict and combat; other ways to lead conflict apart from direct combat (blocking teleportation and rerouting enemies, churning out finances of your enemies, controlling the market, information filtering) so that all can participate in conflict not just people who are good at combat. These are only the main features you would need to consider for a healthy faction server, or else you will end up like GvE wiping every 2 months and eventually like infinitel2 - shut down.


Voted yes in hopes you might be inspired. If you have trouble picturing any of this, check out DUST514 and EVE mechanics.

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Faction server would be a good base. But if it's like a first person shooter with rooms where you drop-in drop-out of matches/fights on demand it will be boring.

Twats who say faction server has no challenge are clueless folk who play some dead shitt AngelVSDemons clone for 3 hours where people whine as soon as you duo with a healer.


You knowing java is cool but its not enough. The game needs incentive - there is no REASON to play. There is no competition. Competition is why this game is played. Competition can be in many forms.

On low rates competition is getting high level first, getting best gear, castles, doing raidbosses. Once this is done only few other forms of competition exist - getting high enchanted gear, artificially extended because of chance of failure, zone control, for whatever that's worth (helping clan mates become better). After that low rates die.

On high rates it is reduced to heroes. Cos lvling is pointless. Castles mean nothing cos everything comes cheap and the economy is -beep-ed.


To be blunt - there is so much detail that saying yes or no is hard.

Yes Faction server is a good IDEA and good BEGINNING.

No I am not convinced you can pull it off.


There are details regarding - accumulation of currency (method, amount) VS spending to maintain a stable and controlled economy; existence of ingame property that players can own, benefit from and feel the need to acquire and compete over; to follow the previous point - reason for conflict and combat; other ways to lead conflict apart from direct combat (blocking teleportation and rerouting enemies, churning out finances of your enemies, controlling the market, information filtering) so that all can participate in conflict not just people who are good at combat. These are only the main features you would need to consider for a healthy faction server, or else you will end up like GvE wiping every 2 months and eventually like infinitel2 - shut down.


Voted yes in hopes you might be inspired. If you have trouble picturing any of this, check out DUST514 and EVE mechanics.


I played almost every big faction server for years, get your facts together before you force your opinion over someone. 90% of the things you said are just stupid, on a faction server theres no economy or things to fight for..because its a faction server the main idea of it is killing eachother. So the economy is fucked unless you make something aion like which would require months and months of nonstop coding and testing, theres nothing to fight for because you need to rewrite every single part of the game to make it compatible with the faction thing and so on.


Overall a faction server is nowhere near unique anymore, if you want a faction server because you like the idea go ahead but expect the server to close after max 3 months because of lack of interest in it. But if you want to open a server and you just want to ask for others opinions than my suggestion to you is to decide on your own about everything dont listen to any of us and do what you feel can be good.

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I'm asking for opinions because I don't want to start dev for months for nothing.


Also, the server will be an InfiniteL2 like server. My goal is to improve myself in Java, so at this point, i think i can reach this easily.

I agree with intrepid on the fact that there is no real economy, but there is always an economy.


Faction server would be a good base. But if it's like a first person shooter with rooms where you drop-in drop-out of matches/fights on demand it will be boring.

Are you already went on Infinitel2? Because, every 30 min, there is events like CTF, TVT, kiing of the hill.. But there is also, 1v1,2V2 and others stuffs like this for the ppl that won't go in these events..


I think that i agree with you sandpants on the fact that it's hard to say yes or no, but i wanted a global opinion.. It's my problem to solves these little details..£


Anyway, if I start to dev, i've almost all the dev phase to think about the economy and make it balanced.. The economy of Infinite was pretty fine, they wiped every year and i think a faction server needs to be wiped on a regular times.. Else, it's impossible to allow new players to come in and play in the pvp Server.






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LOL. I'm not that stupid. You made no sense though.


Keep calm


Make sense.


Vague arguments and evidence - "need this and that, need months and months, need like aion (why?)" Some vague reasoning as to why there is nothing to fight for BECAUSE you need to rewrite everything.  :you serious?:


There were maybe 2-3 respectable faction servers in the last 4 years.

There is no definition of faction server that distinctly states that the main idea is to kill each other. It only segregates population onto X sides.


Economy is what you (as a dev) make it to be.

There is as much to fight for on a faction server as there is on any other server unless you as a dev, again, make it so.


Infinitel2 economy (excluding faction specific) was very successful. Pouches from PvP, require for crafting armor/weapons, which are ALWAYS in demand as people enchanted a lot and broke gear.

Pouches generate random items from a particular list that allow crafting a variety of gear.


1)Sell pouches for lower price.

2)Gamble - attempt to drop particular items from pouches which are higher in demand but at risk of random chance. This will generate more income but can potentially screw you over.

3)Keep pouches for yourself. Horde, buy more pouches with adena from PvP. Craft your own gear. Use or sell gear for higher profit. I knew clan mates that made 100k plus on server economy just from selling/buying. In perspective, a full kill gave 10a. More commonly, you got 3a.


There were raid tokens. Small clans would kill basic bosses, sell tokens to bigger clans for so those could kill epic bosses, sell raid jewels to general population if they willed.

There were various money sinks (augmentations, enchant chance check, prophecy potions)


This is economy. Demand -> Production -> Use -> Demand -> Production -> Use.

I played the server for 2 years and nobody complained about the mechanic. State? Maybe. Things become old.


All technicalities aside - economy is only bad when there is too much adena. InfiniteL2 never had too much adena.


But yeah. You don't need to spend months of coding and testing and making sht like AION for whatever reason.


There is nothing to fight for? Yeah, if you make it so.

Shards of destiny opened. Was open world - everything could be captured. It was a fresh faction concept. But owned land had no purpose. So there was nothing to fight for.


So don't spout sht like there is nothing to fight for and economy is bad because your experience of faction servers is more sour than vinegar.

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LOL. I'm not that stupid. You made no sense though.


Keep calm


Make sense.


Vague arguments and evidence - "need this and that, need months and months, need like aion (why?)" Some vague reasoning as to why there is nothing to fight for BECAUSE you need to rewrite everything.  :you serious?:


There were maybe 2-3 respectable faction servers in the last 4 years.

There is no definition of faction server that distinctly states that the main idea is to kill each other. It only segregates population onto X sides.


Economy is what you (as a dev) make it to be.

There is as much to fight for on a faction server as there is on any other server unless you as a dev, again, make it so.


Infinitel2 economy (excluding faction specific) was very successful. Pouches from PvP, require for crafting armor/weapons, which are ALWAYS in demand as people enchanted a lot and broke gear.

Pouches generate random items from a particular list that allow crafting a variety of gear.


1)Sell pouches for lower price.

2)Gamble - attempt to drop particular items from pouches which are higher in demand but at risk of random chance. This will generate more income but can potentially screw you over.

3)Keep pouches for yourself. Horde, buy more pouches with adena from PvP. Craft your own gear. Use or sell gear for higher profit. I knew clan mates that made 100k plus on server economy just from selling/buying. In perspective, a full kill gave 10a. More commonly, you got 3a.


There were raid tokens. Small clans would kill basic bosses, sell tokens to bigger clans for so those could kill epic bosses, sell raid jewels to general population if they willed.

There were various money sinks (augmentations, enchant chance check, prophecy potions)


This is economy. Demand -> Production -> Use -> Demand -> Production -> Use.

I played the server for 2 years and nobody complained about the mechanic. State? Maybe. Things become old.


All technicalities aside - economy is only bad when there is too much adena. InfiniteL2 never had too much adena.


But yeah. You don't need to spend months of coding and testing and making sht like AION for whatever reason.


There is nothing to fight for? Yeah, if you make it so.

Shards of destiny opened. Was open world - everything could be captured. It was a fresh faction concept. But owned land had no purpose. So there was nothing to fight for.


So don't spout sht like there is nothing to fight for and economy is bad because your experience of faction servers is more sour than vinegar.


Well mr smartass the thing is you refuse to acknowledge the fact that people think otherwise and you just force your opinion to others. From my point of view as a developer yes you need months and months of coding and testing to make it atleast decent, and from a players point of view the concept of a faction server doesnt matter how much you try to twist it is boring.

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There is a target demographic.


You can make a typical low rate server with GFepilogue or interlude or C4 like "EVERYONE" asks for. Will you drag the audience from giant russian servers which have 10k pop min? Or would you think that you can do without them? Cos you can probably count on your fingers the amount of players on MXC that want C4/interlude/Epilogue low/mid rates.


Or you can make something new that appeals to the current server hoppers. The previous will simply follow like sheep cos thats what they always do and join the hoppers.


The choice is - Stable, but less rewarding VS Gamble, high risk and high reward.


Developing on the latter > former. You can observe the former tactic in the advertisement section.

I do acknowledge your mentioning of global opinion. It's what essentially kills servers like Aurora and some other unique pieces of work. But their hype is nothing to sneeze about. Unlike the typical low rates, which is just "oh, look, a low rate reminiscent of servers 4-5 years ago. It is 'bound' to have high population and will be very successful" until you realize it won't because of some random details that make you feel uncomfortable.


Admit it, many players don't know what they want. If you seriously developed anything you probably felt this way. So instead of doing what they "want" and ask wouldn't it be more productive to put your brains to work and do something that makes sense not just from money PoV?


Like the previously mentioned economy system? You don't have to shove it in the players face when you advertise. It just needs to be there and YOU as a dev need to acknowledge that those things genuinely work and make the gameplay tick. That's whats important. Making things work. Not having players be aware that pouches generate demand and make the economy stable and then consider their opinion.

Have you ever thought that most people ask for "popular chronicles", just cos? Or some particular biased reason? Not because they KNOW it works (the general idea).


You might be right that I don't acknowledge the things you mention. They don't matter. They are a small picture IMO. They ARE significant, but they just have to be overcome or else you will just get stuck making random config changes recompiling to fix some random sht.

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Well im not dev im just player but i know that i would play faction server simmilar to Infinite. It was balanced and had so much fun playing it even if it didnt last so long as i wanted . All those memories are worth time spend. There is no other server like it.

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As a dev, all my clients during my IRL job don't know what they wants. That's why i think i'll based the project on the InfiniteL2.


I think i'll start to dev this project.. There is a target, i think..


I agree on the fact that a few people from MxC can't even represents the target.

After that, I played myself on Faction server and i never get bored. If i was, i went out for a hour and i came back. At this point, if you are bored, it's your opinion..


Also, Intrepid, you said : "I played almost every big faction server for years" so if it's boring, why you played for years.


Nvm, i've my answer, i think, even if i don't start the server, i'll dev the pack.

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