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Looking for members who want to help MaxCheaters.com and work as a team .


Must have Requirements (one or more of these): GFX Knowledge/Photoshop , Writing Daily Articles , vBulletin Managing, SMF Managing, Drupal/Joomla/Wordpress Installing and managing, Lineage II Server Administrating/Creating/Developing in any language.


Optional requirements (but still important): C, C++, Python, Java/Javascript , .NET, PHP, MySQL/MSSQL, Linux , or tell us what else you know better.


Please Personal Message me for more information.


Full list of interested members: (except maxcheaters staffers)


GFX Knowledge/Photoshop/Cinema4D: Voqus, Stewie, UnSponsored, Pauler, QQrofl, MasterDisaster, Dubxsion, xDamian

Writing Daily Articles: TheLioner, Zardanico, Mochuelo, Pauler, FighterBoss

vBulletin Managing:Mochuelo, Cristine, Pauler, Silverwind, QQrofl

SMF Managing: TheLioner, Grim., Zardanico, UnSponsored, Pauler, Roronoa, Alexkiss, Silverwind, MasterDisaster

Drupal: Grim., Pauler

Joomla: TheLioner, Grim., Pauler, Silverwind

Wordpress: TheLioner, Grim., Zardanico, Pauler

Lineage II Server Administrating/Creating/Developing in any language: TheLioner ,SubZεro, Voqus, Mochuelo, Devlin, KderD64, Pauler, FighterBoss



C,C++: SubZεro, KderD64, Pauler

Python: , Pauler

Java/Javascript: SubZεro, Voqus, Stewie, KderD64, Pauler

.NET:Silverwind, Pauler

PHP: SubZεro, Stewie, Pauler

MySQL/MSSQL: SubZεro, Voqus, Stewie, Pauler

Linux: SubZεro, KderD64, Pauler


all other:

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