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List Updated


Vesper robe found set +6 lvl 7 cheap 18E (SOLD)


Vesper Dual Dagger +6 lvl 6 ATR with 2 BEWS gift 7E (SolD)


Frintezza Necklace +4 and gift some BEAA 12E


(Accesory) > Gold-Rimmed Glasses 3E (SOLD)


15kkk adena on stock realy cheap 1kkk= 1E (SOLD)


Vesper buster acumen +5 lvl 7 ATT 10E


Vesper sigil found +4 5E and vesper Shield +10 7E


Vorpal jewels +4 Full set 10E


AQ+4 18E (SOLD)


ATT STONES AND CRYSTALS + GC.  Deppend of the quantity but cheapest




Top-grade Magic Ornament Mithril Belt PVP Defense +4 10E (SOLD)


Top-grade Magic Ornament Mithril Belt PVP Physical Attack +4 7E


Blessed Zaken +4 21E with some beas gift (Reserved)


Vorpal light set +6 lvl 7 (Sold)


Striped mithril shirt CP +4 with gift 40 EAS 4E


For more informations contact with me Via PM OR SKYPE > mochuelo19


Payment method (Paypal). Safe/Fast and skilled


ps: If you buy more than 1 thing will make you an descount deppend of which items you wish to buy  or you will be able to choice a gift BEAS/BEWS TOP LIFE STONES GC/Adena  etc...


If someone buy something supperior or 17/20E will be rewarded with vesper shield +10 or vesper found sigil and something more.


UP today server back online again in few hours so if someone is interested in anything that is in the list do not be afraid to add me on skype mochuelo19 ;) bzaken is already reserved.

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