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Maxtor PLEASE wake up.....


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Maxtor I think you let this forum die.... You cant see noobs that ruin your forum man ... We have already 4 posts against NiggaStoleMyBike


1) http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=267724.0&ckattempt=1

2) http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=267900.0

3) http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=267604.0

4) http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=266478.0


And this kid STILL RUIN YOUR SITE WITH NO MERCY ! Day by day more L2j projects good or bad shutting down ... Because of him ... Can you act like an admin PLEASE?

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It would be better if you post his reply where he said about those attacks.

Im not in place to upload thousands of replys man ... you can can check him posts/replys/votes and see if I am right.. Even his signature says ddos attacker .............. :troll:

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Im not in place to upload thousands of replys man ... you can can check him posts/replys/votes and see if I am right.. Even his signature says ddos attacker .............. :troll:


His signature is fake, not ddos attacker ;) But he said in some topics about ddos attacks..

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I am not asking you to post all the replies. Post 1-2.

Okay then


i say to gmguardia give me items or server die but :d he say me bluff  gf electroddos good job bro


Just the 1st i thought .. I can find thousands if you need ...


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If you run server you should spend some...

Also there are ways that doesn't cost money but neccessery some expiriance.


pay 300e for protection just for advertising on mxc? kkthnxbb

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