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[aCis] L2Versuvio x500 PVP Server - [ Launch 1 May 20:00 GMT+2 ]

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Added Account Password changer in-game and now working to integrate boss status inside the gatekeeper ( so as you know on our GK when you have on the left the teleport, on the right to show you if it's alive or how much time left untill he respawns[real-time] )


Finished allmost everything, only farm areas left and some few stuff to recheck again and after I can start advertising.


Reminder: Server will be launched on 1st of May 20:00 GMT+2


Did u doublecheck dagger classes? When ppl told u blows hit for 5-6k u didnt believe em. As u saw it was real and it was one of many reasons ppl left,at least I didnt like it personally.

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