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[aCis] L2Versuvio x500 PVP Server - [ Launch 1 May 20:00 GMT+2 ]


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12:07 in the night and also Monday, people got jobs and need to go to sleep, Sunday we were at 20:00 in the night 334 online and no hopzone/topzone yet, when activated I expect ~400-500.

Jesus Christ, 500 people? Omg, can you find room in Giran to walk to the GK with that many players? Lmfao, come to l2top.ru where a server on the top is at 5k-10k! Yea, lol fail
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Jesus Christ, 500 people? Omg, can you find room in Giran to walk to the GK with that many players? Lmfao, come to l2top.ru where a server on the top is at 5k-10k! Yea, lol fail


yea, ru server = 50% real players, 25% increase counter, 25% afkers. BTW server goes very good, 300 online w/o top/hopzone?

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Dude really are you insane? The guy above you wrote his opinion wtf its going on with you? Do you know him and you talk to him

like this? And who are you that we are supposed to know you?  :you serious?:

He's a fat 14 years old jerk..

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Keep in mind,of dat 300 ppl half are buff bots :) I told Kder dis da minute I logged in his beta dat with his buff system there will be many bots.

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