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[SHARE] CLAW Faction Interlude source files (latest)

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I decided to share my faction server files for interlude.


I don't have much time to write about features, so here you go:


#                      Faction Engine

# Enable or disable Boss Zone.
# Player will be able to teleport to boss zone every 5 hours and fight random boss.
AllowBossZone = True

# Remove buffs after death if player is not nobless blessed.
# True - Buffs will be removed.
FactionRemoveBuffsAfterDeath = True

# Allow players to use .rtd command to receive various rewards like super haste and etc.
# P.S some rewards may be "Slow", "Stun", "Sleep"... :D
# BETA! Don't enable!
FactionEnableRtd = False

# Disable third faction? (Only two teams will be available)
FactionDisableThirdTeam = False

# Enable or Disable faction guards spawn.
FactionEnableFactionGuards = True

# Enable or Disable map voting system. If disabled, map will be changed to the next on list.
FactionEnableMapVoting = False

# Enable or Disable faction members balance when player log in.
# Player will be moved to faction with less players.
FactionEnablePlayersBalanceLogin = False

# Team1 Faction Base location (x, y, z, min, max)
FactionTeam1Base = 147451,27480,-2204,50,50

# Team2 Faction Base location (x, y, z, min, max)
FactionTeam2Base = -14167,122140,-2989,50,50

# Team3 Faction Base location (x, y, z, min, max)
FactionTeam3Base = 18838,145347,-3128,50,50

# Spawn location for newbies (x, y, z, min, max)
FactionNewbieBase = 17724,110385,-6655,50,50

# Enable or Disable .online command to see online status of all factions
EnableOnlinePlayersVC = True
# Show online status of all factions on login
EnableOnlinePlayersEnterworld = False

# Enable or Disable anti pvp farm by IP protection
EnableProtectionIP = True
# Enable or Disable anti pvp farm on same clan
EnableProtectionClan = False
# Enable or Disable anti pvp farm on same ally
EnableProtectionAlly = False
# Enable or Disable anti pvp farm by PDef protection (If target Pdef is less than "ProtectionArmourA-beep-t" , player won't be rewarded)
EnableProtectionArmour = True
ProtectionArmourA-beep-t = 300
# Enable or Disable protection for pvp rewards if player were killed two times in a row by same player.
EnableProtectionSamePlayer = True

# Enable or Disable support classes balance on factions.
# Players with support class won't be able to change their faction to another, where is more support classes
FactionEnableClassBalance = False

# Round time. After round end, players will receive voting html to vote for next map
# 120 = 2h. 60 = 1h. Default: 120 (In minutes)
MapTimeDuration = 45

# Teleport all players back to base on round end. Default: True
FactionEnableAutoTeleportToBase = True

# Price to chose new faction
PriceForFactionChange = 150

# Faction Names
Team1Name = Sparta
Team2Name = Saiyans
Team3Name = Trolls
# Team Name Colors in RGB format.
Team1ColorName = FF0000
Team2ColorName = 0000E0
Team3ColorName = 33FF33

# Custom levels at start and for subclass.
StartingLevel = 78
StartingLevelSubClass = 78

# Pvp kills needed to equip S grade items
FactionKillsForSGrade = 0
# Enable/Disable check for pvp kills when equiping S Grade item.
FactionForbidUseItem = False

# Enable or Disable A grade equipment limit.
FactionEnableAGradeLimit = False
# Kills needed to equip A Grade
FactionKillsForAGradeItem = 100

# Enable or Disable anti-heavy system.
# Dagger, tyrant, and bow classes won't be able to equip heavy type armours.
FactionEnableAntiHeavySystem = True

#                          Npc/Player speak
# Use %n for player name.
# Enable/Disable npc/player say text when chosing faction. "This is sparta!" and so on. Default: True
FactionEnableSayTexts = True

# Texts for team1 player and npc.
Team1NpcText = This is Madness!
Team1PlayerText = THIS... IS... SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAA...!

# Texts for team2 player and npc.
Team2NpcText = Hey %n, what does the scouter say about his power level?!
Team2PlayerText = IT\"S OVER 9000!!!

# Texts for team3 player and npc.
Team3NpcText = Licence and registry!
Team3PlayerText = Problem, officer?

#                          Enchant system
# Enchant system settings
# Types: PVPENCHANT (will be auto enchanted), PVPSCROLLS (players will get scrolls from pvp) and OFF (simple enchant system).
# Commands - .setenchant and .info
FactionEnchantSystemType = OFF

# Drop chance for enchant scrolls in pvp. Default: 5%
# Type must be PVPSCROLLS.
# Player can get normal or blessed scrolls. Random.
FactionEnchantScrollsDropChance = 5

# Enchant limit for items.
MaxItemEnchant = 16
# Kills needed to auto enchant grade B item
KillsForEnchantB = 20
# Kills needed to auto enchant grade A item
KillsForEnchantA = 40
# Kills needed to auto enchant grade S item
KillsForEnchantS = 60

#                     Sp, Item rewards for flags
# Enable or Disable skill points and item reward by capturing enemy flag
FactionPlayerGetSpItemFlag = True

# Skill points a-beep-t, which player will receive by capturing enemy flag (first - clan level 1-5)(second - clan level 5-7)(third - clan level 7-8)(no clan - third)
FactionEngineAm-beep-tSpFirstFlag = 157865
FactionEngineAm-beep-tSpSecondFlag = 100875
FactionEngineAm-beep-tSpThirdFlag = 75405

# Item reward, which player will receive by capturing enemy flag
# (first - clan level 1-5)(second - clan level 5-7)(third - clan level 7-8)(no clan = third)
# item_id,a-beep-t;item_id,a-beep-t...
FactionFlagReward1 = 57,5
FactionFlagReward2 = 57,2
FactionFlagReward3 = 57,1

#                        Exp, points, rewards during pvp
# Enable or Disable experience gain in PVP
FactionPlayerGetExp = True
# Experience reward in PVP (first - lvl75-76)(second - lvl76-78)(third - lvl 78-80)
FactionExpRewardInPvpFirst = 13000000
FactionExpRewardInPvpSecond = 12000000
FactionExpRewardInPvpThird = 9000000
# Faction points reward by capturing enemy base
FactionPointsRewardFlag = 2
# Faction points reward by killing enemy faction member
FactionPointsRewardPvp = 3
# Player lose faction points on death
# A-beep-t of points, which player will lose
PlayerLosePointsOnDeath = True
FactionPointsLoseA-beep-t = 1

# Enable or Disable Item Rewards in Pvp
FactionPlayerGetItemByPvP = True
# Item A-beep-t (Player will receive - (FactionEngineAm-beep-tItemRewardPvp * Faction Flags Number))
FactionEngineAm-beep-tItemRewardPvp = 2
# Item ID, which player will receive in PVP
FactionPvPItemRewardID = 57

# Item id to get by spoiling other players
ItemIdSpoil = 57
# A-beep-t
ItemA-beep-tSpoil = 2

#                         Party related rewards
# Enable or Disable Item Rewards in Pvp for Party members (also by capturing flags)
# Party rewards in pvp and by capturing flag is same as killer rewards.
FactionPlayerGetItemByPvPInParty = True

# Party Reward only for support classes
PartyRewardOnlySupportClass = False

# Reward item Id. Count is same as player pvp reward.
FactionRewardPvpItmId = 57

# Chance to get party reward. Default 100%
Chance = 100

# Killer reward if he got a party (Player reward + FactionPlayerRewardIfPp)
# If there is an box character of the killer, killer reward won't be increased.
FactionPlayerRewardIfPp = 1

#                         Round end rewards
# SP reward for best player of the round
FactionEngineAm-beep-tSpForFirstPlace = 200000
# Adena reward for best player of the round
FactionEngineAm-beep-tAdenaFirstPlace = 50
# Festival Adena reward for best player of the round. Can be enabled or disabled.
FactionEnableAaRewardFirstPlace = True
FactionEngineAm-beep-tAaFirstPlace = 10
# Adena reward for second best player of the round
FactionEngineAm-beep-tAdenaSecondPlace = 25
# Adena reward for third best player of the round
FactionEngineAm-beep-tAdenaThirdPlace = 10
# Enable or Disable other item reward for best player (only for the best)
EnableItemRewardForTopPlayer = True
# Item id for reward
FactionItemRewardTopId = 8185
# Item a-beep-t for reward
FactionItemRewardTopA-beep-t = 1

# Enable or Disable item reward for all players of winning faction
EnableRewardWinFaction = True
# Reward item id. 57 = Adena
FactionRewardWinFactionId = 57
# Reward A-beep-t
FactionRewardWinFactionA-beep-t = 20

#                         Chaos Event
# Enable or disable Chaos event
EnableChaosEvent = True

# Super Haste skill level, which player will get. Max: 4
SuperHasteLvl = 2

# Chaos event duration time (Default: 20 minutes)
ChaosEventDuration = 1

# Chaos event interval (Default: 120 minutes)
ChaosEventInterval = 360

# Reward item id and a-beep-t for best player by pvp kills in chaos event
ChaosEventRewardId = 57
ChaosEventRewardA-beep-t = 20

#                                 Etc
# VIP price in Golden Coins.
VipStatusBuyPrice = 500

# Nobless status buy price.
# Format: item_id,a-beep-t;item_id,a-beep-t;...
# Don't leave ";" at the end!
NoblessStatusBuyPrice = 57,300;6673,40

# Allow VIP players to use .paint command ant paint with ancient adena on ground.
AllowPaintingAdena = True

# Disable npc buffer for necromancer's summons
AllowNecroSummonBuff = True








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