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[SHARE] CLAW Faction Interlude source files (latest)

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I decided to share my faction server files for interlude.


I don't have much time to write about features, so here you go:


#                      Faction Engine

# Enable or disable Boss Zone.
# Player will be able to teleport to boss zone every 5 hours and fight random boss.
AllowBossZone = True

# Remove buffs after death if player is not nobless blessed.
# True - Buffs will be removed.
FactionRemoveBuffsAfterDeath = True

# Allow players to use .rtd command to receive various rewards like super haste and etc.
# P.S some rewards may be "Slow", "Stun", "Sleep"... :D
# BETA! Don't enable!
FactionEnableRtd = False

# Disable third faction? (Only two teams will be available)
FactionDisableThirdTeam = False

# Enable or Disable faction guards spawn.
FactionEnableFactionGuards = True

# Enable or Disable map voting system. If disabled, map will be changed to the next on list.
FactionEnableMapVoting = False

# Enable or Disable faction members balance when player log in.
# Player will be moved to faction with less players.
FactionEnablePlayersBalanceLogin = False

# Team1 Faction Base location (x, y, z, min, max)
FactionTeam1Base = 147451,27480,-2204,50,50

# Team2 Faction Base location (x, y, z, min, max)
FactionTeam2Base = -14167,122140,-2989,50,50

# Team3 Faction Base location (x, y, z, min, max)
FactionTeam3Base = 18838,145347,-3128,50,50

# Spawn location for newbies (x, y, z, min, max)
FactionNewbieBase = 17724,110385,-6655,50,50

# Enable or Disable .online command to see online status of all factions
EnableOnlinePlayersVC = True
# Show online status of all factions on login
EnableOnlinePlayersEnterworld = False

# Enable or Disable anti pvp farm by IP protection
EnableProtectionIP = True
# Enable or Disable anti pvp farm on same clan
EnableProtectionClan = False
# Enable or Disable anti pvp farm on same ally
EnableProtectionAlly = False
# Enable or Disable anti pvp farm by PDef protection (If target Pdef is less than "ProtectionArmourA-beep-t" , player won't be rewarded)
EnableProtectionArmour = True
ProtectionArmourA-beep-t = 300
# Enable or Disable protection for pvp rewards if player were killed two times in a row by same player.
EnableProtectionSamePlayer = True

# Enable or Disable support classes balance on factions.
# Players with support class won't be able to change their faction to another, where is more support classes
FactionEnableClassBalance = False

# Round time. After round end, players will receive voting html to vote for next map
# 120 = 2h. 60 = 1h. Default: 120 (In minutes)
MapTimeDuration = 45

# Teleport all players back to base on round end. Default: True
FactionEnableAutoTeleportToBase = True

# Price to chose new faction
PriceForFactionChange = 150

# Faction Names
Team1Name = Sparta
Team2Name = Saiyans
Team3Name = Trolls
# Team Name Colors in RGB format.
Team1ColorName = FF0000
Team2ColorName = 0000E0
Team3ColorName = 33FF33

# Custom levels at start and for subclass.
StartingLevel = 78
StartingLevelSubClass = 78

# Pvp kills needed to equip S grade items
FactionKillsForSGrade = 0
# Enable/Disable check for pvp kills when equiping S Grade item.
FactionForbidUseItem = False

# Enable or Disable A grade equipment limit.
FactionEnableAGradeLimit = False
# Kills needed to equip A Grade
FactionKillsForAGradeItem = 100

# Enable or Disable anti-heavy system.
# Dagger, tyrant, and bow classes won't be able to equip heavy type armours.
FactionEnableAntiHeavySystem = True

#                          Npc/Player speak
# Use %n for player name.
# Enable/Disable npc/player say text when chosing faction. "This is sparta!" and so on. Default: True
FactionEnableSayTexts = True

# Texts for team1 player and npc.
Team1NpcText = This is Madness!
Team1PlayerText = THIS... IS... SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAA...!

# Texts for team2 player and npc.
Team2NpcText = Hey %n, what does the scouter say about his power level?!
Team2PlayerText = IT\"S OVER 9000!!!

# Texts for team3 player and npc.
Team3NpcText = Licence and registry!
Team3PlayerText = Problem, officer?

#                          Enchant system
# Enchant system settings
# Types: PVPENCHANT (will be auto enchanted), PVPSCROLLS (players will get scrolls from pvp) and OFF (simple enchant system).
# Commands - .setenchant and .info
FactionEnchantSystemType = OFF

# Drop chance for enchant scrolls in pvp. Default: 5%
# Type must be PVPSCROLLS.
# Player can get normal or blessed scrolls. Random.
FactionEnchantScrollsDropChance = 5

# Enchant limit for items.
MaxItemEnchant = 16
# Kills needed to auto enchant grade B item
KillsForEnchantB = 20
# Kills needed to auto enchant grade A item
KillsForEnchantA = 40
# Kills needed to auto enchant grade S item
KillsForEnchantS = 60

#                     Sp, Item rewards for flags
# Enable or Disable skill points and item reward by capturing enemy flag
FactionPlayerGetSpItemFlag = True

# Skill points a-beep-t, which player will receive by capturing enemy flag (first - clan level 1-5)(second - clan level 5-7)(third - clan level 7-8)(no clan - third)
FactionEngineAm-beep-tSpFirstFlag = 157865
FactionEngineAm-beep-tSpSecondFlag = 100875
FactionEngineAm-beep-tSpThirdFlag = 75405

# Item reward, which player will receive by capturing enemy flag
# (first - clan level 1-5)(second - clan level 5-7)(third - clan level 7-8)(no clan = third)
# item_id,a-beep-t;item_id,a-beep-t...
FactionFlagReward1 = 57,5
FactionFlagReward2 = 57,2
FactionFlagReward3 = 57,1

#                        Exp, points, rewards during pvp
# Enable or Disable experience gain in PVP
FactionPlayerGetExp = True
# Experience reward in PVP (first - lvl75-76)(second - lvl76-78)(third - lvl 78-80)
FactionExpRewardInPvpFirst = 13000000
FactionExpRewardInPvpSecond = 12000000
FactionExpRewardInPvpThird = 9000000
# Faction points reward by capturing enemy base
FactionPointsRewardFlag = 2
# Faction points reward by killing enemy faction member
FactionPointsRewardPvp = 3
# Player lose faction points on death
# A-beep-t of points, which player will lose
PlayerLosePointsOnDeath = True
FactionPointsLoseA-beep-t = 1

# Enable or Disable Item Rewards in Pvp
FactionPlayerGetItemByPvP = True
# Item A-beep-t (Player will receive - (FactionEngineAm-beep-tItemRewardPvp * Faction Flags Number))
FactionEngineAm-beep-tItemRewardPvp = 2
# Item ID, which player will receive in PVP
FactionPvPItemRewardID = 57

# Item id to get by spoiling other players
ItemIdSpoil = 57
# A-beep-t
ItemA-beep-tSpoil = 2

#                         Party related rewards
# Enable or Disable Item Rewards in Pvp for Party members (also by capturing flags)
# Party rewards in pvp and by capturing flag is same as killer rewards.
FactionPlayerGetItemByPvPInParty = True

# Party Reward only for support classes
PartyRewardOnlySupportClass = False

# Reward item Id. Count is same as player pvp reward.
FactionRewardPvpItmId = 57

# Chance to get party reward. Default 100%
Chance = 100

# Killer reward if he got a party (Player reward + FactionPlayerRewardIfPp)
# If there is an box character of the killer, killer reward won't be increased.
FactionPlayerRewardIfPp = 1

#                         Round end rewards
# SP reward for best player of the round
FactionEngineAm-beep-tSpForFirstPlace = 200000
# Adena reward for best player of the round
FactionEngineAm-beep-tAdenaFirstPlace = 50
# Festival Adena reward for best player of the round. Can be enabled or disabled.
FactionEnableAaRewardFirstPlace = True
FactionEngineAm-beep-tAaFirstPlace = 10
# Adena reward for second best player of the round
FactionEngineAm-beep-tAdenaSecondPlace = 25
# Adena reward for third best player of the round
FactionEngineAm-beep-tAdenaThirdPlace = 10
# Enable or Disable other item reward for best player (only for the best)
EnableItemRewardForTopPlayer = True
# Item id for reward
FactionItemRewardTopId = 8185
# Item a-beep-t for reward
FactionItemRewardTopA-beep-t = 1

# Enable or Disable item reward for all players of winning faction
EnableRewardWinFaction = True
# Reward item id. 57 = Adena
FactionRewardWinFactionId = 57
# Reward A-beep-t
FactionRewardWinFactionA-beep-t = 20

#                         Chaos Event
# Enable or disable Chaos event
EnableChaosEvent = True

# Super Haste skill level, which player will get. Max: 4
SuperHasteLvl = 2

# Chaos event duration time (Default: 20 minutes)
ChaosEventDuration = 1

# Chaos event interval (Default: 120 minutes)
ChaosEventInterval = 360

# Reward item id and a-beep-t for best player by pvp kills in chaos event
ChaosEventRewardId = 57
ChaosEventRewardA-beep-t = 20

#                                 Etc
# VIP price in Golden Coins.
VipStatusBuyPrice = 500

# Nobless status buy price.
# Format: item_id,a-beep-t;item_id,a-beep-t;...
# Don't leave ";" at the end!
NoblessStatusBuyPrice = 57,300;6673,40

# Allow VIP players to use .paint command ant paint with ancient adena on ground.
AllowPaintingAdena = True

# Disable npc buffer for necromancer's summons
AllowNecroSummonBuff = True








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    • This is dedication! 2 years working on a problem. Congratulations!
    • You indeed have to save player position over Enterworld to properly clean it up later (if you don't, even trying to delete packet content would eventually keep it up), that's what we do with debug packet (which is a reusable Map of ExServerPrimitive packets) on aCis.   It doesn't solve the FPS stuttering - more you draw/delete lines, more your client becomes laggy. It's like if client wasn't deleting drawn points/lines properly, but instead simply hide them and redrawn content above.   If you got a solution, I would happy to integrate it.   You should check aCis#Player _debug packet integration, it allows very big amount of lines/points to be drawn, it is also reusable.   https://gitlab.com/Tryskell/acis_public/-/blob/master/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/Player.java?ref_type=heads https://gitlab.com/Tryskell/acis_public/-/blob/master/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/EnterWorld.java?ref_type=heads  
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