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sat1on and pitbull = scamer


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edw h sunomilia pou mou ekane ton belgo....exei shmaia belgikh sto skype....a kai mou ton proteine o pitbull :[2:40:47 μμ] Do not disturb: hello

[2:41:05 μμ] l2server: hiii

[2:41:09 μμ] l2server: from???

[2:41:20 μμ] Do not disturb: bg

[2:41:35 μμ] Do not disturb: so

[2:41:43 μμ] Do not disturb: do you intersting?

[2:41:53 μμ] Do not disturb: you need any test?

[2:42:05 μμ] l2server: how i can pay you???

[2:42:26 μμ] Do not disturb: via paypal

[2:44:27 μμ] l2server: i don;t have

[2:45:01 μμ] Do not disturb: i am sorry man

[2:45:05 μμ] Do not disturb: only with paypal

[2:45:22 μμ] l2server: it is like gold??

[2:45:27 μμ] Do not disturb: yes

[2:45:30 μμ] Do not disturb: ofc

[2:45:47 μμ] Do not disturb: you want to test it?

[2:45:50 μμ] Do not disturb: but

[2:46:07 μμ] Do not disturb: ?

[2:46:19 μμ] l2server: how i can test it

[2:46:22 μμ] l2server: ??

[2:46:27 μμ] Do not disturb: i will set up the server

[2:46:35 μμ] Do not disturb: and you will login

[2:47:18 μμ] l2server: i dont have client

[2:47:51 μμ] Do not disturb: download it!

[2:48:03 μμ] Do not disturb: or i can send photos with all!

[2:48:25 μμ] l2server: do you have hoting???

[2:48:30 μμ] l2server: hosting???

[2:48:50 μμ] Do not disturb: no i will set up from my pc

[2:49:25 μμ] l2server: okkk i wil pm you later

[2:50:06 μμ] Do not disturb: ok

[2:50:08 μμ] Do not disturb: np

[2:50:11 μμ] Do not disturb: i will wait!

[7:19:50 μμ] l2server: hiii

[7:20:10 μμ] Do not disturb: hello

[7:20:24 μμ] Do not disturb: tell me!

[7:20:38 μμ] l2server: i want to buy your server

[7:21:43 μμ] l2server: but because i dont know to create a server i want to crete you to my pc

[7:22:26 μμ] Do not disturb: ok...np i will  make you the instalisation on your pc

[7:22:48 μμ] Do not disturb: you want to make any test?

[7:23:11 μμ] l2server: no i hear that you are very honest

[7:23:32 μμ] Do not disturb: that is nice

[7:23:39 μμ] l2server: can you make it today???

[7:23:46 μμ] l2server: i want to see it

[7:24:11 μμ] Do not disturb: yes i can but first we need to talk about the payment method

[7:24:19 μμ] l2server: yes

[7:24:32 μμ] Do not disturb: you dont have any paypal account?

[7:24:38 μμ] l2server: yes

[7:24:47 μμ] Do not disturb: only paysafe?

[7:24:56 μμ] l2server: yess

[7:25:25 μμ] Do not disturb: the problem is i cant to take the many because i am not from greece

[7:25:42 μμ] l2server: :(

[7:25:53 μμ] l2server: by credic card??

[7:26:53 μμ] Do not disturb: you have money in?

[7:27:02 μμ] l2server: yes

[7:27:22 μμ] Do not disturb: ok you must to make an paypal account

[7:27:45 μμ] Do not disturb: and after

[7:28:07 μμ] Do not disturb: you will add your credit card

[7:28:16 μμ] Do not disturb: to make a tranfer

[7:29:01 μμ] l2server: and how you will see that i send my money

[7:30:11 μμ] Do not disturb: when you send i will see my paypal amount

[7:30:23 μμ] Do not disturb: this is about 10 min

[7:30:28 μμ] Do not disturb: not more

[7:31:06 μμ] l2server: you will see that you that i send??

[7:31:21 μμ] Do not disturb: yes

[7:32:48 μμ] l2server: how much you say???

[7:33:33 μμ] Do not disturb: i sell for 150 euro and 15 euro for instalisation on your pc

[7:35:19 μμ] l2server: hmmm i dont know to create

[7:35:31 μμ] Do not disturb: i will help for that

[7:35:43 μμ] Do not disturb: all is 165 euro

[7:35:57 μμ] Do not disturb: and i will install for you

[7:35:59 μμ] Do not disturb: on your pc

[7:36:44 μμ] l2server: okkk

[7:36:47 μμ] l2server: know???

[7:37:31 μμ] Do not disturb: yes

[7:37:35 μμ] Do not disturb: i will hlp you

[7:38:39 μμ] Do not disturb: you will send the 50% of money and i will install the neccessery programms!

[7:38:54 μμ] Do not disturb: and after 50% of money i will give you the server

[7:39:12 μμ] l2server: i dont know how

[7:39:27 μμ] Do not disturb: you dont know how to send the money

[7:39:27 μμ] Do not disturb: ?

[7:39:36 μμ] l2server: yes

[7:39:43 μμ] Do not disturb: ok look

[7:40:03 μμ] Do not disturb: https://www.paypal.com/gr/webapps/mpp/home

[7:40:05 μμ] Do not disturb: go here

[7:40:08 μμ] Do not disturb: and make an account

[7:40:12 μμ] Do not disturb: with your real name

[7:41:19 μμ] l2server: w8

[7:41:48 μμ] Do not disturb: ok

[7:45:42 μμ] l2server: do you have teamviwer???

[7:45:48 μμ] Do not disturb: yes i have

[7:45:52 μμ] l2server: w8

[7:45:55 μμ] Do not disturb: ok

[7:51:51 μμ] l2server: can you connect to my pc

[7:52:08 μμ] l2server: with team viewer

[7:52:08 μμ] l2server: \

[7:52:10 μμ] Do not disturb: yes i can

[7:52:19 μμ] Do not disturb: give me the numbers

[7:52:30 μμ] l2server: and login with your papal acoounnt

[7:52:38 μμ] l2server: and to show me what to do

[7:52:43 μμ] Do not disturb: ok

[7:52:44 μμ] Do not disturb: np

[7:52:53 μμ] l2server: w8 to download it

[7:52:57 μμ] Do not disturb: kk

[7:55:47 μμ] l2server: internet problem

[7:55:49 μμ] l2server: omg

[7:57:36 μμ] Do not disturb: you cant to download it?

[7:57:43 μμ] l2server: yes

[7:57:47 μμ] l2server: where??

[7:58:05 μμ] Do not disturb: http://www.teamviewer.com/el/index.aspx

[7:58:14 μμ] Do not disturb: push the green button

[7:58:23 μμ] Do not disturb: and download it

[7:58:44 μμ] Do not disturb: is with your languege!

[7:58:46 μμ] Do not disturb: :)

[8:14:30 μμ] l2server: i had internrt problems

[8:14:48 μμ] Do not disturb: np i am waiting

[8:15:58 μμ] l2server: i download it

[8:16:47 μμ] Do not disturb: ok

[8:17:01 μμ] l2server: w8

[8:17:13 μμ] Do not disturb: give me the id

[8:18:35 μμ] l2server: w8 wc

[8:30:02 μμ] l2server: heyyyyy

[8:30:12 μμ] Do not disturb: ?

[8:30:13 μμ] l2server: lets start

[8:30:23 μμ] l2server: what i must doo

[8:30:38 μμ] Do not disturb: you have downlad the team?

[8:30:43 μμ] l2server: yy

[8:30:48 μμ] Do not disturb: install it

[8:32:10 μμ] l2server: okkk

[8:32:43 μμ] l2server: ???

[8:32:46 μμ] l2server: now???

[8:33:28 μμ] Do not disturb: give me id number

[8:33:31 μμ] Do not disturb: and the pass

[8:33:32 μμ] l2server: 542 606 538

[8:33:39 μμ] l2server: 1666

[8:43:17 μμ] Do not disturb: here

[8:43:26 μμ] Do not disturb: add the credid

[8:43:35 μμ] l2server: and after you will show me yuor acount??

[8:43:41 μμ] Do not disturb: now

[8:43:46 μμ] Do not disturb: just

[8:43:57 μμ] l2server: after???

[8:43:58 μμ] Do not disturb: you will send money

[8:44:00 μμ] Do not disturb: here

[8:44:07 μμ] Do not disturb: l2supprtteam@hotmail.com

[8:44:10 μμ] Do not disturb: nothing else

[8:44:35 μμ] l2server: no want to see your papal acount

[8:44:57 μμ] Do not disturb: when you send the money you will see the name

[8:45:03 μμ] Do not disturb: of my paypal acc

[8:45:20 μμ] l2server: i cant trust you

[8:45:23 μμ] l2server: man

[8:45:44 μμ] l2server: if you want log with paypal account

[8:45:49 μμ] l2server: because

[8:45:58 μμ] l2server: i want to see your

[8:46:01 μμ] l2server: that exist

[8:46:05 μμ] Do not disturb: ok

[8:46:14 μμ] l2server: i want now

[8:46:33 μμ] l2server: can you understand me???

[8:46:42 μμ] Do not disturb: yes

[8:46:50 μμ] Do not disturb: w8 a sec

[8:46:56 μμ] Do not disturb: you have paysafe

[8:46:57 μμ] Do not disturb: ?

[8:46:58 μμ] Do not disturb: card?

[8:47:03 μμ] l2server: noo

[8:47:14 μμ] Do not disturb: ok

[8:47:16 μμ] Do not disturb: look

[8:47:32 μμ] l2server: i cant trust you

[8:47:37 μμ] l2server: what happen

[8:48:00 μμ] l2server: i log with my account in front of you

[8:48:07 μμ] Do not disturb: 427 494 765

[8:48:09 μμ] Do not disturb: log ine

[8:48:10 μμ] l2server: you cant???

[8:48:17 μμ] Do not disturb: 5341

[8:48:21 μμ] Do not disturb: to see

[8:48:24 μμ] Do not disturb: the server

[8:48:39 μμ] l2server: 542 606 538

[8:48:47 μμ] l2server: 1666

[8:48:47 μμ] Do not disturb: no

[8:48:49 μμ] Do not disturb: no

[8:48:55 μμ] l2server: lol

[8:49:01 μμ] l2server: i trust you

[8:49:05 μμ] l2server: scammer

[8:49:27 μμ] Do not disturb: write the 427 494 765

[8:49:29 μμ] l2server: i dont want to see server

[8:49:35 μμ] Do not disturb: on your team viewer

[8:49:43 μμ] Do not disturb: to see my acc

[8:49:54 μμ] l2server: i want to see your acoount

[8:49:54 μμ] Do not disturb: you dont want?

[8:50:01 μμ] Do not disturb: ok

[8:50:07 μμ] Do not disturb: just log in

[8:50:12 μμ] l2server: where

[8:50:17 μμ] Do not disturb: 427494765

[8:50:22 μμ] Do not disturb: write those number

[8:50:29 μμ] Do not disturb: on teamviewer

[8:50:36 μμ] Do not disturb: and after

[8:50:39 μμ] Do not disturb: 5341]

[8:50:43 μμ] Do not disturb: to see my pc

[8:51:03 μμ] l2server: why???

[8:51:08 μμ] l2server: log to my pcc

[8:51:10 μμ] Do not disturb: to see the account

[8:51:14 μμ] l2server: and show me

[8:51:34 μμ] Do not disturb: no i cant to write your passwaord

[8:51:37 μμ] l2server: log to my pc and show me

[8:51:38 μμ] Do not disturb: on your pc

[8:51:46 μμ] Do not disturb: i am not a stupid

[8:51:56 μμ] l2server: what/???

[8:52:06 μμ] Do not disturb: if you want to see my acc

[8:52:19 μμ] Do not disturb: log with this number

[8:52:24 μμ] Do not disturb: tis see my acc

[8:52:27 μμ] l2server: how

[8:52:35 μμ] Do not disturb: partner id

[8:52:42 μμ] Do not disturb: [8:49 μμ] Do not disturb:


<<< 427494765

[8:52:46 μμ] Do not disturb: and after

[8:52:49 μμ] Do not disturb: 5341

[8:54:21 μμ] Do not disturb: ok?

[8:54:42 μμ] l2server: eisai ellhnas re file kai prospa8eis na me skamareis????

[8:54:53 μμ] l2server: mou edeikses la8os

[8:55:25 μμ] Do not disturb: ?

[8:55:41 μμ] l2server: your name is giorgos????

[8:55:50 μμ] Do not disturb: george more

[8:56:00 μμ] Do not disturb: yes

[8:56:05 μμ] l2server: re arxidi

[8:56:11 μμ] l2server: se akouga pou milouseee

[8:56:12 μμ] l2server: s

[8:57:17 μμ] Do not disturb: i had a conversation with my staff

[8:57:24 μμ] Do not disturb: on english

[8:57:34 μμ] Do not disturb: they are greeks

[8:57:45 μμ] Do not disturb: i cant speak greek

[8:57:50 μμ] l2server: scammer

[8:58:07 μμ] l2server: i will report you

[8:58:21 μμ] Do not disturb: wowow

[8:58:25 μμ] Do not disturb: what?

[8:58:41 μμ] Do not disturb: you will report me for what?

[8:59:25 μμ] l2server: eisai filos me ton pitbull e???

[8:59:47 μμ] Do not disturb: loipon akou file

[9:00:07 μμ] Do not disturb: ston putbull esteiles

[9:00:10 μμ] Do not disturb: mnm pws 8es server

[9:00:12 μμ] Do not disturb: etsi

[9:00:20 μμ] Do not disturb: egw eimai atuos

[9:00:24 μμ] Do not disturb: pou exei to pack

[9:00:29 μμ] Do not disturb: tou legold

[9:00:33 μμ] Do not disturb: l2gold

[9:00:43 μμ] l2server: eisai scammer

[9:00:52 μμ] l2server: kai esu kai o allos

[9:00:53 μμ] Do not disturb: dwse m ena logo?

[9:01:01 μμ] Do not disturb: su eipa psemeta se kati

[9:01:03 μμ] Do not disturb: ?

[9:01:10 μμ] l2server: to oti twra milas ellhnika?/

[9:01:31 μμ] Do not disturb: den eimai ellhenas

[9:01:35 μμ] Do not disturb: einai apo boulgaria

[9:01:37 μμ] l2server: xaxaxaxaxaa

[9:01:39 μμ] Do not disturb: kai sto eipa apo prin auto

[9:01:46 μμ] Do not disturb: 8es na deis ip

[9:01:49 μμ] Do not disturb: pou pou eimai?

[9:01:53 μμ] Do not disturb: kai p menw?

[9:02:04 μμ] l2server: oxi re den 8elw

[9:02:08 μμ] Do not disturb: tote?

[9:02:16 μμ] l2server: 8a agorasw apo alllon serveer

[9:02:28 μμ] l2server: kai esu 8a fas report

[9:02:32 μμ] Do not disturb: edw den ksereis na kaneis instal to teamviewer

[9:02:40 μμ] Do not disturb: kai 8es na pareis server

[9:02:42 μμ] Do not disturb: me douleueis?

[9:02:50 μμ] Do not disturb: egw h8ela na se boh8hsw

[9:02:52 μμ] l2server: exeis problhma???

[9:02:53 μμ] Do not disturb: kai esu m les

[9:02:57 μμ] l2server: report

[9:02:59 μμ] Do not disturb: pws 8a faw report

[9:03:01 μμ] Do not disturb: ?

[9:03:04 μμ] Do not disturb: eisai sobaros?

[9:03:18 μμ] Do not disturb: to oti su mhlaga sta agglika den paei na pei pws eimai

[9:03:21 μμ] Do not disturb: scammer

[9:03:33 μμ] Do not disturb: eides na su ekana kati

[9:03:34 μμ] Do not disturb: ?

[9:04:04 μμ] Do not disturb: oxi ara

[9:04:07 μμ] Do not disturb: ti blakies les

[9:04:19 μμ] l2server: exw apodeikseis megale

[9:04:37 μμ] Do not disturb: gia steile na dw?

[9:04:45 μμ] Do not disturb: apo periergeia

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kai auto ti paei na pei pws eimai scammer afou eimai apo boulgaria agglika h8ela na su mhlhsw den me upoxrewnh kaneis na mhlaw ellhnika.....kai enas monderator as kleish auto to topic please!

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hli9ie sthn sunomilia les oti den katalabaineis ellhnika


Akomh pitsiriko den exw katalabei emena gia poio logo me exeis kanei report? sou phra lefta? sou poulhsa kati pou einai gia ta mpaza? kai deuteron den sou susthsa egw pote kanenan esu apla pitsiriko thumisou ti mou eipes....


[7:18:02 μμ] l2server: egw 8elw na dw ton server etoimo ston upologisth mou

[7:18:10 μμ] PiTBuLL: file

[7:18:14 μμ] PiTBuLL: kanenas den sou dinei

[7:18:15 μμ] l2server: tote 8a ta dwsw

[7:18:15 μμ] PiTBuLL: server

[7:18:17 μμ] PiTBuLL: etsi

[7:18:22 μμ] PiTBuLL: xwris na exei parei lefta

[7:18:25 μμ] PiTBuLL: tespa

[7:18:27 μμ] PiTBuLL: kalo bradu

[7:18:32 μμ] l2server: geia

[7:19:21 μμ] PiTBuLL: sry ki olas alla den xreiazetai na se exw kai sto skype

[7:19:32 μμ] PiTBuLL: den se peirazei pou se diagrafw etsi file m?

[7:19:44 μμ] l2server: oxi re

[7:19:49 μμ] PiTBuLL: ok

[7:19:51 μμ] PiTBuLL: kalh sunexeia

[7:19:58 μμ] l2server: vrhka

[7:19:59 μμ] l2server: atomo

[7:20:04 μμ] l2server: euxaristw

[7:20:12 μμ] l2server: 8a mou parei omws parapanw

[7:20:12 μμ] PiTBuLL: kalh tuxh!

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