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I see people 'round the forums having trouble finding stuff on the internet, so I present this short tutorial on the bits and pieces that make Google so powerful.



You can use quotes to search for exact strings, useful when trying to find people with the exact same error as you.


You can also use quotes with the + sign, so as to look for multiple exact strings

Ex: "<one exact string somewhere>" + "<second exact string, does not have to be consecutive to the first>"


inurl:<part of url>

One of the best ways to look for websites vulnerable to an exploit, use in conjunction with "site:"(later in this tutorial)


You can augment inurl with both parentheses and the bitwise operator (|) to search for different versions of the url. Quotes can also be used here.

Ex: inurl:(login.php|login.asp|login.aspx|login.html)


intitle:<part of title>

Looks for a string as part of the page's title, useful for finding site indexes. Quotes, parentheses, and bitwise operators can be used here.

Ex: intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(.txt|.php|.jpg) "c99"


site:<website to filter>

Looks only at a certain website, useful when actually targeting a website and not just doing blind attacks.

Ex: site:www.anarchyforums.net ("Google-fu"|"Expansive E-books"|"ProxyScrapper"|"MirrorMe"|"login")


reminds me of <popular search>

Finds like products, or services to <popular search>. Does nearly the same thing as ~ (later in this tutorial)

Ex: reminds me of mIRC


better than <popular search>

Gives a little insight to Google rankings, finds a website, product, or service similar to <popular search>, but has a higher Google ranking. Useful for finding where to do link backs for search engine optimization.

Ex: better than hackforums

("about 454,000 results" Poor hackforums)



This will blow your minds: removes the item, site, title, or url from the search. Useful for finding free stuff, haven't really found much else to do with it...

Ex: Rose -intitle:flower -intext:flower



Finds search items related to the search. Useful when you don't know what you're looking for, but know it exists.

Ex: ~Hacking


filetype:<extension minus the .(dot)>

Finds files with the appropriate extension, all of the above still apply. Useful with site: and inurl: to find login pages and the like.

Ex: inurl:website.com filetype:php



Wildcard, allows Google to fill in the blank. Useful for when you know about what you're looking for, but it may vary a little.

Ex: "died in a * accident"

(this is also how XKCD came up with this image.)



Searches for number ranges. Only hacking-related topic I know for this is finding the vulnrable column on a website, if it has one.

Ex: site:hackforums.net AND inurl:/showthread.php?tid=1..5


allintext:<search tearms>

Finds pages with all the terms in the text of the page. All other operators can also be used here.

Ex: allintext:"anarchy forums is cool!"

(Why does this get 0 hits? :()


That's it for the tutorial! If you have any other bits or peices that I haven't mention AND are related to hacking, please post them in the comments!


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